going home

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Janes P.O.V.

So today me and Nikki can come home maura has been good enough to me that she has been watching Lilly while me and NIKKI was in the hospital. when me and Nikki get home I hear crying and its not from Lilly when I walk into the living room I was being as quiet as I could and I seen that its Maura crying then I hear her say something and it broke my heart when I heard what she said. I wanted to say something but I just walked back over to the door and opened it and slammed the door shut it broke my heart when I seen her like that but I didn't want her to know that I heard every word that she had said while she was watching tv so I just acted like I just got home.

Maura's P.O.V.

Today jane and Nikki get to come home again and I was thinking out loud I was thinking about my future and jane I don't think really cares enough to be in it but I don't know how to ask her if she is serious about being in love with me with out up setting her that's the last thing I want to do. But what if she don't really love me and she is just here to hurt me like her brother did to me when I was with him. I really care about Jane but she has been a little off and by this time I'm crying my eyes out bc I'm over working myself but I feel like its all true then I hear the door slam shut and its jane so I hurry up and wipe my eyes so she don't think that there is something wrong when their really is but I cant talk to her about this right now when the time is good and we are alone I will talk to her about it but not right now. I go to kiss her and she turns her head and I give her a weird look and all she does is walk away like I'm not even there and that hurt me she goes to the guest room where me and her set up to cribs for the girls and she goes in there and slams that door I go to open the door but I cant get it opened then I realize that she has the door locked and then I finally get why.

Janes P.O.V.

When I get to the house that's when Maura sees me and comes over and tries to kiss me but I turn away from her bc she hurt me really bad and I want her to explain to me why she is feeling like this but I don't think she will I don't think she trusts me at all so how r we supposed to make this relationship work if there is no trust between the two of us. When I go to the guest room I slam the door and lock it and I hear the door knob jiggle but I don't bother to unlock the door because I need away from her so I'm thinking about going to my mom and staying with her for awhile if she don't care. I get my phone out of my back pocket and I dial my moms number and when she answers the first thing she askes me is if I'm feeling ok. I tell her yes then she asked me what was wrong then I told that I didn't think that Maura trusted me. So can I come and stay with you for a couple of days to clear my head and do u care if the girls are with me because I have no one else to watch them. When i finally get off the phone with my mother and i put Nikki down for her nap i go to the living room hoping to talk to Maura but before i go in the living room i go to the kitchen to get something to drink. I walk into the living room where Maura is and I tell her that we need to talk about some stuff and all she does is get up and move away from me. Then I look at her and tell her that we need to talk bc I over heard what she said and it hurt me.

Maura's P.O.V.

Jane finally came out of the guest room from putting Nikki down for her nap and when she came back out she walked outside and was smoking but I never new that she smoked. then I called frost and asked him how long jane has been smoking and he told me that she only smokes when she is upset or when she hears something that makes her anxiety rise and when she hers anything about rape or someone being raped. I said goodbye to frost then when she came back in she was crying she then seat down beside of me and said that we needed to talk because she over heard what I had said and that's why she locked herself in the guest room and didn't come out and when she did she went out and smoked I don't even know how many cigarettes.

Jane's P.O.V.

When I walked back into the house from smoking I started to cry because she don't think that I'm telling her the truth about being in love with her and I am. so we sat down and I told her that we needed to talk and she said ok we started talking and I told her that I over heard what she said earlier and that it hurt me really bad because I am in love with u because you make my life a hell of a lot better and you always put a smile on my face when u walk threw the door and u look me in the eyes. because Maura I don't want anyone else but you your the one that makes my life the way it is and when Hoyt kidnapped me all I could think about was u then when Casey raped me all I want was to be in your arms all those long nights with out you in my arms was hell. now will you believe e when I tell you that I'm in love with u Maura isles and that u complete me and I never want to lose the girl that makes my life sunshiny and bright. I've never loved someone so much honestly I love u more then I love myself and it scares the fuck out of me.

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