I wanna feel love :Part 11

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"Freddieee!" Roger's voice echoed in the house.

"Jooohn!" Brian mimicked him, once he closed the door behind him.

"Should we be worried?" Roger asked, looking at Brian.

"Rog we just came in! I just closed the door! Why do you always have to be worried?"

"I don't always have to be worried! That's a lie!" Roger pouted his lips, as he took a seat at his favorite spot on the couch.

"Oh yeah?" Brian smirked, putting down his suitcase.

"Yeah!" Roger retorted and crossed his arms on his chest.

"How about when I went to the record shop without telling you? You thought that I was kidnapped!" Brian laughed.

"You were missing for more than four bloody hours, Bri!" Roger threw his hands in the air. "Who, for crying out loud, spends four hours at a record shop, all alone?"

"We do! Musicians do! Everyone who enjoys searching for old vinyls do!" Brian laughed as he got in the kitchen.

"Oh shut up!-" Roger chuckled and followed Brian.

"Ok... how about when John fell asleep and didn't come to the studio? You thought-"

"But John is always punctual! Always! How could I imagine that he had fallen back asleep?" Roger said and gave Brian a slap on the back of his head.

"Hey!" Brian exclaimed grabbing Roger by his wrists, pushing him against the wall. He stood in front of him, blocking his way out and gave him a hungry kiss on his lips.

Roger moaned in Brian's kiss, pulling him closer. "I've already missed you!" Roger whispered and passed his tongue over Brian's lips.

"Mmm me too!" Brian hummed and licked his lips eagerly.

He hesitated for a few seconds but then he decided to taunt Roger a little more "You don't think that John abandoned us and went back to Leicester, do you Roggie?" he smiled.

"God Bri! Would you let it go?"

Brian laughed again and took Roger's hand in his. "Why don't we just go upstairs to empty our suitcases and give them some time, until we start searching for them? They could have gone out to have lunch!" he tried to sound reasonable. "Or they could be still sleeping if they went out last night."

"You think they went out that's why they didn't pick up the phone yesterday?"

"Perhaps." Brian said and raised his shoulders. He started walking up the stairs, followed by a still concerned Roger.

"Ok... just promise me, please, that you'll never leave the house again without letting any of us know. Ok?" Roger asked.

Brian stopped in the middle of the stairs and turned to Roger "I'll never go anywhere without making it Breaking News. Ok?"

Roger sighed and nodded his head. "Ok. Now let's go look for them in their rooms!" he announced and rushed in front of Brian.

Before Brian could roll his eyes, Roger was standing in front of Freddie's room.

They opened Freddie's door but the bed was empty. They searched in the bathrooms but noone was there, too.

"Will you open it?" Roger asked timidly, standing in front of John's room.

"Why me?" Brian chuckled.

"Because... you are taller than me?" Roger asked again, looking up at Brian with pleading eyes.

I wanna feel loveWhere stories live. Discover now