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~ Kassie's pov ~

"Yeah, we get to move back aren't you guys excited at all?!" She exclaimed.

"No, I'm not actually." I say to her.

"Why not?" She asked confusingly.

"Because mom, we've only been here for three months only, and we always move from Miami to Rhode Island to Nevada to La and LA was the only place we stayed the longest and now we're here mom, in New York, for your job and this is the one place that I actually like."

"Tyler go to your room I need to speak with Kassie." 

"Why don't you want to move!"

"Like I said mom, this is the only place that I like and makes me happy." I say rolling my eyes.

"Kassie, how many friends do you have?" She says crossing her arms.

"I have four mom." I say sighing. Okay so I may have not been the popular girl in school.

"You only have four Kassie and they're guys, you don't even have any girl-friends do you?" She said sternly.

"No mom I don't, but I'm not like you I wasn't the popular one at school okay? I have four best friends.. Real four best friends that care for me."

"Well, you're moving with me and Tyler Kassie, whether you like it or not." She said yelling a bit.

"Why can't I live here mom, on my own? I'm 17, I can take care of myself."

"No you can't Kassie and since when have you been so disrespectful lately?", "You don't even have enough money to pay rent!" She said yelling, a bit louder than before.

"Then I'll get a job mom! God why do we even have to move! I don't want to move mom! And maybe I've been to disrespectful lately because you're never around.." I say yelling at her level.

"You can't get a job when you missed half of your school days Kassie! I know that you skipped half of school! Maybe I haven't been talking to you because you're a failure Kassie, you smoke and skip school, what, do you sleep with guys in the hallways? Is that why you skip school!" She yelled louder that you can even imagine.

As I go into my room, I grab a backpack out, put my clothes in there, grab one of moms 'favorite' vase and throw it at her door.

"I'm not done talking to you Kassie!" She yells.. Once again.

"Talk? More like yell!" I say as tears start running down my face, "I'm leaving." I shout running out of the apartment.

"And where are you going to go?" My mom shouts to me as a run down the stairs.

"I'll find somewhere.." I say before wiping away my tears.


| Ashton's Pov  |

I paused the video game the guys and I were playing and they looked at me right when I muted it.

"Do you guys hear that?" I say as they looked around then heard yelling.

"Yeah, is that coming from up there?" Cal says pointing to Kassie's apartment.

"Listen!" Luke says as we stare at the ceiling. We hear yelling more yelling then stomping then something that shattered then a door slam.

"What do you think that was about?" Mikey said shifting in his seat uncomfortably.

"I don't know, but-"

I was about to say something, but we heard the door swing open causing us to look at the door to see Kassie with her make-up running down her face, her sniffing uncontrollably and a backpack that looked pretty full.

"Can I crash her for a little bit?" She says giving a weak smile and sniffling a little bit more as I run up to her and hug her tightly and I'm thankful she wraps her hands around me too.

"Of course you can Kass!" I say into her hair.

"Do you want to - uh - talk about it?" Cal says as he scratches the back of his neck and she shakes her head and closes the door.

"I think we're gonna go now." Mikey says as they all nod and head to the door.

"Now's your time Ash, talk to her, comfort her, and most importantly;

get her to like you, like you like her."

Mikey whispered and I nodded closing the door leaving Kass and I alone.

"Hey Kass." I say to her knocking on her door,

"Are you okay?" 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm coming in okay?"

Still no answer.

As I open the door she's sitting on the corner of the bed looking at nothing, but the window beside her.

As I sit next to her I look at her until she notices I was in the room. She looks at me as I open my arms and she gladly goes into them as she sniffles trying to control herself.

"I'm sorry." She manages to say still hugging me.

"It's alright Kass. Are you okay though?" I say letting go.

"I'm alright I guess," She says sighing,"Is it okay If I take a shower Ash?" 

"Yeah, sure. I'm gonna sleep, do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine Ash. Oh and Ash?" She says as I turn to look at her, "Thanks for everything, I know we fight allot, but you help me allot and uh thanks for that." She says as she closes the door.

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