Meet the Characters

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Archie Baker

Nickname: Baker

Born: 16th July, 2001

Description: Baker is the Youngest of the group of seven. He has short brown curly hair matching his dark brown eyes. He's smaller than the typical seventeen year old; his clothing is oversized due to his small frame. Only 164 cm.

Nathaniel Ward

Nickname: Nate

Born: 3rd August, 1998

Description: Born with pure white hair, draping over his shoulders showing one of the amber coloured orbs he has for eyes. He gives of a feeling of gentleness and kindness given his posture and his choice of clothing, being on the edgy side of things

Jack Moore

Nickname: Moe

Born: 10th March, 1998

Description: The Dirty Blonde haired boy has his own story that is hidden away behind his glittering Hazel eyes. He isn't loud and boisterous like the others, instead he's quiet and shy and is only comfortable in the presence of his six friends. He wears baggy clothing to hide things that his body has. His smile is as big and bright as the moon, but only comes out when no one is watching. (Out of the Six friends he is closest to Kai then the others).

Kai Taylor

Nickname: Tay

Born: 2nd April, 1996, 

Description: He has a head topped with Black greasy hair that is constantly slicked back, giving him that hint of edginess, although he wears bright coloured clothes that show off his true happy and bubbly personality. He is tall and has muscle to show, making him slightly intimidating when in reality he is actually timid of a few things. He is at an average level of knowledge knowing basic life skills.

Noah Reid

Nickname: Reedie

Born: 14th September, 1995 

Description: The Chestnut haired boy is always full of energy. He bounces around flaring his pearly white smile at everyone he sees. His big blue eyes stand out in a crowd and make him seem more welcoming and appealing. Although, if the crowds around him get to big, he tends to fade and feel upset as for he isn't in the comfort of his home and\or friends. If there isn't enough people to hang around with, or his friends, he easily becomes upset and wallows away in self pity.

Claude Mills

Nickname: Miles

Born: 21st November, 1995 

Description: The odd boy was born with a set of Silver hair, making everyone more intrigued with who the boy is. There's something wonderful about him, maybe its his bravery that makes everyone interested in him or just his odd friends. Nonetheless, people tend to be curious about him, but also weary as for he isn't afraid to speak his mind, which leads to him being a natural born leader.

Max Hughes

Nickname: Hughes

Born: 2nd November, 1992

Description: Hughes might be the eldest of the bunch, but he is a person that depends on his team mates, as well as being a character that acts like a mother to the rest of the group. The boy has striking ginger hair, which is then pulled back into a pony tail showing his grassy like eyes. 

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