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(Short Chapter :D )

~ Ashton's Pov ~

As Kass close's the door I call Mikey because he'll know what to do.. I hope.

"Hey Michael."

"Hey Ash! How's it-" Mickey starts to say, but I cut him off just in-case Kassie doesn't take long in the shower.

"I need help Mike. What do I say to her? How do I make her feel better?" I groan.

"Well, ask her what happened then, comfort her." He said stating the obvious.

"Yeah, but-" Then I heard the door open.

"She just went to her room, thanks for nothing, bye Mikey tell you what happens tomorrow." I say and hang up before he says anything else.

I go up to Kassie's room and knock.

No answer.

I knock again.

No answer.

"Come on Kass, open up." I say.

No answer...yet again.

"I'm coming in Kassie." I say turning the knob and finding her just sitting on the corner of her bed.

"Are you-" But she pulls me into a hug and cried into my arms.

"No I'm not." She says in my arms.

"I don't know what to do anymore Ash." She croaked, still sobbing into my arms.

"Sh Sh it's okay Kass." I say rubbing her back.

"Tell me what happened." I say pulling away and looking at her.

"I - uh wow. I'm so sorry Kass." I say after she told me what her mom said and about the moving thing.

"I don't know what to do Ash. I don't want to move back, but I still don't have money to pay the apartment." She said sighing and laying back on the bed.

To be fucking honest, I don't want her to leave. We may have a like/hate friendship-ish, but I don't want her to leave. When she came, Michael, Luke, Cal, and I have become really close and it's because of her.

"Why don't you live here?" I say to her after the whole silence of me just thinking.

"What?" She says looking shocked.

"Yeah, live here Kass. I mean I live alone, I have an empty room, the apartment is pretty big too!" I say smiling at her.

"But Ash, this is your apartment, I don't want to intrude anything for you. I mean I really want to stay, but I don't know if I can pay."

"It's okay Kassie. Trust me. Live here with me. Please." I say. Damn.. don't I just sound desperate.

"Okay. I will." She says after what felt like a whole year.

"Wait... You will?" I say.. maybe a little to excitedly.

"Yes I will!" She says running up to me and hugging me and as I pull away we're only inches away from each other. As we just smile and stare at each other I think of what Michael said ;

"Make her like you, like you like her."

So with that never leaving my mind...

I put my arms around her waist and ;

I kissed her.

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