Scene 49

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(Open scene on the 29 Dogs tour bus with Cole, Layton, Lyle, and Burton)

Lyle: Where is he? We should have left by now. We need to be in Alberta tomorrow. We're gonna be late.

Layton: This drama queen has to stop pulling this shit.

Cole: He'll have to turn up soon. 

Layton: You didn't have to deal with his crap last week. You were too busy doing whatever the hell.

Burton: Where were you last week anyway? Now that we're on the topic.

Cole: I was in Toronto for a couple days.

Burton: Why?

Cole: Why do you want to know?

Layton: Just tell him you're shagging his sister already.

Burton: What?!

Cole: Burton, I-

Burton: With my sister?! Ash?! Are you fucking kidding me?! 

Cole: Let me explain.

Burton: No! All this makes sense now, you sneaking around! I know the games you play, but not on Ash! You stay away from my sister!

Cole: Burton-

Burton: *storms off*

(Exit Burton)

(Enter Rocco)

(Rocco is noticeably tipsy and has two girls, one under each arm)

Rocco: ♪♪ Sweet Caroline, Bum, Ba, Bum ♪♪ *notices the tense scene* Oh, come on. Who died? Lyle, lighten up, my man. Here, babes, hold this. *hands one girl his sunglasses and the other his coat*

Lyle: You are an hour late!

Rocco: What's an hour in the industry of music, my friend?

Layton: Where even were you?

Rocco: I would totally recommend it. There's this little karaoke bar on the main street downtown. That's where I met these fine ladies. This is Haley, and that's Kaley, and their twins *winks at Lyle* 

Haley: Actually, I'm Haley.

Rocco: Of course you are. *kisses her cheek*

Lyle: I'm gonna say this in the nicest way I can. I couldn't give less of a fuck right now if they're Bailey, Haley, Shalee, or whatever. They've gotta go.

Rocco: Come on, Lyle, Mate. We haven't even gotten to the fun part.

Lyle: Does Rose know about this?

Rocco: It's not like she needs to know.

Lyle: Ladies. *grabs Rocco's coat and sunglasses from them* It was nice meeting you and all, but it's time for you to go.

Rocco: What?

Lyle: Bye.

(Exit Kaley and Haley)

Rocco: Aye, at least get me a refund.

Lyle: A refund?! You were messing with fucking hookers?! Those were hookers?!

Rocco: Yeah. What about it?

Lyle: What about it, is that I still have a bloody contract with you and expect you to at least show up on time, sober, and without hookers!

Rocco: What's good about being a rockstar if I can't do this shit?

Lyle: Rocco, just sit down. We are already behind schedule.  

Rocco: No. I'm not working by your fucking schedule anymore. I'm not your little lab rat! I'm done! I have better label contracts to go with anyways. Fuck all of this!

Lyle: Label contracts?

Rocco: In the states. Solo contracts. Gigs where I don't have to drive around in this fucking tin can during goddam blizzards. *starts to walk towards the door*

Lyle: It's a mistake, Rocco. Don't do this.

Rocco: This whole band was a mistake.

(Exit Rocco)

Lyle: Shit.

(Moment of tension and silence)

Layton: So, are you gonna go get the bastard?

(Exit Lyle)

Cole: Why did you tell Burton that shit?

Layton: Man, don't be mad. He had to find out at some time. I'm gonna go take a leak.

(Exit Layton)

Cole: *turns on the tv and the news channel comes on*

TV News Reporter: Breaking news in from Toronto. Two bodies have been recovered from the Fairview forest in Richmond Hill. One teen male was found dead and has been identified as Finnagin McNick.

TV News Reporter: The other is in critical condition. She has been identified as 17 year old, Ashlynn North. 

(Cole's reaction intensified)

TV News Reporter: The area is still closed for an investigation.

(Scene goes dark)

(END Scene)  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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