Chapter 3 ~ The Stress is Real

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Third Person - Claude Mills (Miles) P.O.V

"Miles?" Tay started to question.

"Yep, there's also Reedie, Moe, Nate and Hughes," Miles said as he pointed in the direction of the others.

"How did this happen?"

"We don't know! We also don't know how we got here or why we're here, so please don't ask, I have heard that question five times within the past five minutes, six including you," snickered Nate (Nathaniel) as he moved behind one of the more larger trees.

Without even asking, Hughes, stood up from his place and had chased after Nate, not wanting him to wander too far away from the rest of them.

"What are we going to do?" appeared a small and shy voice.

The two quickly flicked their heads around to face the direction of where the small voice came from. Not being able to see anything at eye level, the boys searched the ground to see if the small voice was hiding below. And of course, there was someone curled up on the ground. The pair were met by a small ball of clothes, just siting on the ground. Of course it was not just being a pile of clothing, it was definitely a person, like the ball of clothes moved to show a face so there was someone hiding amongst the clothes. The small figure turned out to be Jack, or better known as Moe to the rest of the group.

Moe often hides himself away from things he finds unpleasant, scary or sometimes overwhelming, hence why he's hidden himself inside his oversized clothing. The younger boy is quiet and shy around others, he is also often referred to as a 'mute' to people who don't really know him, due to him not saying a single word. But to those he knows, he is not afraid to crack a smile or say a few words, and I mean a few, every now and again.

"We are not exactly sure Moe," commented Miles, while walking towards the younger boy and helping him up, "Wouldn't have a single idea."

With he short time of them all being there, they'd realised that not all of them were together, and by that I mean there were only six out of the seven boys. Though, considering that wasn't the main priority at that moment in time, the group started talking about what's happened. They discussed what they were going to do while Miles thought of a plan to get back to the main stream of people. But while he was trying to think of ideas, Miles sensed something, he sensed that there was a missing piece in all of this. He could just tell something was up, something wasn't right with this situation. Miles had done one quick head count of the gang to make sure everyone was here... which in this case... they weren't.

"Hey guys!" Miles yelled, getting everyone to pause in their places, "Where's Baker?" 

Everybody scanned their surroundings in hopes to find their missing friend. 

"By the looks of it Miles, he still hasn't appeared yet. Should some of us wait here just in case he shows up while others go off on a search for food and shelter?" questioned Hughes (Max).

A look of worry made its appearance on Miles' face. What if Baker never turned up? Or what if Baker did turn up, but he just turned up in a different area?

"Arghh!" groaned Miles, trying to be subtle, which unfortunately he wasn't.

"Are you ok Miles?" Questioned Reedie (Noah).

"Huh? Oh Yeah Yeah! Umm... Hughes? If you could take Reedie and Tay to search for food or possibly fire wood, that would be awesome. The rest of us will stay here and take care of fixing up a shelter."

"Rodger that! Lets go boys," replied Hughes, as the two boys had followed closely behind him.

After watching the trio walk off into the distance, Miles had turned back around to face the remaining pair that were quietly lying on the ground.

"Argh boys get up from lying on the ground!" Miles yelled, "You'll get yourselves all filthy by doing that."

Nate had bounced up onto his feet almost immediately upon hearing the leaders orders. The boy had begun bouncing around, up and down like a mad man, laughing and giggling while running in circles. It was easy to see that the boy had returned from his gloomy state and had turned into the loveable and positive chap he usually is, although with that being said, he isn't always this reckless. I guess he is just trying to make the other two laugh in a situation like this. The boy certainly does have an odd way of making others laugh though.

Due to the boys sudden action, Miles had fallen to the ground, clutching his aching stomach due to the amount of laughter he was producing because of Nate. It was clear on Moe's face that he to was enjoying the situation too, as for a large smile had crept its way onto the boys face. Even a small laugh escaped his sealed lips, making Nate pause in his tracks to admire the older boys reaction... but to tease as well.

"Did you just laugh?" questioned Nate, his voice becoming a higher tone due to him being surprised.

Moe had done nothing but look the other way, hoping that Nate hadn't seen much. But unfortunately he was wrong. Before he was able to turn away, the tower like figure standing above him had already gotten a glimpse of his rosy cheeks, as well as the boys smile.

"I did! I did make you laugh didn't I?!" beamed the boy as he jumped for joy.

"Thats a good thing, we haven't see that smile in a few weeks now have we?" he teased further.

Miles had soon recovered from his belly aching laughter and had stood up to sadly put an end to the whimsical position they were in. With the clap of his hands, Moe and Nate had then focused their attention to their elder friend.

"I do apologise my dear boys, but I do, regrettably, have to put an end to all our fun and games... for now. We have to draw our attention back to what is more important, which is building ourselves a proper shelter."

The pair had only sighed in response to their leader, still of course having their smiles stuck to their faces.

Nate had turned around to face the 'pile of clothing' and stuck out his, wanting to help him up. Even though Moe was slightly shocked at the sudden gesture, he had grasped the Youngers hand and gently yet swiftly hoisted himself up. After getting on their two feet, they were given instructions to find strong enough wood to make a shelter and rope like material to tie it all together.

Once the pair had set off to find the supplies they needed, Miles had set down and focused on ways they could get back to civilisation. It wasn't going to be easy for them, but they had to try.

It was obvious that it was going to be tough, but Miles had known they had to push past what was difficult to get to what was more simple and easy. And in this situation, persistence was key.

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