'New Beginnings' -Chapter 2

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New Beginnings’- Chapter 2

Laura’s POV*

         As of the current moment we are looking for a house to live in. “I still don’t see why I have to go to school!” I exclaim aggravated, “You have to! People will think it’s odd if a teenager your age doesn’t go to school. People could start to ask questions, plus its only high school. You can defend yourself, your really flexible, beautiful, a great singer, musician, and just amazing.” My sister replies, “Aww! Thanks Ness!” I reply hugging her. “No problem.” She replies. We continue looking at houses till we found the perfect one. It’s really big! There is an in ground pool, basement, theater, electronic room, arcade, 6 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, living room, walk-in closets, a study room, massive kitchen, office, and an attic. Once again really big house, actually no mansion!!

          The bright side to all of this is that we don’t have to pay a single dime. We walk into our new house and I set my stuff down. It looked glorious inside just as it did out.  “Imma go explore. K?” I inform my sister grabbing my luggage. “Sure Imma just sign some documents.” She says winking. Being a vampire means we are able to manipulate people easily. We just stare into their eyes and speak to them. It definitely comes in handy. It’s called compelling.

         Vanessa and I have been alive for a very long time. I believe her and I are the only ones who are this way anymore. The person, that shall be nameless, who turned us is now dead because they took his heart out of his chest. My sister and I don't only feed on humans though. We can also feed on animals along with human blood. I continue to look around our new house and I spot the perfect room. I set my bags down and walk downstairs to Vanessa. “Hey Ness I’m going to go get paint what color do you want?” I ask. “Silver” She replies. “K be right back!” I exclaim. Since I am a vampire we also have the ability to run very, very, very fast, faster than the fastest animal on the planet. This form of running is called using your vampire speed, or also known as vamp speed. So, I vamp speed to the nearest hardware store. As soon as I get there I start to walk normal so I wont be an attraction to some random person’s attention. I walk inside the hardware store and grab the paint cans, red and silver. I go to the front counter and compel the cashier. “I’m going to get this paint can for free and you are going to say nothing. I was never here.” “I am going to let you get this paint can for free and I’m not going to say anything” The cashier repeats. “Good” I reply vamp speeding out of the hardware store and back home. 

         I enter the house and look at Vanessa as she makes dinner. Burgers. Vampires can eat human food and I will say it is delicious! To survive we need blood but human food is to stop the cravings. "Let's go explore the neighborhood after dinner!" My sister exclaims. I nod taking a bite of my burger. Our vampire teeth aren't always out. It's when we want them out. My sister and I finish our burgers and she washes the dishes. I sense a presence outside.  "Someone’s here" I inform my sister. *Knock knock* "then go answer the door." She replies rolling her eyes playfully. I run normally down stairs and open the door. "Hi. I wanted to introduce myself my name is Lola. I live on your right." She introduces putting her hand out. "Hey I'm Laura and my sister is named Vanessa" I shake her hand and my sister comes down. "Hey nice to meet you my name is Vanessa" "hi Vanessa my name is Lola,” she says extending her arm for Ness to shake, which she does. "Well nice to meet you guys. Hey Laura are you going to Jackson High School?" Lola asks. "Yea I actually am. What grade are you in?" I question. "11th. You?" She replies "Same. Can’t wait to see you there. Even though it is the middle of the school year." She giggles and speaks once more. "Well I gotta go it was nice meeting both of you." She says as she walks away waving. I wave back "bye!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!" I exclaim shutting the door. "She seems nice" my sister says as she walks to the living room. "Yea she does. Hopefully we can be friends." I reply walking to the living room with her.

         I sense another presence nearing our door. *Knock knock* "I got it... Again" I reply walking to the door. I open the door and spot a woman who looks Middle Aged. "Hi nice to meet you! My name is Stormie and my family and I live in the mansion across the street." She informs and shakes my hand. "Hi nice to meet you Stormie! My name is Laura and my sisters name is Vanessa" I say as Vanessa walks into the scene. "Hi my name is Vanessa,” my sister says as she extends her hand for Stormie to shake. "Hi Vanessa my name is Stormie nice to meet you lovely girls. I have children of my own and I would love if you got to meet them" she replies after shaking Ness' hand. "That would be wonderful," my sister replies smiling. "Would you like to come over?" Stormie asks. "Sure" I reply.

So how are my Butterflies doin? Just letting you know that I am going to try to update a lot. Also that this story is going to be mainly in Laura's point of view. Please comment below your opinion. Thanks!! Bye Butterflies!! *\(^-^)                                                                      ~Alyssa

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