Chapter 4 - 1st missed period...

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         Racing off down the street into the distance, with the intense wind blowing my hair in every possible direction, is when it suddenly hits me. I lost my virginity to a boy who doesn't even care. This was supposed to be the most important part of my life, at least semi-important, and this isn't how I pictured it at all. I pictured losing my virginity to a guy who loved me, every detail and ounce of my soul. But this is what's happening to me right now?

          I gave it up to a kid at the wrong time, and I didn't even consider the possibility of losing it to someone that I'm helplessly in love with. I'm seventeen years old and this is the reality of the situation. Caleb is my brothers best friend, and he has never liked me before. I honestly doubt he even does at this point although he told me he cares. I just really can't find it in my heart to believe him.

         Feeling my eyes collect more water than I would have expected, is when I don't even bother puting my right blinker on before I yank the wheel over to the side, causing horns to loudly blare at me as they pass by. I slam on the breaks, haulting my car to a stop, feeling as if I'm going to throw up as I sit up straight and cover my mouth tightly with my hand.

         Gasping for my breath is when I suddenly just give up. Tears slide down both sides of my face, as I glance at my reflection in the rareview mirror, noticing how completely exhausted and torn apart I am now looking. But with my cheeks entirely soaked, and my heart half broken, is when I finally realize I should not be acting this way. I can't let a boy be the cause of my soul being almost completely destroyed. I can't give a guy the permission to make me feel this way.

          I can't let myself feel this way because in honesty, yes. I did do this. I did this to myself and it isn't even his fault. I told him I wasn't a virgin, when I was. I laid in my bed with him and was just as willing as he was. I just wanted to have some fun and it was fun while it lasted, and everyone I know has already lost their v-card, so it may be better now that I already have. I don't have a boyfriend and I don't even plan on it. I just had sex. It's quite simple. I had sex with Caleb and that was my choice. I like him. I do. I have feelings for this kid and yet he's been best friends with Jeremy ever since they were in elementary school.

          Do I really want to be the cause of their long lasting friendship, to be destroyed?

         Wiping the sticky wetness off of my face, and finally being able to calm myself down and even out my breathing, is when I know what I have to do. I have to be strong and I need to desperately move on. Caleb doesn't want me and that's something I now have to live with. I start up the car once again, I let out a deep breath, and then I pull back onto the road. I have now decided what I'm going to do. I'm going to go home.

           Three weeks pass by, and I haven't said a single word to Caleb. Jeremy is basically never home and all I do is hang out with my mother or go for rides in my car, which I love to call my best friend. Not having any friends here is pretty difficult, espeically since it's summer, and I feel rather alone lately. Days have gone by and I don't talk as much as I use to. It's a Friday afternoon and I have just gotten home from taking a walk around a lake about a mile away from my house, but walking did me some good. 

          I cautiously make my way up the steps and I quietly open the door. Walking slowly down the dark hallway, I try to keep myself relaxed as I step into the bright kitchen and notice my mother is sitting at the kitchen table with a big pile of mail resting in front of her as she looks through it.

        I make my way closer as she glances over to me and gives me this weird look, before sarcastically grinning at me.

           "Well are you going to stand their all day, or come help your mother out?" She asks, laughter filling her tone as I laugh under my breath with her. Even since I was a little girl I would always help her out while she was looking over the bills. I would either put stamps on the corner of the envelopes or I would sort everything out, just to give her some company. But now that I live in England with my aunt, it feels very different now.

           "Yeah, I've really missed helping you stamp and lick envelopes," I softly joke around as she rolls her eyes, and I sit in the chair beside her. 

            "That isn't funny," she rushes out, frowning as I widen my eyes in surprise. "I'd appriciate it if you were a little bit nicerto me, considering you haven't been home for over half a year."

            "Mom, I was just kidding. . ." I softly tell her as she narrows her eyes.

           "You act as if you haven't even missed me one single bit," she rushes out in a mutter, before her eyes get watery and she shakes her head.

        "What on earth are you talking about?!?" I gasp, trying to realize what's going on but I'm suddenly just do confused. "I did miss you. You're my mom. How could I not miss my mother?"

             "Licking envelopes and stamping paper," she rudely mumbles, as she looks back down at a bill and quickly shakes her head, glaring at the words she's now reading.

            "I was kidding around," I loudly state as her eyes lock with mine again. "God, what's wrong with you? Clearly I must have done something--"

            Suddenly, she sighs, and closes her eyes. "Gosh, Izzy. I'm sorry," she carefully whispers, placing her hand onto her forehead in a state of unexpected sadness, when she was obviously just full of rage a few simple seconds ago. "I just have my period, and I'm very crampy, and I guess you can say I'm in bitch mode. And--"

            "What?" I interupt her, as she curiously stares at me and studies my face, before I stand up and slowly walk away in a hurry.

            She calls out my name a few times behind me but in a state of shock, I ignore her attempts of trying to get me to turn around. The door suddenly opens when I'm walking down the hallway, as I see Jeremy walk inside, and then Caleb walks in behind him. They both stare at me as I silently run past them and I dart up the staircase, making my way quickly to my bedroom.

            I anxiously rush over to my dresser, staring at the mirror hanging against my wall above it, and I have never been this nervous in my entire life. The calender taped to the side of my mirror is what suddenly makes my heart stop beating inside of my chest. It must have skipped three beats, if not than more, as I get the sudden urge to throw up everything that is in my stomach.

          The date is the 8th, today. I feel all of the color drain away from my face, as I feel the pounding of my heart pumping against my chest. This is the first time in my life that I haven't paid attention to the calender, mostly because I'm back in the US and there's a bit of a time change, and also because I honestly just haven't needed to care about the date. In the summer, what day it is just doesn't matter because there's no school and there is nothing to do. But there's one thing that I have always paid attention to. One thing I have always been certain of.

              And that happens to be my period. I'm one of those girls that gets her period on the same exact day of every month, and it's been this way ever since I was 11 years old. I got my mentral cycle very early in life and it's something my mother and doctor have always joked around about. Some girls know around the days of the month where they THINK they're going to get their period, but I am very extremely different than those girls.

              I know the date, day, and time, before I get it.

            The 3rd of every month. Today is the last day of when I'm supposed to get rid of it. And from looking at the calender right before my eyes, is when I finally come to realize that I am 5 days late. This is the first time ever since the very first day I got my period, where I have been late. This is when it finally sinks in, as I slowly back away from the mirror and I gently sit down on the end of my bed. There's now only one thing racing through my mind.

               I lost my virginity three weeks ago. Is missing my period for the first time ever after having sex just a huge coinsidence, or is something very wrong here?

                I don't know, I silently think to myself. But I have to find out. . .

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