Chapter 41: A Gathering Storm

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Chapter 41: A Gathering Storm


Reese has nearly reached the treeline before she stops, so abruptly that I have to sidestep to avoid crashing into her.

She has Eleanor's visor covering her eyes, and her hands reach out in front of her, groping like she's blindfolded.

I circle round in front of her, waving my hand directly in front of her face, but she doesn't even flinch. Can she not see me?

"Reese," I venture tentatively. "What are you doing? Is the visor malfunctioning?"

She doesn't respond. Instead, she takes a long stride forward, and I have to step off the edge of the path to make room.

"Reese!" I say a little louder. "Reese, can you hear me?"

"Shhhhh," she whispers harshly. She gestures with one hand, swatting at my blindly like I'm some annoying gnat circling around her head. "Go away. You're not needed."

What's happening right now?

I glance past her in the direction of the campus buildings. Maybe I should go back. Forget the visor. I should report directly to Dr. Carlyle's office, and tell him about the text messages I just read.

He'll believe me, won't he? Even if I don't have the visor to prove I'm telling the truth...

The director's residence lies all the way on the other side of campus. I squint in that direction, shielding my eyes with my hand. The sun hangs low in the sky now, and an ominous line of storm clouds gathers at the horizon. I can feel the change in the air that comes with an approaching storm. I shiver slightly as I weigh my options.

I can't go back. Without the visor, I'm back where I started. My word against Maddox's. My stumbling, stammered, awkward lack of poise against Winthrop Academy's most accomplished smooth-talker. I can picture Dr. Carlyle now, clapping a paternal hand on Maddox's shoulder, striving to keep a straight face, but all the while living vicariously through the mischievous antics of his favorite student. Who knows what kind of lies Maddox fed him in the interview panel – and Dr. Carlyle probably ate up every word.

No. If it's my word against Maddox, I don't stand a chance.

I swallow hard, watching Reese curiously. She's lifted her hands in front of her chest, and all ten of her fingers wiggle up and down. Suddenly it hits me, what she's doing. I could almost smack myself in the forehead for being so dense.


Relief pours through me. She isn't heading for The Overlook. She tore off in this direction because she spotted a Communication Kiosk. Now she's inside, typing out a message at some augmented reality keyboard that only she can see.

"Wait," I ask. "Are you sending an InstaQuest? Now?"

Her fingers continue typing as she growls out an answer from between her teeth. "Obviously."

"Who? Maddox?"

She gives a tiny snort, but the corners of her mouth lift upward. "I'm inviting our friend M for a little tete a tete."



I race to Fenmore with Samantha at my heels, praying we're not too late. I need to get to Ellie's room before Reese finds her. I pass the front stoop in a flying leap and shoulder my way through the heavy wooden doors, but my path is blocked as I step into the dormitory's entrance hall. Coming down the marble stairs are Emerson, followed by Dr. Carlyle.

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