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That evening with Clyde had left me emotionally distraught so I decided to visit my sister Lucy for some catch up time. She was the only person in the world that I did not have to pretend with and more importantly she was the only family I had.

" Diana this plan of yours could really get the girl hurt."

"So what. Why should I be the only one suffering?"

" What makes you think she is not suffering as well? She got played too!"

"Hey! Whose side are you on?"

"The right side. Clyde deserves to suffer alone!"

I understood where Lucy was coming from, but I genuinely did not care. Nikki had to be held accountable for the part she played. I mean really, what woman spends such a long time with a man and suspects nothing.

"I actually need your help this weekend with Nikki. I am taking her to Jungle Book and..."

"Diana! Jungle Book?! The sex club?"

" Yes Lucy and I need your help making sure that Clyde is there. "

"How the hell..."

"You are going to tell Clyde you need to speak to him. Clyde adores and respects you. You will have dinner and then all of a sudden you will get a phone call from a friend asking you to fetch her because she's stuck at a club with a guy whose all of a sudden become violent. "

"Okay ... but why would Clyde come and rescue some girl he has never met before?"

"Because he's a hero. Clyde always wants to be a saviour. When him and I met, I was this broken little girl he wanted to fix. And after speaking to Nikki... she was the same."

"How so..."

" Well granted Nikki comes from a well-off family. However she told me she can count how many times in her life she has been able to spend time with her biological mother. Her mother and stepfather have financially supported her all the way by taking her to the best schools, always driving the latest cars and she could go on holiday whenever she so desired."

"Okay sounds like she had it good. What did she need saving from?"

"Not so much saving more than she needed to fill an emotional gap. Her stepfather said he would marry her mother with the condition that Nikki could not live with them. She would have to go to boarding school and only see her own mother during holidays."

"Sounds like she didn't fit the perfect picture life they needed to portray. Diana you of all people know what it feels like to be rejected. Is this really necessary..."

"What they did to her was disgusting, cool! But the plan goes on!"

Lucy opened her mouth to speak but I quickly got up and went to the kitchen to fetch more wine. I knew there was nothing my sister wouldn't do for me, just like there was nothing I wouldn't do for her.

A few years ago when were in our early teens and living with a psychopath of an aunt, I had done a terrible thing for us to gain our freedom.Our mother had died from an incurable disease and after the funeral our father became an alcoholic. One night after a few beers he decided to go driving and he ended up driving himself off the road into a river.

Demonic Aunt Susie was placed in charge of our care and I still have a scar on my lower back from the time she was drunk and tried to stab me with a pencil. But the thing about me is that I am very protective of the people I love. She pushed me too far when she tried to burn Lucy's hand on a stove. We told no one including the police the truth about our Aunt's 'accidental' death.

"Diana what's taking you so long, come back with the wine already!"

I grabbed the wine and rejoined her on the couch. She gave me a warm hug but I became angrier when I saw the burn mark on her hand. Our aunt had grabbed Lucy and placed her hand on a burning stove as a form of punishment for apparently not washing the dishes the way she liked. I looked up at my sister and I could see from the concerned look in her eyes that she was reading my mind.

"Diana, you did what you had to do. She would have killed us."

"Maybe Clyde cheating on me is my punishment."

"No! The only person who deserved to be punished was Aunty Susie. She was evil and I think you're a hero."

The phone rang and it was Nikki on the caller ID.

"Hi Nikki, something wrong?"

"No not at all. I just wanted to confirm our plans for Saturday. I have no idea what to wear."

"I am sure you will look amazing. I will pick you up for starter drinks and dinner somewhere before we head out."

"Oh... how about I just meet you there."

"No problem, I will text you the address."

"Bye Diana."

Nikki was incredibly gullible and for some reason that left me feeling uneasy. No one could possibly be this stupid. But that did not matter, the plan still had to go on.

Clyde needed to remember, that heroes die alone.

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