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~ Kassie's Pov ~

It's been six days..

Six days since Ashton's been ignoring me. Did he really mean what he said a week ago about not talking to me ever again? i don't even know what happened one minute we were playing around then the next were fighting .

~ Ashton's Pov ~

" I feel like a dick, Mikey!" I say to him as he sits down next to me.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll talk to you after you tell her what's happening right guys?" He says to Luke and Calum.

I hate Luke and Luke hates me.
I've got to admit, talking to these guys aren't so bad. I mean I've only been talking to them because of kassie and i guess they aren't that bad.

"Yeah," Calum chirped, "She's not gonna hate you, right Luke?" Calum said nudging him. "Uhm yeah she won't. Look I'll see you guys later." As he turned around he mumbled "I wish she did." Before leaving my apartment.

~ Kassie's Pov ~

I was sitting home alone, yet again. Tyler was at some kids house and moms staying late. I swear that kid goes out more then me. I was watching friends and smoking when I heard a knock which scared me. It's almost midnight who the hell can that be?

"Luke, what are you doing here? It's 12 already." I say as he walks in looking nervous.

"Can I ask you something Kassie? Do you want to go on uhm a date with me," Luke said nervously, "Or you don't have too, but uhm yeah?" He said scratching the back of his neck.

I'd admit I did have a little crush on Luke when I first met him, well I thought All of them were pretty cute, but they're my best friends. Half of me is saying just say yes, but yet again half of me says no.

"Sure Lukey." I say smiling at him as his nervous face becomes a wide grin and we hug.

"Thanks Kass." He says into my neck as we pull away.

"No problem," I chuckle, "I'll see you and the boys tomorrow yeah?" I say to him as I open the door and he nods.

As I woke up I heard a bang on the door. I groan putting on a blue jumper and open to see the four boys, Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael. Which is odd. I thought Ashton and Them hated each other?

"Hey Kass." Luke says as they walk in.

"Why are you guys early? I was still sleeping!" I say setting my head on Luke's shoulder.

"Sorry, but we're gonna hang out and your coming with us!" Calum said sitting on next to Michael, who's sitting next to Ashton.

"As in the four of you guys?" I say furrowing my eyebrows. I thought they hated Ashton?

"Yeah, plus you too!" Michael chimed in.

"Uh Kass, can I talk to you privately?" Ashton said pointing to the front door.

"Yeah sure, I'll be right back guys." As I look at them, Calum and Michael nods as Luke just glares at Ashton.

"What's up Ashton? Why have you been ignoring me?" I said as soon as he closed the door.

"Look I'm really sorry okay? I really mean it. I know you hate me, but can we be friends?" He said begging. I was actually really surprised that he said that.

"Okay. I forgive you, but I don't hate you as much as before." I say giving him a smile.

"You don't?" His eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree.

"Yeah, I don't hate you, but why've you been ignoring me?"

"I don't know I just thought that you didn't want to talk to me anymore so Yeah." He said shrugging.

"Well I'm glad that you're my friend now." I say smirking at him as he opens his arms and I walk in to them ; hugging each other tightly. As I open the door my three best friends crash onto the floor in front of me as Ashton Chuckles.

I do, but don't believe Ashton. I know he's sorry, but I want to know the real reason why he hates me.


"Where are we going?" I say to Ashton as he drives.

"We've been driving for so long!" Luke says putting his head on my lap.

"We're going to the beach!" Michael says as he gives Ashton the next direction.

"I didn't bring a bikini though." I say to Michael.

"Don't worry while you were talking with Ash, the three of us got one for you." Calum said winking.

"We're here!" Michael says getting out of the car.

"Here out this on." Luke says handing it to me.

"Thanks." I say and go out to change. It's a black two-piece with fringe on the top, but kind of too out there. I sigh knowing I don't have a choice, but to put it on and my boobs are like sticking out.

I don't have the "ideal body." I don't have a thigh gap and I don't have a flat stomach. Im proud that I don't have that though. I mean we live in a fucked up society, but I'm proud that I don't.

"Yeah you look pretty Kass." Ashton says and looks at me up and down as Luke gives him the death glare.

"Okay let's not talk about me anymore let's go to the water." I say to the boys.


I see the boys playing in the water and the sunset was coming so I get out and go to the railing where you can see the whole view.

As I was enjoying the view some guy put their arms around my waist and as I was about to tell at them it was just Luke. I smile and put my head on his chest.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He said referring to the date I'm going on with him.

"What's tomorrow?" Ashton says as Luke pulls away from me and the boys look at me then Luke.

"Uh Luke asked me to go on a date with him... Tomorrow." I say looking at Mikey who looks shocked, then to Cal who looks worried, and Ashton who looks angry.

"Uhm you know, we should go back to the apartment okay?" I say to them.

"Uh yeah let's go." Ashton says walking away from us.

"I'm going to change first, you guys wait for me in the car."

~ Ashton's PoV ~

"Uhm Luke asked me to go on a date with him...tomorrow." Kassie said.

I was so angry at Luke. Why did he ask out Kassie? Of course I don't like Kassie. She hates me, I hate her. Though do I really hate her? Does she really hate me?

Of course she does.

I'm angry at Luke, but yet again why? I don't have feeling for Kassie. I would never have feelings for her. She never liked me, I'll never like her.

"Ashton." Michael said snapping his fingers, "Luke and Cal are already at the car."

"Oh okay, let's go." I say, but Michael grabs my wrist.

"What?" I snap at him.

"Are you mad at Luke for asking Kass out?" Mikey asked furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"Why would I Mikey?" I say slightly annoyed.

"You acted different when Kass said that Luke asked her and you ignored her for six days." Mikey said, "Why did you ignore her?"

"I just did I don't know. Plus I don't like Kassie. I was never her friend." I lied.

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