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Nikki was already drunk. She looked cute in her dress but she was embarrassing me at the restaurant. She was loud and rowdy and definitely in no condition to head to a club, let alone a sex club.

This should have been the moment where I changed my mind and decided not to act upon my need for revenge, but I was at a point of no return. She was downing tequila like it was water and I hated just how much fun she was.

Clyde must have been bored with me, because what I considered inappropriate and embarrassing all the other men in the restaurant loved it. They couldn't stop looking, smiling and complementing her at every chance.

At some point it was too much and I slipped away for some air. I took my phone out of my bag and noticed three missed calls from my sister. I looked back to see if Nikki could at least walk and there she was, being assisted off the table by the men she was entertaining.

"Really Clyde, is this what you've ruined us for."

I called Lucy back but she was not answering and after the third time I gave up. I walked back into the restaurant and Nikki waved at me to come closer. I walked towards her with a fake smile on my face while internalising my disgust.

" Diana! Come join me! "

"I think it's best if I get you water Nikki, you seem a little overly intoxicated."

"Nonsense! In fact let's go to the Club right now! Whose coming with us!?"

I analyzed all the men that let out a celebratory roar and most of them had rings on their fingers. Just like my Clyde these married men were drawn to this woman. I could feel the hate in my heart overflow like lava out of a volcano.


"Lucy... What the hell are you doing here?"

"I tried to warn you. Everything was going okay until one of Clyde's colleagues called him and said you are here. He must have mentioned you were with Nikki because he had a terrified look on his face when the call ended. He asked me what did I know. "

"Damn it! And what did you say?"

" I said you told me you were having dinner with a friend."

"Damn it... So where is he now?"

"Coming in now. I told him I was desperate to pee and so I ran ahead. I am so sorry..."

"It's not your fault. You did everything I asked."

At the corner of my eye there was Clyde looking absolutely terrified. I almost felt sorry for him and my wifely instincts were telling me to run to him but then I saw exactly what he was staring at, her!

I could feel myself reaching breaking point. I wanted to run over and strangle him. Lucy must have sensed my anger because she was holding my hand. I looked over at her and then at Nikki and to my horror Nikki was walking towards Clyde but her demeanor had completely changed. She looked completely sober, her walk was now stable and her facial expression was intimidating and glowing with evil.

"Lucy are you seeing this?"

"Diana, I have no idea what I am seeing right now. Why is she so pleased to see him?"

I looked at them and they seemed to be having an argument. Clyde seemed very unhappy about her presence and she seemed unmoved by whatever he was saying. He looked scared, but not the just got caught cheating scared. I let go of my sisters hand and started walking towards them.

Just as I got closer, Clyde gave me a sharp look and shook his head slightly. I didn't know what was going on but one thing I did know was when my husband was scared.

I stopped walking, gave a slight nod and turned around. I grabbed Lucy's hand and lead her out the restaurant through the kitchen exit.

"Diana, what is going on?"

"I don't know, but we have to leave."

A tear rolled down my face as I started driving back home. I could tell Lucy was scared but I had no words of comfort with all the confusion and guilt running through my mind. We arrived at the house and I zombie walked to the couch. Lucy went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and handed it to me.

"I know you don't want a glass girl."

I smiled and started crying.

"Lucy what have I done. Why didn't I just confront Clyde, what if he's in danger?"

"Why would he be in danger?"

"I just ... the look on his face...he was terrified."

My phone rang , it was Clyde.


"Diana... what were you doing with Carmen?"


"The woman you were with, what did she tell you?"

"Carmen... she said her name is Nikki and that you two have been having an affair, is it true Clyde?"



"Stay away from Carmen. And do not believe a word that she says."

He put the phone down and I looked up at Lucy.

"Her real name is Carmen..."

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