Chapter 41 - Arrival of Nevaeh! (Pics of delivery)

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 Hey my lovely amazing fans! Here is the very last chapter, of My Brother's Best Friend! I just would like you all to be aware that I am really considering writing their story after Nevaeh's birth, as them being teenage parents. But I'm not positive yet! If you all really enjoyed this and would like to read about them raising their daughter, then maybe it will push me to go through with it! But seriously guys, I just want to thank you all for the amazing support. Since day one you all have voted and commented, you've been with me, and now it's finally the chapter of their baby's birth. I'm so happy you got to travel this journey with Bella, Caleb, and I. I love you all so much!!!
Thank you for reading this story. :') It means the world to me! - Love Molly<333 xoxoxo 

                                                                    ~ * ~ * ~

       It feels as if we have been waiting forever. And the truth is... We have. A few hours have gone by and it's already a little after midnight. The nurses told me that I'm not in active labor just yet, because I'm only two centimeters dialated, and at this point my contractions are still twelve minutes apart. It seems as if nothing is happening, and my mother warned me that early labor can last from eight up to twelve hours, which totally brought down my spirits for a while. But thankfully, Caleb brought me to happiness soon enough. 

       Since I'm only in the beginning and frist stage of labor, my father and brother decide to just stay at the house in the meantime, while my mother goes home to get some sleep. Six hours slowly pass by, and I was able to get a lot of sleep as Caleb stayed in the chair right by my side for the entire time. At seven in the morning, finally, I wake up and my eyes carefully flutter open.

       I turn my neck and look to the right of me, noticing Caleb sitting in a big comfortable chair, and he is fast asleep. A grin overcomes my face, as I emotionally stare at him in silence. His black shaggy hair is a messy, he has small bags under his eyes, and his lips are formed in a slight grin. The fact that he'ss smiling while he's asleep just takes me to heaven.

    And then unexpectedly, I experience another contraction. This one feels as if it lasts longer, which reaches about fourty five seconds as I try to breathe through it. From the loudness of my breaths, I startle Caleb as he quickly opens his eyes and sits himself up.

      "You're awake," he races out, leaning forward and gently taking my hand.

      I cautiously laugh through the uncomfortable pain, and I quietly mutter, "Unfortunately."

      "It's okay. Just keep breathing," he tells me, as I roll my eyes and I deeply sigh.

      "That's easy for you to say," I sadly whine, placing my hand against the side of my belly as I try to even out my breathing. "At least I got some sleep last night. How far apart are my contractions now? Are they still twelve minutes?"

      Caleb shrugs, before standing up and walking over to the machine that is printing out the baby's contractions on the graphed paper. He looks it over as I take a deep breath, feeling Nevaeh quirm around which gets me to smile in relief, knowing that she's almost here.

     "Ten minutes apart," he exclaims, although it just gets me to lay my head back down on the pillow as I close my eyes, in exhaustion. "Aw, come on, Bella. It's getting better. We're getting there! Just hang in there. I'm right here." 

      I open my eyes and lock mine with his, as he sits back down in the chair beside me and he happily grins, which gets me to smile too. "You're right. We're getting there," I softly agree, as he slightly stands up and leans over the bed to gently kiss my lips. 

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