XL • Talk ○ finale

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Author p.o.v

After that night, Lisa and Jungkook were more than ecstatic about their relationship. Through the months they learned to love each other and they did more than just that. They learned how to cherish each other.

The trip back to South Korea was more romantic than when they were coming to Paris. They would share their food and take pictures of each other, ready to post it on their teitter page after they landed.

They walked through the airport, hand in hand and big bright smiles on their faces as they couldn't stop rememebering it all.

After saying those words Lisa felt the need to fall asleep right away but she couldnt. Jungkook however was blushing and he wanted to just hold her and never let go.

He scooted closer to Lisa and hugged her from behind. He could feel her flinch but the doubt dissapeared when she turned around in his arms to look up into his eyes.

"I love you too noona" he whispered to her. The onlything he was able to see was her eyes shimmering in the moonlight. She looked shocked but then relieved that it was off her chest. She snuggled into his neck and sighed.

"Thanks kookie" she said and jungkoom chuckled asking her 'for what?' She looked back up into his eyes. "For loving me" she said.


The smiles on their faces never left. They kept giggling like teenagers as they treaded through the airport, didn't notice they passed their own groups.

Lisa felt a tap on her shoulder that brought her out of her loving daze towards her. She turned around and immediatly beamed, Rose was standing infront of her along with all the other members.

"Anyeong!" They all said and a hugging party had started causing a loud raur from the fans to erupt. Mingling of two different gendered geoups wasn't seen that often and rumors could arise but this was an ocasion where everyone hugged everyone, but ifcourse the men wouldn't forget their gentleman hands.

They were all having fun and talking when taehyung brought jungkook aside. "Yeah hyung?" Jungkook whispered knowing that it wasniportant because of how tae was standing.

"You need to go visit bammie after. I already know about him liking lisa noon" jungkook was more than just shocked but nonetheless nodded in agreement, which made the older give the younger a box smile and earn a million screams from the adoring fans nearby.

● ● ●

After the airport meet all of the members went to their respective homes and if course, chilled. Jungkook and lisa were given 2 days to unpack and get back into the timezone so that they would be ready for their next comeback and promotions.

The time flew by fast as the weekend had already come and Jungkook was going to be driven to got7's dorm so that he could talk to him about their relationship. They were friends of course but now since he knew that bammie liked his wife things were more than just awkward.

The boys would ignore each other when they had to meet in public and ifcourse the public had caught onto it. Making up rumors about lisa cheating on bambam with jungkook when that clearly wasnt the untold truth.

After finishing up the girst 15 seconds of idol and tweaking it he headed out of the company building towards his car in the parking. He turned on the radio whilst he sat down in the car and ended up listening to one of his own groups song.

After a couple of minutes driving in the open streets he reached JYP entertainment. The staff knew him, who didn't to be honest, he was Jeon Jungkook famous lead singer from BTS and the husband to Lalisa Manoban.

"Hey, where are you?" He said into the phone after the third ring. He had called yugyeom in order to get ahold of them. There was a grunt, probably from the long period of time spent dancing.

"Yeah...." he took a break trying to catch his breathe. "In the 3rd dance room" yugyeom finished and jungkook nodded, though knowing that yugyeom wouldnt have been able to see it. He ended the call and headed that way.

When he made it to the room he nocked and heard a gruff 'come in' from jaebum hyung. He walked in catching the attention of the members and confusion spread accross their faces.

He did his bows and 'hello's and then turned to bambam and asked him if he could come out and speak with him for a minute. Bambam struggled to say but when he saw the stares from his hyungs he nodded and grabbed his water bottle before following jungkook outside.

Bambam p.o.v.

To say that i was nervous would have been considered an understatement. I was beyond terrified. Not because i was scared of jungkook but more of the fact that my secret had been leaked by my stupid member, yugyeom.

I finished gulping the last of the water from my bottle and threw it back onto my bag and headed out whetre jungkook was waiting for me.

"Yeah?" I asked when i was out and standing infront of him. He layed back against the wall and looked down. "Im sorry" he said. Wait. What? My eyebrows bunched up in confusion.

"Why you saying sorry? Im the on-" i was cut short by him. "No. Im sorry. Im sorry for my mom and my dad" now i was even more confused.

"This marraige" jungkook moved his hand around him. "Was arranged" jungkook stopped and i just stared at the wall. I was utterly confused and shocked. Didnt they say they liked each other for years?

"I-i dont understand.." i say and jungkook looked up at me. "My parents and her parents decided that it would be good to get us married. Our managers couldn't go against thier wishes and we had to get married. To be fully honest. She liked you hyung. Lisa liked you too, that's why im sorry, fir my parents and lisa's" he said. It was a lot to take in to be honest.

So if their parents didn't do the arranged marraige. I could have still had a chance to date lisa. I'm kind of happy now.

"But...." jungkook said and i snapped out of my thoughts. But? "When we were on our honeymoon lisa said she loved me. I loved her too from the moment i layed my emeyes on her but i k ew she liked you and i didn't tell her after she confessed. I don't know what to do with this information but it's your choice to hate me if you want" he said and i felt my heart break into pieces...again.

I knew what was best. I'm not that stupid and i would never break a relationship, especially of my best friends.

"No it's okay kook-ah...iv'e already moved on" i lied through my teeth. My head was hurting but it wasn't as bad as the pain in my heart but it's okay right? I just want to see lisa happy.


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