Chapter 11

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~~~~~~~I couldn't come up with a name for this chapter, so I just called it chapter 11, haha.~~~~~~~~~

After meeting the little boy- which I have come to know as Sammy- we decided that we couldn't bring Sammy along on our 'haunting spree'. And Jackson knew just the person to look after little Sammy(that's my nickname for him).

The 3 of us headed down a little dirt road that didn't have much activity on it. As we kept walking though we soon saw a couple of small houses that looked like they were the ones originally built on the lot. I mean they looked pretty old.

We walked up to a little blue house with Jackson leading the way. There was a beautiful walk way that led to a porch well decorated with pots of flowers and a few wind chimes above us.

We stood in front of the door on the porch when Jackson turned to us and spoke up.

"This is my grandparents house, but my grandpa is the only one that lives here, well as a human. My grandma passed and when I passed I liked to swing by here often and I soon found out my grandma hasn't left here.",Jackson explains.

"So she won't mind taking care of little Sammy?" ,I ask bending down and slinging an arm around his waist and placing him on my hip.

"I'm her pride and joy, she'll do anything for me",Jackson says proudly.

I shake my head and laugh lightly while we make our way into the house.

I take in my surroundings as we all step into the house. The walls have a light yellow paint, with a couple pictures of flowers here and there, a spiral staircase leading to the upstairs, and light wooden floors throughout the living and dining room.

Jackson nudges my arm. "Nice right",he says.

I nod and we make are way to a rocking chair in the living room where an old lady is sitting. She has pale skin with short white hair and natural skin, that shows her age but in a good way. It looks like she aged beautifully until her last days.

She looks up and gives us a warm smile.

"Jackson sweetheart, what a pleasant surprise",she says rising from her chair.

"Hi grandma, I would love to stay and talk but that has to wait. would you mind watching our friend for us?",he says with a half smile.

"Of course anything for my little Jack",she says and pinches his cheek.

He rubs the area where she pinched him and flushes with embarrassment.

"Grandma",he whines and she just chuckles.

I set Sammy down and hold his hand. the grandma turns to us and examines us from head to toe.

"I never got your names dears?"she asks.

"I'm Elena and this is Sammy, the one you will be watching" ,I say.

Sammy lets go of my hand and walks up to Jackson's grandma and smiles.

"You seem very nice",he says earning a chuckle from all of us.

"I can see you two are going to get along just fine",Jackson says.

I kneel down near Sammy and take his hands in mine.

"We will be back soon.Behave for misses..." I trail off realizing I never caught her name.

"Sanders, but you can call me grandma" ,she says with a smile.

"Okay",Sammy says and hugs me.

I give him a quick peck on the cheek and Jackson and I head out of the house. Jackson and I look back to see Sammy doing a puzzle with Mrs.Sanders. We give one last wave and head out.


This was just a quick update so I would be able to get to the drama with jake when I update on Friday or Saturday of next week. If I didn't put this in it wouldn't make any sense in the chapter I put up next update. thanks for the votes and I will see you all next week. ILY. BYE!


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