Connect the dots

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Chapter 26

"I'm gonna go talk to Jackson for a couple okay? Just to go sort some things out" I tell Mae and Sammy.

Sammy and Mae nod in response and let me go, but before i can walk away I feel a tug on my sleeve. I turn around and see Mae.

"Whats gonna happen? Whats even going on?" Mae asks with concern.

"Listen, I know its a lot to handle and you just passed on, but I promise I'll have Ronnie catch you up soon. For now just hang tight and explore the area or something. Actually scratch that, dont leave the shop without an adult"

" Since when were you my mom" Mae says crossing her arms and smirking.

"Got it?" I say ignoring her comment.

"Okay fine."

Nodding my head I turn and walk out of the lounge and down the hallway to the bedroom. Jackson should be in there.

"Hey" Jackson says getting up from the desk and making his way over to me.

I have to act all tough now, this is a serious matter. I will not let my feelings for jackson get in the way of the task on hand. Feelings aside.

"Jackson, I want to end this" I say sighing.

"I want this to be over and I dont want anymore lives to be claimed. Mae should still be alive, but because I didnt stop Jake sooner shes not" I say, my voice breaking. Control yourself Elena.

Jackson steps closer to me and rubs my cheek with the back of his hand, evoking my feelings.

"Hey, its okay. Dont blame youself for the wronging of others okay?"

He engulfs me in a hug which I gladly except and bury my head in his jacket. I take in the smell of his leather and the warmth of his embrace, not knowing what will happen after I face Jake. Will things ever be the same? Thats something I dont know.

Nodding my head against his chest I know he's right. I know I shouldn't blame myself but I can't help but feel like I'm the one to blame.

"Look at me" Jackson says placing a finger under my chin, tilting my head up so I look him in the eye, "none of this is because of you, Jake is the one to blame for all of this" he says nodding reassuringly.

"Your right, I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't blame myself"

"It's okay no need to apologize"

We sit in there in silence, but not the awkward kind. The kind of silence where you just need silence to think.

"So we know that was Hades" I say breaking the silence.

"Yeah definitely"

"But why would Hades feel the need to come through the connect picture?"

"I think I know the answer to that" Jackson says sitting down on the bed , so I take a seat next to him.

"I think when you threw the picture across the room, maybe that triggered Hades, and sort of aggravated him" Jackson says reaching behind him, grabbing that wretched bag.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah it is, I grabbed it before I checked on Sammy and Mae, just to examine it" he says shrugging and reaching into the bag, pulling out the connect picture.

The picture is definitely ruined, its whole frame is shattered and the edges of the picture are burned it looks like. Damn, Hades did some serious damage.

"Please resist the urge to scream or throw it across the room again" Jackson says chuckling.

"Haha very funny" I say, sarcasm clear in my tone.

"So see how the edges are burned" Jackson says pointing to the edges.


"Well Hades had to of channeled a lot of aggression and energy in order to cause that kind of damage. It's jus like us for example, if we want to cause physical damage of an object then we have to use as much energy around us. Like when I taught you how to now objects, you used your mind but also the energy in the air" he explains.

Nodding in agreement I start to piece the pieces of the puzzle together. Only I know what went down yesterday with Hades and me, we were all alone. So since I only know what happened means I know what why he's so angry.

I get up and rub my temples, this is a lot to take in. I have Jake I have to take care of and one pissed demon after me.

"I-I, we" I say pointing between me and Jackson, " we have to end this, I can't go another day like this. Hades is getting angrier and stronger, and jake is roaming around in prison. We have to get rid of both of them" I say nodding.

I've never been more sure of myself. This whole situation has caused stress and commotion. What happened to a peaceful afterlife? Why don't I get one?

"And how exactly do you plan to end this" Jackson asks, "enlighten me".

Oh, perhaps I never thought about that.

"Ummm, I don't know but how about we all split up. So one of us takes Hades and one of us takes Jake"

"Who would get who?"

"I get Jake and you get Hades" I says plainly, it's as simple as that.

"It's not that simple" Jackson says chewing on his finger nails.

"We'd have to go as a group, so I say we all take both of them down. So we will work on Hades first since he's the one who is at their most dangerous point" Jackson says nodding.

"But jakes just as dangerous" I say annoyed.

"Yes that's true, but Jake is living and as long as he's locked up he can't kill. Hades on the other hand, has the capability of choosing when people die so we should take care of him first otherwise he may claim others lives" he says more to himself than to me.

"Okay, fine we'll take care of hades first, but on one condition"

Jackson's head snaps up and he looks at me puzzled.

"And what would that be?"

"When it comes time to take care of Jake you don't hold me back, you let me do whatever I'm capable of and if that means causing pain then so be it" I say.

Jackson chews on his bottom lip making him look completely gorgeous and thinks about my proposition. I extend my hand for him to shake, knowing that he will give in.

"Ugh, fine" he says grabbing my hand and shaking it.

A smile of satisfaction spreads on my face and I lean down kissing Jackson. He stands up so he towers over me and I have to stand on my tippy toes to reach him. I throw my arms around his neck and Jackson tangles a hand in my hair.

Okay I know I told myself I would hide my emotions, but I changed my mind. I can't lose my feelings for Jackson or even temporarily turn them off.

If one good thing came out of dying, it would have to be meeting Jackson and Sammy. Finding the love I so hoped for and never got from Jake.

Authors note

I absolutely love Jackson and Elena! naw :3 too cute.

I estimate 10 more chapters at the most, and the ending will be jaw dropping, I know I surprised myself when I wrote it and I hope it will be as good since it's well the ending

SPOILER! LOL! maybe.... just maybe... I may put a sequel up, depending on how the ending goes and if I leave some loose ends.

Okay thanks for reading!

Vote comment if you want and stay tuned >_<


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