Hagrid's slip up

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As soon as the words left her mouth, she saw her friends eyes widen in shock.
"Please don't make me regret telling you, I'm not supposed to, anyway." Amie said panicky.
"That's why you've seen Dumbledore, isn't it?" asked Hermione, putting the pieces together.
"Yes. And he didn't want me to tell you -- thought you might be scared -- but now that I've realised that I am in fact seeing the future, I'm a little bit worried. But don't ask me why -- I can't tell you."
"When did you have the vision about me and Harry in the forest?" asked Hermione.
"The night you got rid of Norbert." Amie answered.
"Wow." said Hermione. "That was ages ago."
"I know, I had almost forgotten about it, but then I figured out that you would have your detention in the forest, and I remembered again. I was so worried."
"Why?" Harry spoke up. "Didn't you see that we were okay?"
"No. I only saw you walking with Hagrid, then him lifting you behind the tree, then it changed to you walking with Malfoy, him screaming and running away, and you clutching your scar. So you see, I had no way of knowing if you were okay." Amie explained, purposly leaving out the part of her feeling pain.
"What was the other vision about?" asked Ron. "You said you've had two?"
"Yes, I did say that. But I can't tell you, it might scare you. And it hasn't happened yet."
The trio seemed to accept it, even though Amie could see that they were extremely curious.
"Let's go to bed. There's no point wasting more sleep, it's getting light outside." said Ron, and they all went up to their dormitories.


The next days all four of them were scared that Voldemort was going to come and kill Harry. Although, Hermione and Ron didn't particularly show it much. Since Voldemort was in the forest, he was definately close enough to come to Hogwarts. No one worried more than Harry, and Amie was impressed that he still could focus on homework and practising for the exams that was now upon them. They did their written exams in a big classroom, and because summer was almost there, it was really hot in there. Amie kept wiping sweat off of her forehead, but thankfully so did everyone else, so she didn't feel too disgusting. Amie, and Hermione she noticed, wrote their answer sheets full in every exam, and their practicals went great as well. Amie had always had good grades before, but she was sure that these were the best she had ever done. One of the exams she enjoyed the most was the practical exam of Transfiguration. They turned a mouse into a snuffbox, and got points on how cute it was. When Amie did hers, she could actually see McGonagall swell with pride on how great it was.

The one exam that Amie felt was difficult was History of Magic, their very last exam. Sure, she had managed not to fall asleep during Professor Binns classes, but she still couldn't concentrate as well as Hermione. Professor Binns was a ghost, and had a voice that made eyes drop. Despite this fact, Amie felt that she got most questions right, and that was good enough in this particular subject. Hermione liked to discuss their exams in detail afterwards, and History of Magic wasn't any different. Amie didn't mind too much -- she could drown her voice out -- but Ron did mind. He told Hermione that it made him feel ill, and she had to shut up.

They decided to go sit by the lake, to celebrate the end of the exams. Everyone flopped down under a tree happily, but Harry looked distraught.
"No more studying." said Ron with a smile. "You could look more cheerful, Harry, we've got a week before we find out how badly we've done, there's no need to worry yet."
"I wish I knew what this means!" shouted Harry, rubbing his forehead. "My scar keeps hurting -- it's happened before, but never as often as this."
"Go to Madam Pomfrey." Hermione suggested.
"Honestly, Hermione, what good could she do? Harry is the only one with a scar like that, she wouldn't know how to make him feel better." Amie said knowingly.
"Yes, I'm not ill or anything, Hermione. I think it's a warning... It means danger's coming..." said Harry.
"Harry, relax, Hermione's right, the Stone's safe as long as Dumbledore's around." Ron said. "Anyway, we've never had any proof that Snape found out how to get past Fluffy. He nearly had his leg ripped off once, he's not going to try it again in a hurry. And Neville will play Quidditch for England before Hagrid lets Dumbledore down." Something clicked in Amie when she listened to Ron's words. A feeling of dread in  her stomach, she stood up and began to walk away from them, missing the rest of the conversation. A few seconds later she was joined by Harry, and behind them were Ron and Hermione, looking confused.
"Figured it out huh?" asked Amie, and Harry nodded. They started running.

To be Me, Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 1 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now