Going home

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The end of the year came quickly, and with it came their exam results. Amie was glad to find she had gotten top marks, and so had Hermione. They spent a good few minutes talking excitedly about it. Amie was eager to go home, she kind of missed her parents. That didn't mean she wouldn't miss Hogwarts, because she certainly would. She thought of Hogwarts as her second home, and she knew Harry would miss it even more than her.
"Write me, won't you? Preferably several times a week. I won't have all that much to do." Amie told her friends. Hermione assured her that she would, while Harry and Ron just nodded with small smiles on their faces. Amie felt sad and happy at the same time when they all left the castle, and sailed across the black lake. The ride back on the train was pleasant. They talked and joked around, occasionally joined by other Gryffindors. Neville had thankfully forgiven them for cursing him, and he spent almost the entire ride with them. About halfway back to London, Draco Malfoy entered their compartment. To everyones surprise except Amie's, he spoke only to her.
"Jones, can I speak with you?" he said with a sneer that didn't fool her.
"Sure." she said, placing a puzzled look on her face.  Once they were outside and a few feet away from the compartment, Draco hugged Amie tightly.
"I was so worried for you. That letter you sent made me so confused. What happened?"
"Well, I suppose you heard about Quirrell and everything?" Amie asked. Draco nodded.

"Yeah, well, as you know, we went down to stop him. The first obstacle in our way was a Devil's snare, and Hermione used fire to get rid of it, and she accidentaly hit me in the face with the spell."
Draco stared at her, and for the first time he looked at her scar.
"So that's why you have that now?" he asked. Amie nodded, before morphing it away.
"How did you do that?" he said surprised.
"Oh, you didn't know?" she said gleefully. "I'm a metamorphmagus. I found out when I woke up the morning of the feast."
Draco nodded, beaming at her.
"That's actually pretty cool. I better get going, but I'll see you next year, yeah?"
"Of course." Amie said, and hugged him again. He began to walk away from her. "Hey, Malfoy!" she shouted, and he turned around.
"Yeah, Jones?" he said with a half-smile.
"Write to me, okay?" she asked.
"Of course." he replied, grinning wildly. They waved to each other, before returning to their own compartments.
"What did Malfoy want?" Harry asked as soon as she sat down on her seat.
"Nothing, really. Just wanted to insult me a little, and he said Slytherin would win next year."
Even Amie thought her lie was bad, but no one questioned it. Soon enough the train pulled into a stop, and they all took their luggage and got off. They were going through the barrier in groups (Amie with Hermione), so they wouldn't alarm Muggles on the other side.
"You must come and stay this summer." said Ron. "All three of you -- I'll send an owl."
"Thanks." said Harry. "I'll need something to look forward to."
Amie felt sorry for Harry, but as soon when she'd walked through the barrier, she saw her parents beaming at her. Amie felt tears rise in her eyes, and she ran and embraced them tightly.
"Amie, Amie, Amie." said Anne Jones, crying too. "How we have missed you."
"Really?" Amie said, smiling widely.

"Yes, really. We love you, honey. And we're sorry we haven't exactly showed it to you in the past, but we will from now on." David Jones told his daughter.
Happy tears were falling from Amie's eyes, and she hugged her parents again.
After they had their little moment together, Amie led her parents over to where here friends were standing. Harry looked like he was leaving, and Hermione had an off look on her face.

"Hope you have -- er -- a good holiday." said Hermione, without really looking at Harry.

"Oh, I will." said Harry, grinning. "They don't know we're not allowed to use magic at home. I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer."
Amie burst out laughing, hugging Harry goodbye before he left.

"Oh, you must be Amie!" said a kind-looking woman with red hair. Amie supposed she was Ron's mother.
"Yes, I am." Amie said while shaking her hand politely. "Thank you so much for the sweater and the fudge Mrs Weasley, I really appreciated it."
"Oh, it was nothing, dearie." Mrs Weasley said kindly.
"I really must be going." Amie said to Ron and Hermione, as her parents greeted Ron's parents. "I'm gonna miss you."
Amie hugged both of them before turning around and walking away with her parents.


So that was the last chapter of this book :) As always: Comment!

I will have a little break before starting the next book, to focus on school and such. I don't know when I will start the next one :) If you have an idea for the sequels name, then tell me :)


EDITED 20/1-2013

To be Me, Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 1 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now