Chapter 4

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Sorry for being late for the update everyone! Enjoy!


As my day ended as always, I texted Jungkook. I told him goodnight. And went to... the bathroom. As I looked into the mirror... no. I still look ugly. Jungkook won't like this ugly body. I took a vomiting pill and waited for the time to come.


I woke up to tons of texts from Jungkook.

-yo. Wake up. Don't you have school?

-haha. Sorry. I didn't sleep well last night.

-it's ok, bae.

-is it too early? Haha. Bye now.

I smiled to his last text. Yes. I do really have feelings for him. But I don't think it's only for how he looks like or how sexy his body is. I just liked him. My heart told me to.

I got ready for school and walked out with my headphones on. I usually listen to music when I want to escape the world. I don't always want to escape it. But I felt like being alone today. For no particular reason.

As I walked into the school gates, I saw a group of people surrounding something... or someone. As I walked closer I saw that it was Micha, my friend I mentioned earlier. She was yelling and crying in despair as if she was in serious pain.

I quickly took off my headphones and ran towards her. "Micha! Is everything ok?!" She looked at me with wet eyes. "Misun! Help! You're a computer genius! Please help me! I beg you!" She started telling in front of the crowd.

"No! Don't help that slut!" A guy suddenly yelled. "Yeah! She's a b*tch. Don't help her out. Haha." Another guy laughed. I couldn't understand what was going on. I helped Micha stand and we both walked to the bathroom. Luckily, no one was there.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You don't know? Didn't our open your phone this morning?" She said between her sobs. "First, stop crying. Let me understand. What's going on?!" I said impatiently. She opened her phone and gave it to me. As I started looking through it, my eyes opened so widely that my eyeballs were about to pop out.

"Those group of hackers! They hacked my phone and computer! They took all my private conversations and pictures. Even the nudes! They published them everywhere!" She started crying even louder. That's bad. That's really bad. "Please do something about it!" I couldn't. There's nothing I can do. I felt like betraying my friend, but it was harder than it seemed. "I'm sorry. They're powerful. I can't help you. All I can do is secure all your devices so they won't hack again."

After a long time of comforting her, the bell finally rang. It was time for class. I gave her a hug and walked away. There was nothing I could do. I felt bad for it. I wish I knew better.

It was lunch time. "That's ridiculous." Jimin suddenly said on our way to the cafeteria. "I need to secure... no. Delete all my accounts until all of these hackers are caught." He said sadly. "No. Deleting them won't do. The data will stay there for a limited amount of time. You need to secure it first then delete. At least for the best." I shook my head.

I didn't see Micha all day. I wonder if she's ok. Jungkook was sitting with his friends as always. I looked at him and remembered our conversation this morning. He'll call me bae one day. Right?

Jimin and I finished lunch together and went to our classes. Everything went normal as usual but I was still anxious about what happened today. What the group of hackers hack everyone? What if they affect the whole society? For some reason, I wanted to know who they were and what their plan is. It's like they have a secret behind all of this. Someone can't just hack into everyone's phone just to have fun. It made no sense.

They're a big group of hackers; which maybe means that there smart. Smart people don't only hack into people's phone for no reason. Are they looking for something? Are they searching?

My thoughts grew bigger and bigger and I became more curious. As I went back home, I just went directly to my computer. Not to talk to Jungkook, but to make a research about these people.

After I read everything, I had lots of information about them. They're a group of foreigners and most of them from Seoul. They want to hack through people's phones, laptops, TVs, pretty much every device in this world. They're so called The Crowns. I don't know why they gave themselves such a weird and dumb name.

I shook my head from frustration and looked at my phone. The first thing I realized was the hour. I've been doing a research for full 3 minutes! And I also noticed a lot of notifications from Jungkook.

-hello? Why won't you answer?
-I'm sorry. I was busy.
-missed you btw :)
- missed me??? Wow!
-I'm smiling right now haha.
-I missed you too??
-haha. Sorry for being late. But I
Need to go now.
-talk to you later :)

I closed my phone and decided to take a short nap. My head started hurting me because of all that research.

I'm walking in a dark hallway. I see a lot of doors around me. They led to some kind of an office.i reaches to one of them without thinking. It was as if it was my office. There were no papers or books. Not even a pencil. There were screens around the desk. They were all on for some reason. I slowly sat down and typed stuff. I don't know what it was. Then... I clicked "enter" and the lights went off.

"Misun? Why did you do this to me? I thought you were my friend." Jimin was at the end of the room crying in despair. "Here she is! The hacker! Get her!" A man yelled. "What?" As I saw the people coming to reach me...

"Aaaaarrrrghhh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I opened my eyes to find myself in my room. A dream. No. A nightmare. This nightmare was so random. What was I doing in an office? Why did Jimin cry? What's happening?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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