Chapter 1 ~ The Empty Studio

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I  am going to try to put the P.O.V's in third person view just for something different.

Might not do it for all of the Chapters but we will see.

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Third Person - Archie Baker's P.O.V

The dance studio was quiet and still when Baker arrived. He was the first to arrive and the only one that was there which was odd. The group of seven friends usually arrive at the Studio altogether, but today... today was different.

Usually Archie, or Baker, who is currently the only one in school, was greeted by all sic of his friends once school was over. From that point, his friends and himself drove to the studio to practice for upcoming performances. However, that day, instead of getting into the shady looking van, he stood out the front of his school. Waiting while looking like and idiot. He waited to see if they would come, that was up until he had enough of waiting in the summer sun and decided to walk to the Studio to meet the rest of the group there. Or where he assumed they were... but they weren't. 

It wasn't hard to miss the fact that his friends weren't inside. Baker saw that the lights were off from where he was standing, he knew that they weren't going to be there. All he wondered was where they were. There were no messages on his phone or note in the studio to say they left to do something or that they were going to be back later. He wasn't sure of what to do, he was worried but not to the point where he thought he should call one of them or the authorities. After all, they're old enough to take care of themselves, they're adults. Baker's the youngest out of the seven friends. Even though he's seventeen and still lives with a proper adult, his mum, he still very much depends on the rest of the boys. They're the only male figures in his life. 

Not wanting to waste any more time, Baker threw his stuff into one of the lockers there in the studio and quickly got changed out of his school uniform and into more loose-fitting clothing. Baker danced for a few reasons. At a young age he realized that his mum was struggling a little, so he started to create small choreographies and perform them on street corners to earn a little bit of money. He did this for a couple of years until he met his friends when he was twelve. From that point onwards his friends' parents paid for lessons for all of them and eventually bought a studio for them to practice in. The more they practiced, the better they got. That's what their dance instructor thought at least, so she thought it was time that they actually put themselves out there and got involved in competitions. Baker still smiles at all the memories he has from the time he met them to now, that was another reason why he danced... because of his friends and how close he was to them. He also did it solely because he enjoyed it. 

Without Baker realizing it, it was already dark. He'd lost track of time since he was more focused on his routines. Although, once he became more familiar with surroundings and the time, he didn't mind that it was dark, he just kept dancing away in the Studio. He just kept dancing the night away.

Even though he was dancing the thought of his mother coming home and him not being there was slightly stressing him out. But he pushed through until it came to the end of the dance, finishing with a star pose. He was tired; heavy breathing with beads of sweat dripping off of his face. He gripped his fallen shirt and lifted it back onto his small body. For a seventeen-year-old he was below the average height and weight, but he didn't seem to care or mind. 

Silence still wasn't thing in the large studio. Bakers loud panting could be heard from miles away. Ok that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get what I mean. it was hard for Baker to concentrate, especially since he was alone for the afternoon and he wasn't sure as to what he was supposed to be doing. Not only that, Baker had all his school work piling up, causing him to be a little bit more stress than he wanted to be. And not to mention his dancing. His friend, Miles, is wanting him to focus on learning this new choreo for an upcoming performance. But that's if the rest of the group is willing to learn it as well, plus they need to show up rehearsals, not just him.

With Baker's practice for the afternoon being done and dusted, he had made his over to the pianos bench with his water bottle in his hand and sweat dripping down his face and neck. He was tired and wanted to just relax for a few moments. Which was understandable. 

"Well...I might as well make my way home," Baker said, talking to his own reflection, "But... should I call one of the boys first?"

Before he was able to move a muscle, Baker had heard the very well known song 'Single Ladies'.

"Single Ladies? Why is Single Ladies playing?" Baker asked himself as he searched around the room to figure out where the sound is coming from.

While rummaging around the studio and the locker room to try and find where the song is coming from, something had pricked Baker's mind, reminding of what the song had meant. Baker had remembered that he had set that song as one of his friend's ringtones, leading to him rushing even more then what he was before.

As the sound of music drifted away, Baker started to panic even more, realising that the sound of the phone ringing was fading.

When the sound of the phone completely disappeared, Baker stopped rummaging and pulled out his hand, seeing the bright light of the phone shine in front of him. There was a missed call from Miles... wait no, not just one... but multiple missed calls.

With Baker not knowing the whereabouts of his friends as well as seeing the number of missed calls he has from his friend Miles only made Baker worry more. At this stage he was pacing the Studio, wall to wall, not at all sure of what to do. I mean calling him back would be a start but Baker was too caught up in his thoughts to do that. Baker wasn't used to being alone, he was usually surrounded by his friends 24/7. He was a spoilt kid really. 

After a few moments, Baker stopped pacing the room and looked at his backpack with fear. What's wrong with his backpack?

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