Chapter 6

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Read very end for more understanding

Where am I all I see is a wall I remember blacking out and I remember Alex attacked me. I start to cry and I wasn't crying because I was scared and not scared for me scared for Brendon and the boys. Alex had a gun on him I saw it as he was attacking me. What if he shot Brendon and the cops and the boys I try to make any noise to see if not trying to talk for hours helped. I hear a whisper a very quiet whisper. Aleast I can talk alittle "Brendon where are you" I whisper with tears coming down my face I was to scared to move but once I did I saw that I was at a police station in one of the questioning rooms. I was in here alot because of my parents. I knew I was in trouble but I didn't really know why I tried to run from someone who was trying to attack me. They could just bring me in for questioning but where the hell is Brendon I need Brendon. I need my dad I go silent when a cop walks in. "All we need to do is ask you some questions about Alex to get the story straight. Your father is all his way". I still don't speak I couldn't I was just to scared. I eventually speak and tell the story of me and Alex, about his home life, and about him. I really don't understand why he did it he has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I walk out and see Brendon I run to his arms and hug him crying knowing that he is safe.

...................................................................... time skip
I have been in my room since we got back from the police station. I know I'm a mistake and that he wants to take me back to the center. I know I fuck everything up for him and it would just be easier to take me back. He hasn't shown me to the fandom yet so it wouldn't be that hard to just get rid of me. I hear a knock at my door and it opens "pack a bag with all the stuff you care about and clothes. Alot of clothes" I look up its Brendon I stare at him in shock as he walks out. He's really going to get ride of me. Shit. I start to pack a bag wanting to cry but not. I pack everything I care about and all of my clothes because I know I will have to pay everything. I saw on the news that the orphanage was shut down because of all the kids that were abused there but it was still there I could stay there. Alone. Without being abused. I had money for food that I saved up for years. I couldn't let Brendon take me to a new one where i would just be beaten again so I wrote a note. "Dear Brendon, I loved you I cared about you more than anything but did you care. No not a single drop so ill save you the trouble instead of wasting gas taking me to a new adoption center (and yes I did know you were going to take me) ill leave now. I Still care for you and I still love you but I guess its not the same good bye Brendon atleast I thought I had a dad for a little bit." I sign off that letter and crawl out my window I'm not afraid of heights so whatever I drop hurting my ankle but I was prepared and put on a brace before it still hurt but not as bad as it would. I was on the grass I got up and ran as fast as I could. I had my voice back but I didn't speak. I had every piece Of clothing I had and everything I cared about in one bag. WOW. I run about 3 miles stopping only for a minute tops to catch my breath. I finally reach the old adoption center. It looks untouched. I climb in through my secret entry and exit way I would use I went to my old room and sat on my bed and thought to myself aloud. "Wow I cant believe I'm back here". I walk around the adoption center as i wonder if Brendon has seen the note yet a tear drops to the floor. I removed all the tracking stuff off my phone and turned off my location so he couldn't find me through that. I walk around my home that used to be my hell thinking about what happened here but I don't care anymore. If I get a phone call I know how long it is for them to track me so I have to be careful for that. I walk upstairs to my closet sitting on the floor is dry blood and my razor blade. I sit down and pick it up "I don't want to live anymore fuck this shit" I whisper to myself as I'm about to make a cut a get a call from Brendon. He found the letter. I decided not to answer it and I stand up and put the blade next to me on the desk. "Ill do it tomorrow" I say to myself. I lay down to go to bed and my phone rings again. It's Dallon I tearfully decide to answer "Abby where are you" Dallon shouts into the phone "nowhere and why the hell does it even matter Brendon was going to give me up again anyway". Brendon takes over the phone "no I wasn't Abby i care so much about you." Tears are a river out of my eyes at this point "I CAUSE YOU NOTHING BUT WORRY, I PUT ALL OF YOUR GUYS LIFESTYLE IN DANGER., AND THEN AFTER THAT YOU TELL ME TO PACK A BACK EITHER LIKE ALL OF MY CLOTHES AND EVERYTHING ON CARE ABOUT NOT JUST VACATION." I yell and then calm down for what i say next "I love you guys and care about you so much but you were going to get rid of me so i just did it for you" I look over at the razor "we are going to find you Abby just come home" I stare at the blade " no you're not and even if you do it'll be too late I mean let's be honest you guys know what I'm staring at right now I mean basically my only friend and Brendon I love you enough that I'm letting you go I'm sorry". I start to have a panic attack and Brendon hears it "Abby you need to calm down and tell me where you are" I hang up the phone because they can start to track me in like 13 seconds. Still having a panic attack I lay day and curl up in a ball and fall asleep and I turned my phone off.

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