Chapter 9 ~ Nothing But a Beautiful Memory

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Particularly Nobody's P.O.V

Morning had soon arrived, the bright light, the chirping birds and the fog that covered the ground had acted as an alarm clock for the boys in the past week or so they've been there, but that hadn't bothered them. It was good of them to wake up early, it only meant that more work was able to be finished. Their plans for the day included a whole variety of task, from gathering more food to searching the trees or the ground for more ways of getting home. But something wasn't right within the group, specifically with a couple of the friends, they had seemed slower than usual, a little less talkative as they once were.

As the days past, each member had seemed to be constantly drained from the difficult task they were assigned to do, two in particular were losing their energy quicker then the others. Moe, usually being the quiet and shy boy, was the first one to gain the attention of everybody in the group, as for he wasn't talking, he didn't eat, his sleeping patterns were all out of whack, everything was just out of the normal for him, he'd been growing weaker, and that day had it really shown. Moe's behaviour was identical to another member of the group, Nate's. His nature was kind and gentle, welcoming to all, but within the past day or two darkness had grown inside of him, darkness that had only made him ill. Nate hadn't eaten within two days, he tossed and turned at the sound of nothing and his speech had become a stuttering mess, he too was growing weaker.

The group noticed the boys bodies slowly fading away, they had noticed their feet being dragged across the ground, not being able to carry large amounts of weight at a time, they also noticed that they were not able to concentrate as easily as they once did. They l heard the small whimpers of the boys late at night or early in the mornings. It was clear to see that something wasn't right, but they were just told to ignore it and move on, they were told everything was alright and that they should just carry on with day to day task. Which they did...

Miles ordered Hughes to take the two boys out to scavenge for whatever source of food they could find, while the others stayed put back at the camp sight to work out the groups location and to figure out what their next move would be. Again, Hughes noticed the boys being slower than usual, they also weren't as talkative as they always were and had seemed to be glancing around as if something were following them.

"Hey guys, are you-" Hughes was cut off before he was able to finish asking his question, only to get a reply with...

"We are fine Hughes... we're just... we're just tired," replied Nate, stumbling am little before regaining his composure against the shoulder of the taller male.

"You should head back to the campsite then, lay down and get some rest, just try to regain your lost energy instead of over working yourselves," he pleaded as Nate stumbled backwards.

"We're fine... aren't we Moe?" he questioned the equally sick boy, elbowing him to gain some sort of attention.

"Huh... oh yeah... yeah we're fine."

Hughes shook his head in disbelief, he wanted them to be ok and healthy but if they said they were fine to keep going then he was too. He had taken one last look at the weakened boys and turned around to continue walking, slowing his pace in order for the boys to gradually catch up. It was only a couple of days ago that Hughes had seen the two prancing around like idiots, laughing and smiling, which was considered rare in Moe's case as for he hadn't really shown much of his smile to anyone, but I guess the situation had brought them a little closer then before.

A small smile crept its way onto Hughes lips, just remembering how happy they were. It was very unpleasant seeing your friends waste way in front of your eyes, it was sad how they had turned away the help of others, it was even worse on how he had listened to them, listening to them on how they were saying they were alight when they really weren't. Hughes hadn't known what to feel in this point in time, he wanted happiness but it was just so hard to receive.

Being distracted by the boys well-being and the happy memories that they had shared within the past couple of days, he had completely forgotten the task that he was set to do, but instead of getting back to the task, something else had caught his attention, and it wasn't good. Instead of focusing his attention back on the task, he had focused on something else, the sound. The sound of the small and faint whimpers could be heard coming from far behind him, possibly from one of the boys. Hughes had spun his way around to face the distressed boys... or boy.

Moe, only Moe. No Nate, just Moe.

He was laying on the ground crying ever so softly, it wasn't as loud as the cries from the previous nights, but it was still something. The male was limp and paler then usual, small and obvious red dots had taken place on the boys ghostly skin, displaying some kind of reaction from something. As well as noticing the deathly ill boy laying on the ground, he had noticed that Nate was no where to be seen, he had gone, disappeared, ran away, kidnapped...died. No! Hughes hadn't wanted to believe what he was thinking, he just didn't.

Without wasting anymore precious time, he had collapsed next to the boy, immediately gripping his small and soft hands in his.

"Moe! Moe! Stay with me! What's happening?! Please tell me! Where is Nate?!"

Hughes couldn't take it, he finally released his tears that were stinging his eyes and gripped the younger boys hands tighter, one making its way down to wipe the tears away from Moe's face.

"He's...He's... gone," Moe choked out as his eyes became to heavy to keep open.

"No Moe what do you mean?!" he frantically questioned, "Come on! Moe! Moe! STAY AWAKE!!" he pleaded, gently tapping the boys face.

Moe's hand slithered its way up to Hughes tapping hand, gripping it with the little strength he had in order to stop him.

"Hughes... N-nate is... D-d-dead, he's n-not coming b-back," stuttered Moe, "And neither w-will I."

And he meant it. His eyes had shut completely this time, never to reopen, not even to the violent shaking that Hughes had started.

The small droplets of tears that trickled down his face had now become a storm of tears. He had closed his eyes, sniffed back a few tears, as well as a few hiccups, and pulled the cold body towards him... soon to be hugging nothing but air.

Hughes eyes had shot open, wanting to see what happened to the boy within his arms, in seeing that he was no longer there, his sobs had gotten a lot harder to choke back. He had looked down into his hands and seen the ash of his friend, the pile just sitting there.

Moe had fallen into nothing but ash, nothing but a beautiful memory.

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