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For some weird reason she hugged me, almost as if happy to see me. The hell was this? She must have sensed my awkwardness because she quickly pulled away and stroked her hair in embarrassment.

"Sorry Nikki, this is just very weird for me.It's just that..."

"That I was the other woman in your marriage?"

"No... well yes... but it's just that you're not what I expected."

"You aren't what I expected either! You'd think men cheat on their wives because they let themselves go. You are absolutely stunning!"


I gestured for her to follow me back to my table where she requested the waitress to bring what happened to be one of my favourite champagnes. She obviously did not know this, but it made me feel uneasy that possibly everything that I loved had been taught to be loved by her through my husband.

"I see you have good taste in champagne."

"Ever since university I have always been a champagne kind of girl. It's elegant but gives you that I-don't-care-what-my-name-is effect at the same time. People think you're being classy but really you're just trying to get drunk without judgement."

"Well damn, I agree!"

The Champagne came and almost immediately I became side tracked. This was far from the plan! I had wanted to manipulate her into giving me the dirt on everything so that I could divorce him and take everything and then by the end of the meeting I would have poured my glass over her face. Then I'd make a scene at the restaurant calling her a husband stealer in front of everyone while somebody probably films the whole thing and uploads it onto social media. Very tacky plan, but that was the plan. Instead... I liked her.

She was educated, sophisticated and we had similar interests. But reality struck when her phone rang, and there on her caller ID was my husband's name. She rejected the call and we sat in awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Diana... I had no idea he was married."

"How did you meet?"

She sighed and gave me a look that told me I was not going to like anything she had to say.

"I met him at his law firm. His secretary is a close friend of mine. She asked me to drop off some stuff and when I was chatting to her at the workplace he came out of his office. I think he was leaving for a meeting, but he stopped and gave me that look. You know that look that somebody gives you like you're the most beautiful being in the world. That look that makes you question how could anybody look at you any other way. I instantly felt like I was his... and for many months I felt that way, that I was his but to be honest, never that he was mine. Anyway for the past year we went on holidays, he would come over, I would visit him..."

"Visit him where exactly?"

"At his luxury apartment, not too far from where he works."

"Say what now?!"

"Yes... by Glen avenue street, the white building..."


"Is everything okay?"

That property was in my name. Clyde said he got his assistant to do all the admin of finding a tenant.

"That's my apartment. I thought I was renting it out to actual tenants. Didn't know it was his hideaway! Wow! And what about these holidays... when was this?"

"The last one was two weeks ago for a weekend..."

"Wait, the weekend of the 21st?  He said he had to go to out of town to meet up with a potential new client for a business deal."

"Oh, he did. I went with him. His potential client is a friend of mine. I was the one who set up the meeting."


I was not ready for this at all. I was expecting her to expose him as a cheat but not as a slimy conman. A tear fell down my face and she reached over and gently touched my hand. I shrugged it off and excused myself to go to the toilet.

I looked at myself in the mirror and stared at the woman in front of me. Long black expensive extensions for hair, navy blue silk dress that accentuated my figure. Black heels and the canary diamond wedding ring on my finger as my only accessory. I owned multiple boutique stores and I had a career in property investment. I was not just his wife, I was a powerful woman. The one all these men claim to want. I was every type of "goal" women aspired to be. But somehow I felt like the biggest loser... and nothing inspires me like losing!

I took out my phone and called Lucy, my sister. I had already informed her about Nikki and she approved the meeting, but right now I needed her to approve another plan I had up my sleeve.

"Hello Diana babes."

"Hunny, I am a good person right?"

"No, but carry on..."

"Wow some sister you are! Anyway... I know I said I wanted to divorce Clyde. But I want to do something better."

"I don't like this but carry on."

" I want whatever hold she has on him. I want to be both the woman I am and the woman she is and get my husband back."

"The hell are you saying!?"

"I am going to befriend her, study her and then eliminate her. And then when I have become everything he desires... I am going to leave him!"

" Diana, that's a very disturbing plan... I love it!"

"I knew you would. Gotta go!"

I put my phone away and reapplied my lipstick. I gave myself an air kiss and headed back to the table where another bottle of champagne was waiting for me.

"Sorry for taking so long, I just needed a moment."

"I understand, I am so sorry..."

"No, I am sorry. He shouldn't have used you the way he did. I am here for you, we need to stick together as women. This can't be our lives anymore, constantly fighting each other because a man was with both of us."

"I am so glad you think so! Oh Diana this makes me even more happy. And if it gives you any closure you might need, I'll answer any question you have about the affair."

"Oh no hunny, let's have a good day. I want to hear all about you, I find you so interesting. It's weird to say this, but I'm actually quite impressed with you as his choice. I was scared you'd be some stupid naïve 20 year old."

"I can Imagine! Well where would you like me to start?"

"From the beginning hunny..."

Let the games begin.

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