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The next morning, when Amie went down to breakfast, she found Hermione to be on even worse terms than before with Harry and Ron. She seemed to be in an awful mood, and Amie caught her glaring at them several times before she even sat down next to her.
"What happened, Hermione?" Amie asked worriedly.
"Why don't you ask them?" Hermione said with a glare in the boys direction.
"Okay, I will." Amie said, and she went to join Harry and Ron instead. At least they seemed in a better mood than Hermione.
"Hey guys." Amie said happily when she sat down next to Ron.
"Hey, AJ." they said together.
"What exactly happened last night? Hermione seems really pissed at you."
Harry and Ron then told her everything, from Malfoy challenging Harry, to Filch almost catching them, to seeing a gigantic three-headed dog in the forbidden corridor. Amie almost screamed at the end of it.
"What do they think they're doing, having a d-dog like that where someone can come across it?"
"Dunno." Harry said. "Hermione said it was standing on a trap-door though. Do you remember that article in the Prophet about Gringotts?" Amie nodded. "Well, when Hagrid and I went there, Hagrid fetched something from that vault. It was a little package, about two inches. We think that might be what the dog is guarding."
"That seems very likely, I guess." Amie said. "Dumbledore probably knew someone was after it."
"I want to know what it is that someone would risk breaking into Gringotts to get." Ron said with a frown.
"You've got to be desperate to have it," Amie nodded, with a frown of her own.


At the end of that day, when Amie was walking up the common room, McGonagall caught up with her.
"Ah, there you are Miss Jones. I would like a word."
Totally bewildered, Amie followed her to the nearest empty classroom.
"This is a very unusual proposal I have for you Miss Jones. As you know, first years are normally not allowed to be on the house team of Quidditch." Amie nodded in response.
"And you might have heard that Mr. Potter has been made Gryffindor seeker?"
"Yes, I have." Amie said, wondering where McGonagall was going with this. She had indeed heard from Harry, even though he wasn't allowed to tell, that McGonagall had seen him catch Neville's remembrall from a dive - Malfoy had stolen it and then threw it. It sounded impressive, and Amie wished she could've seen it.
"Well, it so happens that Madam Hooch has informed me that you might have some flying talent." McGonagall explained with a smile. "Which is why, I am offering you to try out for a spot as Chaser."
Amie was stunned. She did not see this coming at all. All she could accomplish was a nod.
"Exellent. Since the try-outs for the team has already taken place, you are to meet Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, tonight at the Quidditch field, seven o' clock. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Professor McGonagall." Amie said, and smiled.
"Well, on your way then." McGonagall said kindly.

The day seemed to speed up after that, and soon it was time to head do the pitch. Amie didn't tell anyone she was going, since she didn't want to embarass herself in case she didn't make it on the team. She walked into the stadium, feeling nervous, and found a burly fifth-year waiting for her with two broomsticks in his hands. He introduced himself as Oliver Wood, and then he told her what to do.
"I want you to fly up in front of the goal hoops, and try to put the Quaffle," he held up a red ball the size of a soccer ball "past me and through one of the hoops. You got that?"
"I think so." Amie nodded.
"Let's go then." Wood said, and handed her the Quaffle before flying up to the hoops.
Amie took a deep breath, and followed him.

The try-out went really well. Amie had almost managed to get all of her shots past Wood, and he was really impressed with her.
"You're a natural, you know that?" he said shocked. "Was that really only your second time on a broomstick?"
"Yes." Amie said, and chuckled at his expression. "I'm muggle-born, you know. I've only played muggle sports before."
"Well, if you played those sports as well as you play this, you were probably the best player on your team." he praised her. "You've got the spot as Chaser, no doubt about it. Do you know the rules?"
"Yes, I've been reading Quidditch Through the Ages the entire afternoon." 
"Great, then I don't have to tell you." he smiled at her. " Well, you'll be joining the rest of the team for practice, three times a week, I'll tell you when they are later, okay?"
Amie agreed and then left to go back to the tower, and to bed.


About a week later, while sitting in the Great hall eating breakfast, two long packages caught Amie's attention. To everyones surprise, they landed in front of Amie and Harry. They looked at eachother briefly, before ripping open the letters that came with them. Amie's said;

It contains your new broomstick, a Nimbus Two Thousand. I wrote to your parents explaining the situation, and they agreed to pay for it. Mr. Potter will have his first training session tonight, and you may accompany him, if you wish, to practice.
Professor McGonagall"

When Amie looked up from the note she saw Harry handing Ron his note to read, while looking happy enough to burst.
"A Nimbus Two Thousand!" Ron groaned in envy. "I've never even touched one."
"Don't be jealous, Ron, we got them so we can help Gryffindor win, remember that. Come on, we've got to leave and open them!" Amie said.

They promptly left the Hall, heading to the common room. When they came into the Entrance hall, however, they found the staircase blocked by Malfoy and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy snatched Harry's package and felt it.
"That's a broomstick." he said, looking very angry and jealous. "You two'll be in for it this time, first years aren't allowed them."
"It's not any old broomstick." Ron taunted, unable to keep it in. "It's Nimbus Two Thousands. What did you say you've got at home? A Comet Two Sixty? Comets looks flashy, but they're not in the same league as the Nimbus."
"What would you know about it, Weasley, you couldn't afford half the handle." Malfoy snapped back. "I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig by twig."
"Well it's better than being a spoiled little brat, anyways." Amie said venomously.

"Not arguing, I hope, boys and girl?" Flitwick, the Charms teacher who just appeared, said. 
"Potter and Jones have been sent broomsticks, Professor." Malfoy said quickly.
"Yes, yes, that's right." Flitwick said and beamed at them. "Professor McGonagall told me all about the special circumstances. And what models are they?" he asked Harry.
"Nimbus Two Thousands, sir. And it's really thanks to Malfoy here that I've got it."
Amie almost laughed at the look at Malfoy's face when Harry said it.
"Good day, Professor." she said to Flitwick before they left, trying not to laugh.
"Well it's true." Harry said when they came to the top of the staircase. "If he hadn't stolen Neville's remembrall I wouldn't be on the team....."
"So I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking rules?" came Hermione's angry voice from behind them.
"I thought you weren't speaking to us?" said Harry.
"Yes, don't stop now, it's doing us so much good." Ron continued.
Hermione marched off with her nose in the air, but Amie saw that she was hurt.
"Ron!" Amie yelled at him. "Why did you have to do that? Hermione's really nice, really, and that was very rude of you. I'm disappointed." she said, before running off to comfort her friend.


I was planning on writing this as long as the normal chapter in The Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, but I decided to split it here instead, because it is long enough as it is, and I need to go to bed. Comment! Bye! :)

#EDITED 7/1-2013

To be Me, Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 1 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now