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"Aight, we ready make this money?" Dana asked as she would every night. Karson and April nodded after putting any finishing touches on their outfits or hair. Dana walked out and Karson was ready to walk out but, noticed April wasn't as enthusiastic.

"Yo, A, you good?" Karson asked.

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about tonight. I don't know what it is." April answered, playing with her fingers.

"Maybe you're just nervous. We got guys out there who got MONEY money, tonight. You'll be aight." Karson said, touching her arm. April only nodded as she watched her friend go out there. She turned back, grabbing her phone beginning to text someone, anyone.

"April, the hell are you doing?" She heard a voice and turned around with phone still in hand. Khalil's uncle is the owner of the club so, Khalil helps co-own. She turned around to Khalil and saw he was angry.

"I can't go out there tonight, I don't want to." April admitted. Khalil sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes not caring about her feelings much.

"You did the stuff so, what the fuck is the problem?" He questioned, his voice getting a little louder.

"I just... I don't want to do this. At least not tonight, those are grown ass men in their forties. I feel uncomfortable." She explained.

"Then what the fuck did you sign up for this life? You do realize every night you dance for men of all ages? Grow some fucking balls and dance for those mothafuckas." Khalil yelled at her practically.

"Khalil, I'm not going out there."

"You do whatever the fuck I tell you to do."

"No, I don't! You're not my damn Daddy!" She yelled.

"You wasn't saying that when you called me daddy the other day." He cockily said, biting his lip.

"You're fucking jerk." She pushed him with all her force but, he didn't move. He only laughed evilly, scaring her. He grabbed her by her wrist and brought her closer to him.

"Don't you ever put your fucking hands on me again, bitch." He said through his gritted teeth, looking her straight in the eyes.

"I could say the same to you." She replied, boldly. He punched her hard, making her fall to the ground. She began to cry while holding her cheek.

"Clean yo ass up and get your ass out there or you'll get more of that later on. Come on." He then left slamming the door. She sat there, staring at the door in anger. She got up on her feet and just started yelling out of anger.

When April was tired and stressed, she was this totally different person. She pushed everything off of her vanity and threw a vase at wall, throwing the stool by the vanity. She went as crazy as to breaking the mirror with her hand, which of course, wasn't the best idea.

She cried harder, dropping to the floor holding her now bloody hand. She shuffled through the objects on the floor for her phone with her other hand. When she found it, she struggled with one hand to call the one person she was trying to reach earlier.

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