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It felt good being with Clyde. Waking up next to him felt so natural and so good. I watched him as he slept, reminding myself how much I loved this man and how much I would do anything to protect him.  The only thing that I was dreading was that him coming clean would also mean that I would have to come clean about my past too.

I got up to make my coffee and a few minutes later I heard him coming down the steps. He walked towards me with a smile on his face and I gathered the courage to tell my husband the horrible truth about who I really am.

"Clyde, I need to tell you something."

"Oh no, my other imaginary mistress texted you?!"

"Very funny baby. But no, I need to tell you about the truth of how Lucy and I grew up and what really happened to my Aunt."

"You killed her."

"How did you... Clyde!!"

"Diana, I'm a lawyer. I read people for a living. Every time you brought up your aunt you mentioned how abusive she was towards you and at no point did it ever seem like you were sorry that she died. And every time you told me about how she died, your story never changed and contrary to popular belief, it's actually people whose story never changes that are hiding something, not the other way around."

"But... you still could not have known I killed her."

"True. I actually was just guessing but I knew you were hiding something. So hunny, what happened?"

"She was taking a bath and she ordered me to bring her a bottle of scotch. I had no plans of killing her but when I gave her the bottle she started speaking ill about my mother. Saying she was nothing but a whore and Lucy and I would be nothing but whores. "

"You told me that she accidentally slipped in the bathtub and she was still holding her hairdryer and that's how she died. Are you the one that put the hairdryer in the bath?"

"No, I stuck her big head under water and held her down there till she drowned. I staged the bathroom to look like everything was an accident, including the bump on her head."


"Do you think I'm a bad person?..."

"I think you were an emotionally and physically abused child whose torture led to a psychotic moment against her abuser."

"I doubt the police would think so."

"That's why I am a lawyer baby. "

We kissed passionately and stared at each other.  My mind took me back to our wedding day where he was wearing his charcoal black custom made suit and I was wearing the same dress my mother wore when she walked down the aisle.

"Clyde... I have a plan on how to get rid of Carmen."

"Are you going to kill her?!"

"No... but someone will. She's in the drug business, she has enemies right? You need to find out who they are. Give her false hope about a future, gain her trust and find out who she fears the most. "

"But why would her enemy help us?"

"Baby I own a boutique in an area with a lot of other shops. Getting rid of the competition is what I do. All business is similar to the drug business in that it's not about money. It's about power and territory and whoever is her competition will definitely want hers. She's a smart woman but her feelings for you will have her off guard. Find out who her number one enemy is and where they hang out. I will do the rest."

"What are you going to..."

"The less you know the better. Call her now, set up a date and tell her you're leaving me. During that date, find out everything."

"Yes babe."

"Oh and Clyde..."


"You sleep with her, I'll have you killed. Love you."

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