the day she wakes

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Janes P.O.V.

So I was laying in the hospital bed and I feel someone's hand on mine and I feel something in my mouth and I start to choke and then I hear screaming and its Maura. I have no idea what's going on so I try and take what ever is in my throat out and its tapped to my mouth and I'm scared for my life. I honestly have no idea what to do so I stop struggling then I feel what ever it is coming out of my throat and it was a tube to keep me breathing. when I seen that I had no idea y I was at the hospital so when the nurse left I opened my eyes and the first person I seen was Maura and she had this shocked look on her face and I had no idea what was going on so I asked her and she told me that when I went to talk to tommy he put a knife to my throat and cut me then I shot myself.

Maura's P.O.V.

When I seen jane just laying there I was scared to death I thought that I was really going to lose her this time. When she finally woke up I didn't know what to do I was so happy that she was awake. I walked over to her and she was fighting the tub that was down her throat so I went and yelled for the nurse to come in and take it out so that she would stop fighting it and hurt herself even more. I was so scared that it would be the last time that I would see her beautiful brown eyes and I didn't think I would ever see that smile that brings me joy every time I see smile and the happiness and I love her so much.

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