the talk

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Maura's p.o.v.

Its the day that Jane and Lilly and Nikki get out of the hospital. And me and her need to talk about what has been going on and I'm kinda scared that I'm going to lose her as my best friend over all of this. But I don't think I will but I don't want to take any chances bc I love her too much to lose her. Like she makes me whole and she makes me who I am and she is always there for me more then anyone has ever been. And I just cant lose the girl that has saved my life more then a handful of times and I couldn't do anything to pay her back and i wish that there was something that I could do to pay her back I just need to think of a way. I started to get worried because I haven't heard anything from Jane yet and its kinda worrying me because she normally has texted or called me by now so I get my phone out and I call her she don't answer so I'm really worried because she always answers my calls and text but this time she hasn't so I don't know what's going on and I'm really worried. All that is running threw my mind is what did I mess things up or what because she's not talking to me and she's not texting me back.

Jane's P.O.V.

Its the day that me and my babies get out of the hospital and when I get to my apartment I see a note on my and it says that i have five days to be out. My phone has been ringing none stop and so I shut it off so I could be alone and think of what I'm going to do next and if I'm going to be ok or if I have to go and live with my mother and my brother tommy. After I calmed down I called Maura back and my voice was still cracking and she asked me what was going on and I told her that I'm trying to find somewhere to live because I just got a letter saying that I only have five day to be out of my apartment and that I don't know what to do because if she don't find somewhere to live that I will have to go and live with my mom and tommy and I really don't want to live with them because they would be up my ass all the danm time so what do I do Maur.

Maura's P.O.V.

So the next time that I tried to call Jane she answered and i could her that she was crying and that she was all up set so that I asked her what was wrong and all she could tell me was that she was going to be running late. Then she broke down and told me and I told her that if she need to take a rain check. All she could tell me is no she wants to talk and she wants to talk about this whole thing so that they can figure it all out because she need to get her mind off things.

Jane's P.O.V.

I told Maura that I would be running a little bit late I told her that i have to take the girls to my moms till I can figure this all out and that I hope that I figure this all out soon. So I get to my moms and I get both of the car seats out with the girls in them and I knock on the door and tommy answered and I really don't like him he has been in jail more then a hand full of times and I don't want him around my kids because all he is a bad influence to everyone that is around him. After I dropped the girls off and before i left I told my mother not to let tommy anywhere around them because I really don't trust him around Lilly and Nikki all my mother can tell me is that she will be there the whole time so if he wants to hold them then he can so I yelled at her because she was pissing me off bad I told her that if she couldn't respect my wishes then she would never watch my kids ever again. I'm in the car on my way to Mauras once I get there I just set in the car and I try and get my thoughts together but I'm just so lost and confused what if she really don't feel the same way and I lose her as my best friend. I finally get out of the car and I walk up to Maura's door and I knocked on it she opened right away and she could tell that I was still crying and she pulled me in and hugged me like she hasn't seen me in forever and when we parted i looked at her and caressed her face and she fell into the touch and there was a long silence and she took me to her room and set me on the bed and she set on my lap facing me and I froze because I don't know what she was doing then she kissed me and started kissing me down my neck and jawline all I wanted at the time was her.

Maura's P.O.V.

I went and looked out my window and I seen that jane was setting out there in the mustang and just staring out in no where so I just walked away if she wants to talk she will come to the door when she is ready to talk. When she knocked on my door I could tell that she was crying so I pulled her in and hugged her like I haven't seen her in forever the when we pulled apart Jane caressed my face and all I could do is fall into her touch then there was a long silence then I took her to my room and I set her on my bed then I sat on her lap facing her then I felt her tense up from there forward she wasn't so tense then I kissed her I started kissing her down her neck and jawline all I could think at that time is that I wanted her. She pulled back and said that she wants to talk first then do what ever this was they where doing so I got up and we went to the kitchen and we started talking about what happened a couple days ago.

Jane's P.O.V.

So after I told Maura that we need to talk first then they could do what ever it was they were getting ready to do because they need to figure this all out first before they do have sex. Maura I want to know if u really do love me or ur just saying this because I'm a mother of two little girls. Because Maura I'm not the same old Jane Rizzoli I used to be I have to little one that r now looking up to me so please don't be getting my hopes up on this or on use bc I will leave right now bc I don't want to get hurt again like I was by Casey. Because Maura I do love u like I'm in love with you but u probably aren't ready to have to have kids and I cant take back what has happened in the past I'm looking to the future now because of Nikki and Lilly i love my girls more than anything and I wouldn't ever change anything.

Maura's P.O.V.

Listening to what Jane had to say literally made me start thinking because I'm ready for this. I looked at Jane and took her hand I looked her dead in the eyes and she went to turn her head but I didn't let her I told her that I'm ready for anything if that means me having her and the girls in my life. I want to tell you this now Jane to me ur always going to be the same old Jane Rizzoli to me with or without kids ur an amazing person and a great mom I want this if you want this. And I have an idea if you want we can change the guest bedroom into a nursery for the twins if that is ok with you. Because Jane I never want you to leave I want to help raise these girls and I want to marry you one day in the future I want to go to sleep by u and wake up by u for the rest of my life if ur up for this will you be my girlfriend. And out of no where I'm being picked up and lips against mine I rap my legs around her waist as she takes me to my bedroom well r bedroom now. Well at least I think its r room now im not sure yet.

Jane's P.O.V.

She asked me to be her girlfriend and the only thing that came to my mind was kissing her. I picked her up and started to her bedroom well soon to be r bedroom and she rapped her legs around me as I started walking. i got to the bedroom and I started down her neck and jawline to the top of her shirt. I took her shirt off and she did the same to mine then i took her bra off and kissed her breast then I took one of her nipples into my mouth and started sucking on it then with my other hand I massaged the other nipple in between my fingers. then I started kissing down her stomach and I took her pants off and I went down and licked her wet folds and she moaned in pleasure I continued to lick her then I trusteed two fingers in and out of her she arched her back as her fingers tangled in my untamed hair. she screamed my name when she came I didn't stop thrusting and licking because I wanted her to ride it out so I let her. then all of a sudden I was being flipped over on my back.

Maura's P.O.V.

Jane was thrusting in and out of me I was moaning and I moaned her name and we hear a knock on the door we hurry up and get dressed and we go to the door. When I opened it we see Angela with the twins we ask her why she was here with the girls then she let it out.....


Cliff hanger wait for the next chapter then u will find out why Angela is at Maura's front door love u guy like and comment. :)

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