Chapter 4

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"WHO THE HELL WAS THAT" Brendon asked concerned for me " it my best friend Alex he has been there though everything even through my caretaker he tried to get me out of there a couple times but he never could he was just worried you would hurt me" I say looking down. " Abby" he grabs my arms " I would never hurt you" I looked down wondering if that's true everything in my heart is saying it is but I was to scared to trust anyone. Dallon gets a phone call and steps outside I know Brendon is disappointed that I don't trust him yet we walk over to the couch and Dallon walks in and says that he has to leave to go home to his wife and kids that left me alone with Brendon once again. "I-I have to tell you something" I shudder just bringing it up " what is it" Brendon days worried of what I should say next "I can't call you dad yet because dad to me is a bad word a word that comes with trust breaking and pain. When I lived with my parents my dad was always abusive and violent when they got arrested I didn't really mind until the abuse I got from my caretaker was worse. After that when my dad got out of jail if I went with him I wouldn't mind living there. My mom died in jail and my dad got out I went with him and for about a month it was wonderful he gave me everything I ever wanted and I thought he loved me I trusted him again. I started to call him dad again then one night he tucked me into bed and then about an hour later came in my room" I started to choke up and Brendon said "it's okay keep going" I knew he already knew what i was going to say but I think I need to know. As tears come out of my eyes "he-he took it from me" I slowly say " WHAT HE TOOK WHAT " he scared me when he did that " YOU KNOW WHAT" I yell crying and he hugs me in the tightest hug I have ever felt. It felt like he cared for me and loved me we turn on the TV and watch a few movies and I fall asleep.

Brendon POV

She fell asleep on my shoulder she didn't want to leave my side since she told me what her dad did to her. She doesn't deserve that she is the best person ever. The hell she has been through has been the opposite of what she deserves. I knew she was special the moment I heard her sing she sang with passion and pain you could see her bruises and cuts it made me want to cry. She was small and hasn't eaten much in three 2 days she's been here I needed to put her to bed. I pick her up her almost lifeless body was very light it was too light it wasn't normal. I need to make sure she eats she has been through more than I could ever even imagine. I love her with all of my heart the fact that she can't call me dad yet is OK but I hope she trust me one day.

Abby's POV
I wake up at 8am in my own bed Brendon must have carried me up here when I fell asleep. I lay in bed thinking about what happened the night before. Not wanting to move scared of what Brendon might do because of last night. I don't know if I can trust him I want to so bad but I just can't. I could trust him when I listened to him. I could trust him when he didn't know I existed. I could trust him when we weren't behind closed doors hell I could trust my dad if we weren't behind closed doors. There will always be my past. My past will define me for my whole life. I hear Brendon talking downstairs as I head downstairs the front door shuts and whoever was here left. I walk down to find Brendon smiling "good morning my love" I stare at him strange. "Anyways.............. what are we going to do for school" I ask not really wanting to go. "Well how do you feel about online school" he said waiting for an answer "yeah I think that would be great but why not just send me to a normal school not that I want to go". I had already been on schools and I hated them the teachers looking at me strange and saying that I deserve the abuse having a panic attack every time I hear it knowing that they were probably right. " Well because what are we going to do when we go on tour" he says smiling "WHAT ME TOUR I CAN WAKE UP FROM THE DREAM NOW" I yell excitedly he laughs and hugs me " Who are we going on tour with" I say. "Well that's a surprise for later" I roll my eyes " but I need to know now" " well you will just have to wait now how would you like to sing on tour" he asks. "Me no way I suck at singing and" before I could finish my sentence he interrupts " Abby I have know you were talented ever since I heard you sing at the restaurant". "Wait that was you who grabed my arm" I say in shock "yep" he says. I need to just be honest with him there is so many things that he doesn't know because I'm scared to tell him like my teachers and so many other things burning know he will just send me back to that hell whole. "You need to eat" he says " but I'm not hungry" I say but that's a compliment lie but I can't eat Mrs always told me that I and not aloud to eat and that she was doing me a favor . That's one thing that Brendon doesn't know I think he want someone who eats " don't lie to me you way like 84 pounds your almost 14 that's not okay". Upset I didn't care what I said thinkimg that he was going to take me back I said the first thing that popped into my mind not caring what it was " why the fuck do you care you just adopted me for the looks do you could look good". As I said that I ran upstairs crying starting to have a panic attack trying to calm down I hear banging on my door. I finally calm down and hear Brendon singing . I lean against the door with my back on it and I know his is on the other side. "How do I trust that your not just hear for the fame" I ask not giving a shit about feelings anymore. I couldn't feel anything anymore Maybe just pain "I know you cant trust me yet but I care for you so much". He says like he actually means it but pain and fear cut out any happiest I've might ever have. "Just stop. Stop acting like you care just get the fame you want in public and just stop when there's no cameras because all your going to do is fuck with my mind." Tears is all I feel but I know deep down I just know he loves me "all my life I have wanted someone to want me. I have wanted someone to give me house and to love me and give a shit" I yell. "I give a shit Abby. I care about you so much I wouldn't have adopted you if I didn't I care Dallon cares and everyone that you will meet will care because you are so amazing and I want to give you the best life" I told Alex he would never hurt me so why don't I believe it I'm just so scared I stand up and unlock the door I back away as he opens it I drop to me knees and say "please just d-dont hurt me.

Brendons POV
"Please just d-dont hurt me" she says it hurts my soul to here that. I love her with all of my heart and I get it. It's hard to trust anyone when you have been through as much hell as she has been through "I will never hurt you" I gulp getting ready to say the next sentence. "I know its hard for you trust but I wont hurt you. I get it closed doors are scary and I know you don't eat and I know you used to cut and this and that and I know you have had a hard past but the best part about it is that its the past. I know you feel that your past defines you and to a point it does. But as long as your with me you will have to much of a future to let your past define you." I slowly pull her into a hug and for the first time she lets it happen right away

Abby POV
"I-I-I trust you" I say but wanting so bad to say dad at the end of that but my mouth wont let me. He hugs me and shortly after starts to pull away but i don't release. I don't want to because I feel like if I do it will all go away and I want it forever. "You need to meet the band before we go on tour how about tomorrow" I hesitantly say "sure".

Okay everyone I would love to continue but I really think meeting the band should be separate from whatever this was please leave a comment saying if you like it or not and if your confused about something

Also go check out ahcwolves4305 she is one of my best friends and the reason I made this story
See you guys next weekend I guess maybe an early chapter but no promises but leave a comment 😏😏😏 and leave story suggestions

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