○Sequel○ part 3

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Fuck ton of time skips cuz imma lazy bitch 😔😝👌

The quiet and eerie morning would seem so beautiful, especially how the bright sunlight was shining in from the ajar curtains- but it was soon completely diminished by the loud yelling of just "APPAAAA EOMMMMMAAAAAAA!" The little pitter payter of feet was the only thing heard this morning.

"Appa~ wake upppp" said the time voice. The mini creature struggled to climb onto the bed but was able to on the fourth try. Crawling along the flufdy bed she landed in between the middle of the parents. Smiling to herself she almost broke out into a laugh. "EOMMMAAAAA APPPAAAAA" she yelled as loud as she could muster and finally was able to make the pair wake up from dreamland.

Looking over groggily, Jungkook, not yet in his senses said "ah sorry sorry, i swear i didn't eat your toast" the now laughing child wrapped their arms around the clueless father and burried their face into his neck. "Appa appa appa tell eomma to wake up" the small child pouted looking up at him whilst picking the small specks of his outgrown stubble.

"Baaabe~ get up-" he was about to continue but Lisa smacked his face with her pillow. "Hush child, let me sleep. It's Eunjae's first day at school. YOU drop her off and YOU pick her up. Good flipping morning" she recited and let her pointed finger fall back onto the bed after pushing the fluffy blanket above her head.

(If ya'll don't know where the name Eunjae came from ya'll havent watched the drama therefore ya'll haven't lived)

Eunjae looked back up to her father with doe eyes and and showed a wide bunny toothed smile. "Appa let's go~" she said whislt moving her hands around in the air. 'Gosh she's too much like me' he thought and yawned before pressing a feathered kiss against her head. "Yeahhh let's go, go and fly away~" he said and picked her up, holding her like a bag on his side.

● ● ●

"Been a bad girl, I KNOW I AM, and im so hot , I NEED A FAN, i don't wanna boy-" Eunjae was hushed from her singing suddently. "Hell yeah you don't need a boy, you got me boi" Jungkook says looking at her in disgust. "Ohh dad who said I have you... I get to have Jimin Uncle~" she sings and looked up from her seat scrunching up her nose.

Jungkook almost chokes on his spit. "The fu- I mean. What do you mean hunny?" He asks almost punching himself for swearing in front of the little. "Jimin uncle said that I was the prettiest girl EVER" she exaggerated the 'ever' by spreading her arms out and opening her mouth even wider.

Jungkook just shook his head at the flirty Jimin. "Okay-ah we are here!" Jungkook said and he parked the car, jumping out of the driver's seat and towards the smaller child. He unbuckled her belt and got her out of the car along side with her pastel pink school bag.

"Okay remember to be nice, pay attention in class, tell me if someone is bothering you and most importantly always remember to give me a kiss before you leave" he says and does crying aegyo befor ehe's crushed in a mini bear hug. "Of course appa, i would never forget such a vital thing" she smirked.

"Huh who taught you such hard english?" Putting the bag on her back as they reached the classroom, he crouched down and ruffled her hair. "Namjoon-ie uncle~" she smiled one last time before heading into class, immediatly becoming surrounded by other curious children- mostly asking how her father is Jeon Jungkook, the international playb- ahem I mean international pop star.

● ● ●

"Are you gonna propose or no u flipper?" Jungkook yelled into the phone ashe walked into the bighut building. The staff loomed at him oddly but let it slide. Walking past the other young trainees. "Morning hyung" Jungkook internally cringed at the formality. He nodded to them and started yelling into the phone again.

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