18. Her

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**sorry for grammatical and spelling errors**

Jungkook's POV

After what happened last night, I started to have an even more soft spot for her. I could tell she was a virgin and no, I didn't take it, yet. I felt friendly enough to give her pleasure but not take her virginity.

She looked so precious in my shirt too. Earlier this morning, I couldn't take my eyes off her. My shirt falling loosely on her body, buttoned up at least half way, seeing part of her cleavage. It was such a fucking turn on.

I didn't know she had a brother though. His clothes were pretty big for me but I had to make do of it if I wanted to take her out.

To be honest, I don't even know how I fell for her. She has this obvious bad girl aura which I'm usually not into. Every crush I had before, they were all cute. Short haired, girly, pearls and ribbons. (Y/n) is none of those.

She's more of a playgirl type, which she really is a playgirl, but I hope I change that. She doesn't look like the type to wear dresses, and skirts. I don't think she wears shorts either, but I'll get her to change.

Based on the looks of where she stays, its not a house but more of a mansion. Her maids didn't look like they took a break at all and everything was so neat. Her parents weren't home and I'm guessing thats the reason why she brings lots of people home.

Just saying, she is really NOT my style, but there's something about her that makes me want to take care of her like she's the most precious thing in the world.

Her eyes so deep every time I look into them. It changes color depending on her mood and the weather. I've always notice the sudden change of the colors of her eyes every time she's angry or disappointed; it changes blue every time she's disappointed and green when she's mad, and whenever she feels neutral her eyes are grey, but turns blue green when she's happy.

Seeing her a lot, she has this habit of biting her lips whenever she's nervous. She also has the tendency to sweep her hair to the back when she gets frustrated.

(is that how you call it? You know the thing that Jimin does all the time with his hair?)

"Jungkook, what are you thinging about?" Her frown from awhile ago turned into a smile in seconds. The soft kind of smile, like the kind of smile that a mother gives a child whenever he asks a cute but inappropriate question.

"All the wonder, you're the answer." I smile back at her and hold her hand again.

"The people who called me were my friends. They actually needed me but I turned them down and told them to do it next time..." I hold her hand once again, leading the way to a different store, looking at her once in a while making sure she's okay.
I feel like I have the slowest updates ever! I'M EXTREMELY SORRY! School got me busy!!!

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