Chapter 5 ~ Tension

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Third Person - Jack Moore (Moe) P.O.V

A cool breeze made its way through the woods, shaking the leaves off of the trees, some falling on the sleepy boys heads.
To help recharge their bodies and regain their lost energy, the two had decided to take a quick break and take a nap, that is until the not so friendly, cold wind had blown through the 'camp sight' they had settled in. Moe had awoken to the cool breeze surfing across his neck, creating a small pattern of goose bumps along his milky white skin. Of course, followed by the goose bumps, shivers had then made the boy move out of his own comfort, forgetting about how Tay used him as a pillow.

After settling down from the unwanted tingles that had shot all through his body, he had glanced down at Tay who was currently shifting from is current position. He had tossed and turned as if there were a fly following his every move, just wanting to get away. I guess Moe had accidentally disturbed the sleeping boy.

"Are you two boys awake?" questioned Mile, gaining multiple groans in return.

"Those groans of yours are going to be considered as a yes," Miles said as he turned sharply on his heels, facing the direction of one of the large sequoia trees, and started walking towards the small regular sized stump where his messy log pile had laid.

As Miles was fixing and sorting out his precious collection of the much needed logs, Moe had received the idea of standing up and stretching his knotted muscles. But of course there was always an issue amongst the group, not necessarily bad, but this issue hadn't helped if he wanted to stand. If Moe wanted to stand up and be free once again, he had to push off the half asleep kid laying on his shoulder.

Nate was very much awake, the boy just didn't want to admit to it in front of Miles. With prior knowledge of their annoying leader, Nate knows that Miles will set some sort of difficult yet somewhat 'important' task that really isn't top priority.

With his legs aching and his back pumping unnecessary amounts of pain, Moe just couldn't take the pain any longer. He had just decided that standing was more important than letting the boy rest for longer than he should, plus the blood being able to pump through his legs is considered more important in most situations. So without a doubt or a second thought, Moe had flung the boy his shoulder as if the fly from earlier had returned and had stood up within lightening speed. Moe hadn't cared if he had hurt the sleepy boy or had startled him, all he cared about was his legs regaining feeling and being able to move once more.

Nate's eyes had immediately flew open had the sudden movement, being fully aware of the surroundings he was currently in.

"Oi! I was resting! Why would you move?!" bellowed Nate as he sat himself up right.

"M-my legs were beginning to ache and my back was pumping so much pain, I needed to move. Plus Miles wants us to stay up and running in order to help with what needs to be done," Moe snapped back. It might not be as harsh or as snappy as others, but being in Moe's shoes, being able to snap back at Nate in the way he did without stuttering as much as he usually does was something.

No more words were shared for the next minute between the two, only small sighs escaping the lips of the boy sitting on the ground. Moe had only look at the boy apologetically, not knowing what to say or do.

"Don't give me that look Moe, I fully understand your reasoning for pushing me off of your shoulder. You knew that I wouldn't get remove myself from you shoulder, you know how stubborn I am, so I understand. I hope your legs and your is alright," assured Nate as a small smile had spread across his face.

Moe had carefully watched the boys behaviour, how easy it was for him to move on. Moe was very much aware that he was most likely the buzz-kill in this situation, ruining all the fun. But Nate had made it seem as thought he wasn't in the blame for this, he wanted to believe the younger boy, he had to believe him.

Nate had sat there waiting for his older friends response, the smile still sitting on his face. But the thing was... Moe wasn't able to say a single word to his sitting duck of a friend, he just couldn't. Instead of using his words, he had just smiled down towards his friends, still feeling bad for what he done, little or not.

"What is wrong with you!!!"

The loud clatter of falling logs had echoed through the woods, startling the boys and the disrupting the peace that had surrounded them. Nate and Moe had glanced at each other, scared to see what was waiting around the corner.

"Here help me up!" ordered Nate as he stuck up his hand for Moe to grab it, "Lets go see whats going on."

The boys didn't waste any time and ran over to wherever the noise had come from, wanting to figure out what exactly was going on.

They had zig-zagged through a few trees in order to get to the location of where the supposed bellowing had come from. It had only taken them a minute or so to reach the rest of the gang, but upon reaching them, their mouths had flung open, Moe even covering his eyes a little while Nate had pulled one of his hands to cover his wide open mouth.

The site that the boys had arrived at was certainly not pretty. Hughes, Tay and Reedie had returned from their little log finding expedition... but boy were they mad, or at least Hughes was. Nate and Moe might not have the lead up to what had happened within the last couple of minutes, but whatever it is was it was bad. The pile of neatly stacked logs and sticks had fallen to the ground, a relatively large log had been placed in the of Hughes while Tay was laying on the ground, hand to head to try and suppress the bleeding a little. Reedie had fallen beside the injured lad in a panicked manner, not knowing what to do.

As the feeling of fearfulness and sadness had overpowered all other senses and emotions, they had glanced over to their eldest friends, Hughes, who was currently losing all of his shit who had seemed to have taken it all out on Tay who was seen to be laying on the ground. Miles had decided to take action and hold the boy back, not wanting further damage to any of the boys around them.

After taking a long look at the situation that was unfolding in front of them, they were drawn back into reality, knowing that this is something that they have to put an end to. Moe had ran over to Reedie and the injured boy on the ground and had helped him over to a more safer and secure environment, while Nate had basically sprinted over to Miles to help him with their hot-tempered friend.

*Time Skip - 10 Minutes*

Moe and Reedie were quietly sitting in the shade that the large trees had provided not talking, not laughing, not smiling, not anything that had involved happiness. Instead of playing around they had focused their attention on cleaning the wounds of their injured friends who was laying on the ground in front of them, he was wake rest assured, but the funny thing was he didn't say anything more nor did he shed a single tear, he had only let the trouble hit him right in the head.

"What had happened?" questioned Moe, continuing to wipe off some of the dry blood.

Neither of the boys had replied, instead they both looked at him and shook their heads as if it wasn't important, although it most likely was. They had just sat their in silence, waiting patiently for the return of their friends, who was calming the temperamental boy down.

*What had happened*

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