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Lucy and I finished the bottle of whiskey and she went to sleep in the guestroom. She tried to get me to sleep, but I told her I wanted to wait for Clyde. It was 3:00 a.m and he still was not home. 

Just as I was about to give up on the idea of him coming home I heard the door unlock, he looked so different. No matter what was going on in Clyde's life he always had this confident swagger about him, but in that moment he looked like a dying vampire. I ran to him and just hugged him, but he didn't seem to have the strength t return my embrace so I took his hand and led him to the couch.

"Clyde, I am so sorry..."

"No, I am. I have not been honest with you about a lot of things and now I have put the both of us in Danger. What did Carmen tell you?"

"That the two of you have been having an affair. she showed me pictures of the conversations the both of you had. She even told me about the apartment and how you are paying her rent. She had evidence..."

"Did she Diana? think about it. She showed you pictures of conversations, not actual conversations. She told you about the apartment, did she ever tell you to come over and see for yourself that she lives there."


"Sweetheart, you have always been insecure and I have accepted that about you. But I was not having an affair...To be honest, I wish I did."


"Not for the reasons you think. What I am saying is, the situation I have gotten myself into with Carmen is worse than an affair. I want to tell you so badly...but I am scared of how you will look at me."

"You do not have to be scared, I have done some terrible things in my life too."

"Like what? Besides trying to befriend my supposed mistress... what exactly was your plan?"

"I was going to tell you I am pregnant and I know that would make you rush home. But I wouldn't be home, in-fact the entire house would be empty, all the furniture and my clothes gone. The only thing you were going to find was a recording with compromising videos of Nikki, I mean a sex club, along with divorce papers. "


"I was hurt okay! So look, I am in no positions to judge you when I am clearly a sociopath."

" It's better than being a drug dealer's lawyer."

I could feel my heart sink to my stomach because the look in Clyde's eyes confirmed that he was not lying.

" Alright... I am listening."

"Well, my boss approached me in private and said he had a very lucrative case for the firm that he only trusted me to handle. In the meeting was this client, Carmen. Well what was discussed in the meeting was a case around a battle of rightful inheritance. Her father had passed and his dying wish was for both her and her brother to take over the family business."

"The drug business?!"

"No... They own a real estate firm. One of the most powerful in the city. So everything was going well, the case was looking good. One night, I had to go over some documents and I guess I arrived too early at her office. I heard her arguing with some man about late shipment. I knocked and the man opened and held a gun to my face."

"Why didn't you run?!"

"Because I wanted to live. look I know how men like him operate and from the little bit of the conversation I heard, Carmen was the person in charge, not him and I only answer to the person in charge. "

And there he was! In the midst of this conversation it was as if he suddenly remembered who he was. His swagger was back and the fear had vanished from his eyes and his hands were comforting mine.

"... I looked him dead in the eye and asked him to remove the gun because I had a meeting with my client. He removed the gun, laughed and stepped out of my way. But before I could sit down Carmen's brother barged in with his crew and I guess they didn't notice that I was an unfamiliar face because they just dropped a bag of cocaine on the table. It was only then when they noticed me and then all of a sudden I had four guns pointed at me. At this stage I looked at Carmen who seemed very annoyed at her brother's presence but she calmed everyone down and asked me to wait outside."

"And hunny at this stage you didn't feel like you needed to get the hell out of there?"

"And become a liability which would lead to me being dead? No. Let me finish bunny. Well after almost an hour I decided to knock and ask for a rescheduling, but just as I knocked I heard gunshots. I walked in and there was Carmen's brother and his entire crew dead and Carmen holding the gun... Long story short, Carmen can easily make her brother's death seem like it never happened but..."

"She does not trust that you will keep your mouth shut..."

"Exactly. I was still working for her on the case sorting out all the legalities of having everything under her name, but I guess she saw me as her saviour or something because a few weeks ago when all the work was done, she asked me to go on holiday with her. I reminded her I was married and I am only working for her because I was smart enough not to become a liability and I needed to protect you. If she could kill her brother, she's capable of anything."

"So why did she come looking for me if everything seemed to be in order... illegal order but still order."

"Well, to be honest her approaching you was a bit of a blind spot. I thought I had everything under control, she seemed to have taken my rejection well. But after speaking with her tonight... she's making me choose."

"Is she now..."

"Either I leave you or ... she has you killed. She's given me 7 days to say my goodbyes."

"Well I guess we have seven days then."

"What do you mean love?

"We have seven days to get rid of her. She messed with the wrong bitch, you're mine!"

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