chapter 17

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"Abby" I hear two voices that while I was in the hospital, I was worried I would never see again "Tyler! Josh!" I carefully stand up and hug them but they look so scared to even touch me.  Tyler gets down on one knee and gently rubs my black eye along with some tears from the pain. "hey I have a present for you" he says with a half smile seeing my broken figure. He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a little bracelet its a bendable metal bracelet that says "always with you" it almost broke my heart showing me that he knows he almost lost me. A small tear runs down my cheek and Brendon comes out he has been so protective since I got out of the hospital "WHY IS SHE CRYING" he says as I wipe the tear from my black eye "Brendon I'm fine look" I say handing him the bracelet Tyler just gave me. He smiles and looks at Tyler and Josh "its beautiful" he says as he gets on one knee and puts it on my right wrist the one without the cast of course. I look up at all of them and say "I love you guys so much" I walk inside and change out of my swimsuit being careful but still wincing at the pain. After that I text Noah after the hospital I have tried to talk to him but he understands when I'm to depressed to talk. "Hey you want to come over" I text him knowing Brendon will be okay with it "I'll be over in 10" he texts back "hey dad" I say as brendon walks by "Noah is on his way over" I say smiling he smiles back and says "okay". I stand up and brush my hair as I don't care enough to try and hide my scars and black eye hopefully he will understand. I hear someone walk into the front door as I wipe yet another tear from my eye as I look at my bruised and broken body. I have always hated myself but now that I look even worse its hard to even look into the mirror and when I do I cry. How does Noah see anything in me. Before I have time to think about it he knocks on my door he looks at me with the same sad smile that brendon gives me. I stick out my hand for him to grab without saying anything I drag him out of my room and past brendon "abby" he says and I look at him with one look that means 'its okay'  and he nods his head. I continue to drag Noah to the backyard I carefully get on the studio roof and then the house roof Noah soon follows. The sun has set and the stars are bright "you wanna know something" I say leaning my head against his shoulder "we are all going to die one day" I say "yeah but every other day we live and we live with each other" he says looking down at me and smiling I laugh slightly "I love you" I say looking up at him scared what he will say because we have never said it before. "I love you too baby" I lay back and look at the stars "how the hell did I get you I was ugly to begin with then the car accident with my broken bones and black eye and yet I got you" he smiles and says "no I got you".  I roll my eyes and we get off the roof "okay baby I have to go I love you" he says "I love you too" I say as he walks away. I walk inside the house and Brendon asks me to sit down. Dallon, Spencer, and Zack were all on the couch. On my crutches I hop over to the couch nervously "whats up" I ask "how are you feeling from the car accident" Brendon asks "I feel okay it still hurts but that's expected with the broken bones and the black eye is healing" I say. "And hows your depression" he asks "it has its up and downs but its not getting in the way most of the time" I say. He looks at the guys and says "okay I think its fine" I look at him and the boys confused and they all nod their heads. "Okay Abby your going on the pray for the wicked tour with us". I stare at him shocked "I  thought I couldn't" I said almost as a question "well we talked about it and yeah you can go if you want" he says "of course I want to go" I say then holding my ribs. "Abby are you okay" brendon asks kinda worried "yeah I'm fine its just the broken ribs" I give him a half smile and change the topic "when do we go" I ask "next week early Monday morning". I stand up carefully on my crutches, tomorrow I get my boot so I can go back to my room instead of the guest bedroom because I'll be able to go up the stairs easier. "Goodnight boys goodnight dad" I say going to the room. I wake up the next morning to the smell of bacon and the sound of brendon singing Impossible year I hop out on my crutches and smile "okay we are going to go today" he says excited "what" I say laughing. "we are going to going to get your boot and then pack and its going to be great" he says very loud "how much weed did he smoke" I ask Dallon "none" he says and I looked at him shocked and Brendon chuckles.  "Okay dad lets go" I say pushing him out the door we get in the car and drive to the doctors and we quickly get my boot and drive home.

Ahhhh okay I know I suck ass its 1012 words this time I'm sorry guys.

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