Chapter 2 ~ What Happened?!?!

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Third Person - Kai Taylor (Tay) P.O.V

The morning sun didn't care about the blinds in Tay's bedroom, it just wanted him to get a start on the day. Tay wasn't annoyed by this, in fact he was quite happy even though all he wanted to do was to lay in bed and sleep all day long. But he too knew he had to get up. Quickly accepting his fate of having to wake up, the slightly bubbly and tired human being jumped out of the his bed and made his way to the bathroom, immediately crossing off 'having a morning shower' off of his list of things to do. His showers didn't take long, only a couple of minutes and he was out. He only showered in the morning to wake himself up, and then he would have another in the afternoon. Stepping out of the shower, he grabbed his sweatpants and stuck them on his legs, not caring if he had underwear or not. Weird person. After applying the bottom half of his clothes and not caring about the upper half of his body, Tay left the steamy bathroom and made his way to the kitchen where his breakfast was waiting. Well... he still had to make it, it wasn't just sitting there on the bench. 

The morning for him was a little bit different than other days.. Tay was given a tight schedule for the morning and the rest of the day. Tay and the rest of his friends are taking up the opportunity to perform for an upcoming concert. So they've decided to organise a get together to practice for the performance. Not only that, Tay manages to save himself a bit of time throughout the days to earn himself a little extra money to get through... life. Busy, don't you think? Anyways, during his days Tay works in a small local cafe as a barista. He does this not only to earn money, but to distract himself from doing stupid things. He works while the rest are completing their own daily schedules, including school day routines... well... that thing was mostly for Baker.

Anyways, after Tay finished his small breakfast that he, himself prepared, he made his way upstairs to get properly dressed and ready for the day. 

As he was walking up the stairs, something had stopped him... a noise specifically. It was a peculiar noise. It sounded like it was coming from around the corner, coming from the master bedroom, which was his room. Being too scared to make any noises himself, he tip-toed to the entrance of his bedroom, peering his head around the corner to see what it was.

Seeing nothing, the boy quickly but quietly made his way up the stairs. But as soon as he was half way up the stairs, he paused... noticing that the sound got louder as well as seeing many vibrant colours of light come from the wardrobe inside the room. The look on Tay'a face was everything but straight and smiley.

Being too scared to make his way to the wardrobe himself, he decided to grab the closest thing to him that could protect him, which was an umbrella. With the umbrella being firmly placed between his two hands, he slowly and carefully moved towards the wardrobe, just wanting to face whatever's hiding inside.

All his nerves suddenly come rushing through his body, a little more noticeable than what they were before. Tay counted to ten, took a deep breath and jumped into the wardrobe while yelling and waving the umbrella around like a mad man in order to try and fight off what may or may not be in the wardrobe.

After a good couple of minutes of trying to fight off the stranger, or possibly what might just be a wild animal, Tay paused in his place and slowly opened his eyes to see what could've wondered in. The funny thing was is that there was nothing there in front of him, just his colourful clothing and the bags he uses on a day to day basis. The interesting thing was is that there was still the vibrant coloured lights and annoying noise.

There was another thing though, there was a coolness. Tay felt a cool breeze on the back of his neck.

"Did I leave the fan on or something," he questioned himself as he looked around the room. 

His eyes had widened at what he spotted. He carefully walked towards the wardrobes doorway and peered, yet again, out to see what exactly what was going on.

"Dear Lord! Where the hell am I? And... What... Happened?" he questioned once more as he stepped out, brushing off a few cobwebs from the tree's he had walked under.

"We are in the bloody woods Tay, where does it look like we are?!" bellowed Miles, startling the boy.


"Yep, there's also Reedie, Moe, Nate and Hughes," Miles said as he pointed his finger in the direction of the others.

"How did this happen?"

"We don't know! We also don't know how we got here or why we're here, so please don't ask, I have heard that question five times within the past five minutes. Well six actually... now including you," Nate commented, his attitude matching his clothing style even more then before.

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