The Sorcerer's Stone

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The next morning when Amie woke up, she decided to go for a run. It had been quite a long while, and she needed to clear her head. Since she couldn't exactly run in the snow, she decided to run on the Quidditch pitch. It was only eight o' clock, so she decided she would eat breakfast afterwards. Amie quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and headed down to the pitch. An hour later she headed back to the castle, out of breath, but feeling much better.
"Where were you?" Ron asked her when she finally went to the Great hall for breakfast.
"Out running. Why?"
"Running? What for?" Ron prompted.

"It's just what I do." Amie shrugged. "Whenever I'm nervous or have much to think about, I run."
"Is it that mirror for you too?" Ron asked, and Amie nodded. "Yeah, it's the same with Harry, I almost didn't even get him down for breakfast, and when he was done he just went back to the common room."
"That's strange. I hope he gets better soon."
"Yeah, so do I. That mirror is bad, somehow." Ron said.
Amie totally agreed with him.
"If he's not careful, it'll drive him mad," Amie stated. Ron nodded grimly.


After that day, Harry actually went back to normal. Amie and Ron were really relieved, at least he wasn't a lost case. Ron had confided in Amie that Harry was now having nightmares about his parents murder, though, and it bothered them.
"Oh no, poor Harry." Amie said sympatheticly. "No eleven year old should have those kinds of horrors in his life."
"I know. But we were right, weren't we? That mirror is bad. It can drive you mad!"
"Yes. I'm so glad he listens to Dumbledore, if not us."
Harry had told them that what made him stop thinking about the mirror was that Professor Dumbledore showed up when he went there alone. He hadn't told them what Dumbledore said, but as long as he didn't go back, it didn't matter much. Hermione came back the day before term started. Amie stood by the big front door waiting for her.

"Waiting for me?" Draco Malfoy said when he entered.
"You wish, Malfoy." she said with a scowl. She saw him look hurt and shocked, and she couldn't help but start laughing. He looked so funny!
"Hey!" he said and nudged her shoulder. "That was mean."
"I never said I was nice, did I?" Amie said with a smirk.
"Uhh... I guess not." he looked totally bewildered. "Bye then, Amie."
"Bye, Draco." she replied, before returning her attention to the other students walking in.
"Hermione!" Amie shouted when she saw her.
"Amie!" she shouted back. They met halfway and hugged eachother hard.
"I've missed you." they said at the same time. They chuckled.

"Come on, let's find the boys, we've got loads to tell you!" Amie said excitedly.


As the new term started, Amie found herself alone quite a lot again. Her friends had started searching the library in their free time, just like before, so Amie busied herself with homework, Quidditch, and roaming the school. On more than one of these walks through the school corridors she was joined by Draco. They always found places they could hang out without anyone noticing. Since Harry and Draco were enemies, neither Amie nor Draco wanted anyone to know they were friends. The sneaking around made it so much more fun, Amie thought.
"Hey -- Amie." Draco said. They had once again met during one of Amie's walks through the school, and now they were sitting in an empty classroom.

"Yeah, Draco?" Amie replied, looking up at him.
"Did you know, Snape is refereeing at your next Quidditch match?" he asked with a smirk.
"No, I did not know." Amie said, shocked. "How do you know?"

"I heard him talking to one of the other teachers about it." he shrugged. But he did sneak a look at her from the corner of his eye, to see how she reacted.

"Talking about Quidditch -- if I don't leave now, I'll be late for practise!" Amie shrieked and ran from the classroom, leaving him behind.
"Bye, Draco!" she had time to yell. Draco looked confusedly after her.

Amie got there just in time for Oliver to start the training session. It was wet and muddy, and the air was moist. Amie found it hard to concentrate when the Weasley twins were pretending to fall off their brooms. She decided to tell Oliver about Snape, so she flew to the ground where he stood. He had just gotten very angry with Fred and George for their childlike behaviour.
"Oliver, can I talk to you?" Amie said cautiously, seeing the furious look on his face.
"Of course, Amie. What is it?" he asked softly.
"Well, I just thought I'd let you know that-Snape-is-refereeing-our-next-game." she said in one breath, and watched as Oliver's face grew dark.
"Will you stop messing around!" Oliver yelled at the twins, making Amie jump in fright. "That's exactly the sort of thing that'll lose us the match! Snape's refereeing this time, and he'll be looking for any excuse to knock points off Gryffindor!" Amie watched as George actually did fall off his broom at the news.
"Snape's refereeing?" George said, while spitting out mud. "When's he ever refereed a Quidditch match? He's not gonna be fair if we might overtake Slytherin."

"It's not my fault." Oliver said, thankfully not questioning Amie on how she got her facts. "We've just got to make sure we play a clean game, so Snape hasn't got an excuse to pick on us."
Amie saw Harry looking very scared, and remembered that he thought Snape was trying to kill him. They headed straight up to the common room after practise, and found Ron and Hermione in a corner, playing chess.
"Don't talk to me for a moment." said Ron. "I need to concen--" he saw the look on Harry's face. "What's the matter with you? You look terrible."
"Snape is refereeing our next Quidditch match." Harry whispered to them.
"Don't play." said Hermione quickly.

"Say you're ill." said Ron.
"Pretend to break your leg." Hermione suggested.
"Really break your leg." Ron continued.
"Honestly." Amie said in annoyance.
"I can't." said Harry, ignoring Amie. "There isn't a reserve seeker. If I back out, Gryffindor can't play at all."
At that moment, the common room door opened, and Neville jumped in. He seemed to have the leg-locker curse put on him, and he promptly fell to the floor. The room roared with laughter, and Amie glared at them all. Hermione, however, had ran to her feet and performed the counter-curse, then she led Neville to their corner.
"What happened?" Hermione asked him kindly.
"Malfoy." Neville replied, shakily. "I met him outside the library. He said he'd been looking for someone to practice that on."

Amie jumped to her feet. She was trembling with rage. She ran out of the common room so fast, no one really noticed. She ran all the way down to the library, and when she didn't find him there, she continued searching for him in the corridors leading to the Slytherin common room. She found him with Crabbe and Goyle near the dungeons.
"Malfoy!" she roared, her voice almost a growl. She saw him stiffen with fear, before turning to face her. She grabbed him by his robes, and pushed him up a wall. Crabbe and Goyle watched her, not knowing what to do.
"J -Jones?" Malfoy stuttered, eyes wide.

"Why did you do that to Neville?" she asked, and before allowing him to answer, she slapped him in the face, shouted "JERK" and stormed off. Wearing a surprised sort of expression, Draco stared after her. When she came back to the common room, she was still so furious, she just couldn't sit down. She paced around the room, until she caught sight of Harry, Ron and Hermione, all hunched over a book. Curious, she walked up to them.
"A stone that makes gold and stops you form ever dying!" she heard Harry say. "No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it."
"And no wonder we couldn't find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry. He's not exactly recent if he's six-hundred and sixty-five, is he?" Ron said knowingly.
Suddenly, it all made sense to Amie. She HAD read about it. What the three-headed dog was guarding was the Sorcerer's Stone!


Finally I'm done with this chappie. Feels like it took forever, only because I didn't write anything for two whole days! Well, there you have it, anyways :) And I feel like I spaced off from the book a little in this chapter, and that's good :) What did you think of her scene with Draco there at the end? Spicy! :D Comment! Bye!

EDITED 16/1-2013

To be Me, Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 1 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now