Chapter 6 ~ What in the World

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Third Person - Kai Taylor (Tay) P.O.V

Everything eventually sunk in.

Headaches had come and gone in the past hour. Tay knew that his friendship with one of his good mates could be falling apart, rather it being a temporary problem or it being permanent. Tay thought there might be a possibility of him having a fractured skull because of all the pain flowing through his head, as well as the penny size hole planted on the side of his head from a log hitting him.

Anyways, Tay was now waiting for Miles to walk past, wanting to talk with him about what happened. Just everything had sunken in... eventually breaking him. It has literally been a day and everything has already seemed to have fallen apart. Tay had only hoped that things would get better for them, that they were able to make their way back home again, the six of the them. THE SIX OF THEM!!!

Tay shot up, ignoring the pains telling him to lay back down again. Moe and Reedie had noticed the boys movement and immediately rushed over.

"Tay you need to rest, your not in the best of shape, here just rest for a little bit longer," pleaded Reedie, trying to persuade the kid into laying back down again.

"It's been a day since our 'arrival' hasn't it?" questioned Tay, gripping the boys shoulders with all the strength he had.

"Yes it has, why?"

"Where's Baker?"

Nothing was said by Moe or Reedie, instead their eyes had popped out of their heads as if a ghost had just walked by. They picked themselves up off the ground and sprinted away from the still injured boy, but they didn't care as much anymore, they were concerned about their youngest and more vulnerable friend, Baker.

Tay had climbed off the wooden plank Miles made, stumbling his way over to the rest of the gang, keeping a safe distance away from Hughes by placing himself in between Reedie and Nate. Hughes and Tay both knew they had to tend to the wound that was their friendship, but they had to focus on how to get out of this hell-hole for starters, then their friendship.

Miles had looked towards the three panting boys in confusion, he didn't know what exactly was going on with them.

"Boys, what's the matter?" questioned Miles, his tone being set to worried as he slowly walked towards them.

"Miles... it's been a day... am I correct?" Reedie asked as he made direct eye contact with the boy a few feet in front of him.

"Yes, why are you asking?"

"...You haven't noticed..."

"Noticed what?"

Instead of Reedie or Moe firing back a question towards Miles, it was Tay. "Miles, how many of us are here, standing in front of you?"

"There are six Tay, why do ask? Why are you asking the number of days we'be been here and the amount of people that are in front of me?"

"Miles... How many people are usually in our group"

"...There are usually seven, Baker hasn't appeared yet... and I don't think he will. Something isn't right here ok, but I am not going to sit here and try to figure out a way for Baker to appear here in front of us. He doesn't need to be stuck here like we are, I'm going to try and create a plan for us to get out of here."

Miles had said that at least ten times within the last twenty-four hours. When will he decide to tell the rest of them about what his options are? When will he actually sit them all down to exchange ideas? Had he thought of how they even ended where they are? If they could contact someone, they would.

Tays head had shot up almost immediately at the thought.


"What is it now Tay?"

"Do you have your phone?"

Miles didn't say anything in return. He had only stared at the boy, he had stared as if he were thinking really thinking and really concentrating on the words that had came out of his mouth. His body flew around to face the rest of the group, but they were slightly ahead of him, yanking out their phones from their pockets or running to where they had placed them down last.

"Why did I not think of this before?"

Miles hadn't wasted anymore time in whipping out his phone, he wanted to check if their young friend was doing alright on his own.

"Umm... Miles?"

The excited boy had looked away from his phone, only to come into eye contact with a sad and puzzled Hughes.

"What's seems to be the matter Hughes? Did you get a text back from the young lad?"

With the shake of his head, he replied saying, "No, it's not that."

"Then what is it?"

Hughes had lifted his phone from his lap to show the overly excited Miles, showing him the messages he had tried to send to Baker... but failed.


From Hughes

To Baker:

Hey Baker! Are you alright? Sorry that we didn't tell you, but we have gone on a country tour, you know for the stage performances that we do. We thought that we would let you complete your last schooling year. Don't worry about the gigs, they are just small club gigs as always. Alright, have fun, Byeeeeeeeee!

<End Of Message>

With the entire group being curious as to why the boy had seemed puzzled and confused, they had all huddled around Miles, wanting to see the message that Hughes had sent to Baker.

"That's absolute rubbish Hughes! Why in Gods name would you lie to the boy about our location?!" yelled Miles, standing up from his place.

"Miles wait! Just calm down ok? I didn't write this message, my phone automatically sent this message to him, as if it were already prepared. You have to believe me, why would I lie to the boy?" Hughes reassured the angered leader, arms spread in front of him as a bar of protection.

"Miles, I'm afraid Hughes is right," Tay said, also taking out his phone and showing the lost male a similar message to what Hughes had, "My phone had also sent a message to him as if we were going on a tour, not in the middle of the woods."

Miles couldn't believe what was happening at this moment, he didn't want to believe it, but there was obvious proof. Miles had taken this opportunity to take a glance at his own phone, wanting to see if the message he had sent had changed, and it did.

Miles had brought his hand up to cover his mouth as his phone dropped to the ground. The message he originally wrote, and wanted to send, had already changed into something that was similar to the other boys, it had sent itself automatically.

"Its as if there is something that doesn't want us to leave, it doesn't want us leave or find any help. It's like it wants us to figure it all out on our own. That or it wants us to be stuck here for the rest of our lives," stated Tay as he looked at his hone as if it were some alien creature.

"Oh relax Tay, nothing wants to trap us here permanently," Hughes butted in, giving the younger boy quite a stare down.

Miles had said nothing in response, only frowning in annoyance and confusion.

Something is definitely not right.

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