Scene 38

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(Open scene at the Harvard ball with Rita and Roberto)

Roberto: You look absolutely stunning tonight, Rita.

Rita: Thank you. Roberto, I'm-

(Enter Camilla and Joe)

Roberto: Oh, hey. Rita, I would like to introduce you to my friends. This is Camilla Brown and Jason Xu. Guys, this is Rita.

Joe: Nice to meet you.

Rita: You too.

Camilla: What is your major?

Rita: Major? Oh, no. I don't go here. I'm still in high school.

Camilla: Senior?

Rita: Junior.

Camilla: You look mature for a 16-year-old. 

Rita: Thank you. What are your majors?

Joe: Law.

Camilla: Medicine. I met Roberto in class.

Joe: We meet at a party. How did you meet Berto?

Rita: Pre-school.

Joe: Long time.

Rita: Yeah.

Camilla: Are you guys friends?

Rita: Well, I'm his date for tonight.

Joe: Date?

Roberto: Yes. Why do you seem surprised?

Joe: She just doesn't seem like your type, ya know?

Rita: I'm going to the washroom. 

Camilla: Do you know where it is?

Rita: Not at all.

Camilla: Here, I'll show you.

Rita: Thanks.

(Exit Rita and Camilla)

Joe: Nice girl.

(Change scene to the woman's washroom with Rita and Camilla fixing up their make up)

Camilla: Don't mind Joe. He's a little mouthy sometimes.

Rita: It's fine.

Camilla: What's actually wrong, because we both know that you're not fine.

Rita: *exhales* I really don't want to be here if I'm being honest with you.

Camilla: Why is that?

Rita: I am being forced into coming here by my grandmother because she hopes that I'll forget my boyfriend that I have at home. Who, by the way, only disapproves of him because he is not Columbian.

Camilla: I did not see that response coming. Does Roberto know?

Rita: I've been trying to tell him all night but when I bring it up something interrupts me.

 Camilla: I can tell that Roberto is very grateful for you being here. With parents like his, all he comes across are disappointed arguments. Try to tell him though. I know he doesn't want to trap you into something that you don't want.

Rita: I will if I get a chance.

Camilla: Want to head back?

Rita: I guess.

(Exit Rita and Camilla)

(Change scene back to the gala ballroom with Joe, Roberto, and Cody)

(Enter Rita and Camilla)

Roberto: Rita, welcome back. I have someone else who I want you to meet. This is Cody. Cody, this is Rita.

Cody: Hi, nice to meet you.

Rita: You too. Roberto, may I talk to you outside for a second?

Roberto: Sure.

(Exit Rita and Roberto)

(Change scene to outside on camps)

Roberto: So, what's up?

Rita: I have to come clean, Berto. I've been meaning to tell you, but the gala has been occupying your time completely. I haven't really been able to talk to you one on one.

Roberto: Well, what is it that you wanted to tell me?

Rita: Look, Roberto. I think that you are a great guy, I really do, and you'll find a girl who'll care for you, but that girl isn't me. My heart belongs to someone else. A boy back in Toronto. I have a boyfriend. I am so sorry.

Roberto: Me too.

Rita: You're sorry? What are you sorry about?

Roberto: Not the "sorry" part, the "boyfriend" part. I'm gay.

Rita: What?

Roberto: That guy that I just introduced you to, Cody, I've been in a relationship with him since the 11th grade.

Rita: You're gay?

Roberto: Yeah.

Rita: Why bring me here then?

Roberto: My family doesn't know, and I don't plan on them finding out anytime soon. I know the situation that you're in, having to hide and all. So, I thought that we could help each other. On the surface to our families, we look like we're together, but underneath we'll be free to do whatever.

Rita: Are you being serious?

Roberto: Over my heart.

Rita: Count me in. I couldn't hope for this to come out better.

Roberto: You cannot tell anyone though. Okay? We can't have this plan blow up in our faces.

Rita: I promise.

Roberto: Perfect. Let's get back. There is a gala waiting for us. 

Rita: You go. I'll meet you back in there. I have to get some air.

Roberto: Okay.

(Exit Roberto)

Rita: *takes out her cell phone and calls Bowie*

(The phone rings and Bowie picks up; Bowie's side of the conversation is heard over the speakers)

Bowie: Hello?

(Bowie is obviously intoxicated)

Rita: Hey, baby. I've missed you tonnes.

Bowie: Baby?! *slurring* You must have called the wrong number. This is Bowie. Remember the guy you left to be with that Harvard educated shmuck?!

Rita: I have something to tell you.

Bowie: If you are going to apologize don't! You don't understand how much I care for you. I give you my heart and you stomp on it! You stomp on it like a DDR machine! *hardcore slurring*

Rita: Are you drunk?

Bowie: Oh, so now I show you my real feelings I must be drunk!? Huh?! You know what?! Go back to that little boyfriend of yours. You deserve each other! *Hangs up*

Rita: Bowie! *takes the phone off of her ear* Bowie? *looks down at her phone* please don't do this... *starts to tear up*

(Rita sits under a tree and starts to cry into her hands)

(Scene goes dark)

(End scene)   

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