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Thirty Minutes Earlier...

Keith had went out with Luke and Algee and joining them was Keith's cousin, Dante, who came up to visit again, and Luke's cousin, Collin, who came to visit as well. Dante and Collin were close friends which is the reason Keith and Luke are close friends, since elementary. Algee came along in high school.

Keith was well aware April was still locked in the bedroom but, he was determined she'd find the key. It was in the most obvious spot. He didn't think much of it though, Amethyst made sure to text him to tell him she was on her way back home.

The guys were having fun in their own section, not really minding anyone's business. And guess who comes over to the section eager to start trouble.

"What's up, nigga?"

The guys all stopped conversation to look up at the tall man standing before them. Their facial expressions all dropped to the same look of irritation.

"Not this nigga," Luke mumbled before taking a sip of his alcoholic beverage.

"Whatcha need, Khalil?" Keith spoke up, standing just in case he tried anything.

"Where's Claire?" Khalil questioned, furrowing his eyebrows waiting for a response.

"What makes you think I know where she is?" Keith asked, the guys instigating looking back at Khalil waiting for a response.

"I tracked her phone. She came to your house and she's still there," He replied.

"Oh, this nigga crazy crazy." Collin mumbled to himself.

"Not at my house. Matter of fact, she was at my house," Keith boldly said.

"For what?" Khalil asked, looking at Keith like he was about to do something to him at any moment.

"She dropped off Anna. She left a note and documents saying I was her father." Keith admitted surprising everyone who heard it.

"Hold up, what?" Dante look up at his little cousin confused.

"We'll talk about it later." Keith told Dante. "Other than that, she said she was getting away from you. But, I don't know where her phone is and why it's still located somewhere at my house."

"You do know where she is! Why are you lying?" Khalil yelled.

"Nigga, I just said—"

"Where's Claire!?" Khalil yelled once more, this time with a gun in hand, pointing it at Keith but, all the guys put up their hands anyway. A few females that were around shrieked and scurried away.

"I told you, I don't know, nigga!" Keith exclaimed.

"No need to get violent on a nigga." Dante began to say, standing slowly with his hands up.

"Sit down, bitch ass nigga!" Khalil then pointed the gun at Dante who meant no harm.

"Chill out with that gun man!" Keith exclaimed, protecting his cousin more than anything. Keith knee Dante could get wild with people like Khalil and he never fails to get hurt.

"Aight, what you not rey do is call me no bitch because that, I'm not." Dante began to get aggressive with his tone, putting his hands down from defense.

"Aye, Dante, chill bruh." Collin calmly said trying to hold Dante back but, he couldn't budge.

"Nah, lil nigga comin' up here get all big on my lil bro and I'm not 'bout to let that happen."

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