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It had been two weeks since the meet up with Nikki and since then we had been communicating with each other almost everyday. She had this girl power mentality that women should stick together when we have been hurt by the same man. I found it nauseating but I was great at pretending. As far as I was concerned they both owed me and I would be taking my payment in the form of humiliation.

It was not as easy pretending with my husband. I  purposely came to bed late so that he wouldn't try to cuddle with me. I had early dinners at restaurants and brought home takeaways so he would eat alone and I took ridiculously long showers in the morning in order to avoid his goodbye kisses. I loved this man and as much as I was playing a vengeful game, I was hurting. 

I didn't think he would notice the change in my behaviour. I assumed men who cheat are too focused on cheating to realize their woman is drifting away. But one night Clyde asked me about the takeaways and I lied and said I was planning on expanding content at the store and dealing with suppliers was stressful. It was not completely a lie, I was expanding but everything was going smoothly. There was actually no need for me to be in the store other than to be away from Clyde .

So the next night I cooked an amazing seafood dinner and of course, I was dessert. I had bought his favourite whiskey and of course I looked like a dream in my black silk dress.

I sat in the kitchen waiting for him while sipping on champagne. I checked my phone for the time  and I noticed 3 missed calls from Nikki. I decided it was best not to return her calls in order to not  be distracted by her and my feelings of resentment. Today he was not my cheating husband, he was the love of my life and the man I had known since I was 19 years old. He was mine and I was his.

Clyde walked in at 20:40, which was strange because he arrives home no later than 20:00. I was too afraid that me questioning him might blow my cover so I ignored my feelings, greeted him with a kiss and lead him to the dinner table.

"Wow Diana, is that my favourite whiskey?"

"Yeah baby and there's more. I cooked and the dessert is a secret."

"Secrets are fun."

"You would say that wouldn't you?"


"I mean... you like it when I have surprises for you. Anyway let's eat!"

That was close.

Fortunately the rest of the night was a breeze and for a while I felt like our marriage was perfect again. We were laughing, flirting and he commented on how he loved the way the silk dress looked on me. I had Nikki to thank for that. She had mentioned during one of our calls that whenever they spent the evening together he requested that she wore one of the silk dresses he had bought her. It was a very dark of me to wear something that my husband would buy for his mistress, but this was all for a bigger goal. To destroy everyone.

When Clyde and I were done and considerable tipsy, I lead him to our bedroom.


"Where is the surprise my love?"

"Me silly. I have missed you..."

"Oh babe...don't mean to kill the vibe but I am really tired after that meal."

"Oh...I thought maybe..."

"Yeah sorry, I am really tired I am just going to shower but thank you so much for the amazing dinner."

He gave me a kiss on the lips and left me standing there and closed the bathroom door behind him. Every part of me wanted to run towards that door, kick it down and punch him in the face. I wanted to scream and call him every single foul name in history. But that would mean my plan would be ruined.

I went downstairs to finish what was left of the whiskey and I noticed on the table my phone had more missed calls from Nikki and a message.

Diana, Clyde came to see me at my place tonight. I tried to call you, I am so sorry.

Clearly he had already gotten his dessert before he came to me. I could literally feel the ice particles forming around my heart. I took another sip and replied to Nikki's message.

You know what Nikki, I don't think that I can be with him anymore. I want a divorce. You have my blessing and of course my sisterhood forever.

After sending the message I went and grabbed another bottle of whiskey in the home office. I looked at our wedding pictures on the wall and I could feel the ice particles around my heart transforming into an ice berg. The sound of Nikki's reply pulled me out of my daze.

Diana I cannot be with him either, but you are such an amazing person. He definitely does not deserve you, I am on your side.

Got her! One thing I picked up about Nikki is  that she had some sort of self respect, regardless of the fact she was pathetically naive and easy to manipulate. To begin my plan I needed her complete and utter trust and for her to see me as the real victim between the both of us.

Nikki all of this has been so stressful for me. What are you doing Saturday night. There's this ladies lounge I love. I want you to come with me. 🍸

Ladies lounge was definitely not where I was taking her. I had a more exciting place in mind.

I would love too! See you Saturday

This was too easy.

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