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Never in my life had I ever thought that I would be sitting at a restaurant waiting to have a lunch date with my husband's mistress. On top of everything the restaurant she booked is the same restaurant my husband would take me to every year on our anniversary. The place he proposed to me in front of our friends and strangers, is the same place he has been taking his wonderful young mistress.

I remember the day I received her text message. It was Champagne Wednesdays with the girls at our house and I had gone to the kitchen for a refill when a message popped up on my phone's screen.

Hi Diana, My name is Nikki. I know it is not my place to be contacting you, but I have been having an affair with your husband. I never knew he was married, I found out a week ago when I discovered another phone hidden in his car. I would like to meet with you if possible...

My heart was in pieces when I read that message and everything within me was telling me to breakdown and cry. But I knew better than to allow my feelings to consume me in front of the ladies. If there's one thing women like to talk about, it's failing marriages. I was not about to give them the satisfaction. I took a deep breath, poured my champagne and went back to the dining room.

The days leading up to this moment were the worst. I had first convinced myself that she was a gold digging liar and that my husband loved me too much to ever betray me. I remember arguing with myself in the mirror, convincing myself that she was not real. I knew I was losing my mind when I started convincing myself that the message was sent to me by mistake and she meant to contact another Diana.

The worst part of it all was sleeping next to my husband every single night. I remember staring at him while he slept and thought of all the ways I could destroy him if everything turned out to be true. But the actual day that I decided that I was going to meet up with this woman is a day that completely changed my perspective on love. 

Clyde was having one of those pretentious dinner parties at the house for a potential client. The client brought a long a young beautiful woman whom I assumed to be a business partner. After a few drinks they started revealing how they met while he was going through a rough patch with his ex-wife. That however, was not my alarm bell moment. You see towards the end of the night he excused himself to go to the kitchen because of an incoming call which he claimed it to be security at his company. I got up moments later to grab another bottle of wine and just before I entered the kitchen I overheard him referring to the person on the phone as his darling wife and asking her to kiss the kids good night.

If that wasn't a message from God, then I don't know!

Waiting for this woman was torture. I kept thinking that every younger looking woman that looked like daddy still paid for everything was her. I had this image of a socialite model who says things like 'oh my gosh' and 'wow, like totally'. After waiting for an hour nursing my wine, I decided it's not worth it and I was leaving. But as I got up, I felt an uncomfortable presence behind me.

"Hi Diana."

Without even turning around, I knew it was her. Every muscle in my body was telling me that the woman behind me was the woman that would change my perspective on life and love all together.

"Diana it's me Nikki, I am sorry I am late."

I was mute. I could feel my throat clogging up and the hot tears painfully circulating my pupils as if acid rain was falling from the sky. Never in my life had I imagined that so much pain could consume your body all at once.

"Diana... Actually, I understand if you don't want to speak to me, I should go..."


I turned around and saw her. My soul felt like it had been snatched from me by death's hands. She did not look like the younger woman i had imagined. She was in her early thirties , had an elegant olive green jumpsuit on with beautiful nude heels to match. Her hair was a golden brown colour which just kissed her shoulders. Her eyes were hazel and she had the same shade of maroon lipstick that I had on. I was in complete shock. Not because of her beauty, but because it felt like I had just met another version of myself!

"This, Motherfucker!"

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