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Chapter 17

"Okay, explain boys" I say when we've sat down at the cafe table.

I bring the coffee to my lips and savor the taste of it. It's been so long since I've had coffee. It's the same as Starbucks coffee, except its purgatory coffee!!

"Ok" Jackson says resting his elbows on the table and leaning towards

"So, when you were off exploring the store, Ronnie and I were talking. After a while, we decided to check and see where you were. So we found you in the aisle with random things. And when we found you, you were crying and holding the picture. At first we were confused, but then Ronnie realized something".

He stops their and looks at me seeing if I'm collecting what he's saying. I nod for him to go on. I'm on the edge of my seat here, while he's sitting their silent! Like seriously, I would tell him to stop if I didn't understand something.

"So Ronnie explained..."he says stopping and looking at Ronnie who's sitting their with his hands folded. Ronnie looks at Jackson and nods his head.

"Ok um, so I noticed that the picture you picked up was a connect picture. That's what we call it, a connect picture. A connect picture is a picture of a innocent scene, that looks harmless when you look at it. But when you pick it up, it turns into something not so innocent, but only if picked up by the right person. And your the right person" he says staring into my eyes.

"Wait what do you mean by 'the right person' ", I ask confused.

"It's hard to explain" he says scratching the back of his neck,"Usually the right person is someone with a demon connection. Don't freak out" he says grabbing onto my hands.

Wait? I can't... it's not possible. How could I have a connection to a demon, it makes no sense.

"Your probably wondering how your connected to a demon" Jackson says.
Well look who's a mind reader.

"I-It just makes no sense" I say stuttering.

"Let us help you make sense"Ronnie says.

"Almost everyone that dies tragically gets assigned to a demon when they die. Before you die, you usually see a light and sometimes you see a loved one or relative of family. But other people, see a demon, and it looks like a black mass of smoke. You didn't see a light before you passed, correct?"

I shake my head furiously wanting him to go on.

"Ok. So basically the connect picture was another way for you to find your inner demon. That's why you saw the black mass in the picture. It was your demon giving you a sign that it's present" Ronnie said.

So basically I have a demon. But why? what's the point? I always thought demons were bad or connected to satan? I guess I'm wrong, maybe. I don't know.

I bring my hands to my temples and start rubbing them, for a headache is coming on.

"I think I've had enough information for now. can we talk about this later or tomorrow I just need to process everything. But I want to know what the demon is for, just give me a couple."

Jackson shakes his head in agreement and touches my hand.

"I completely understand, we'll talk more later. We have to get Sammy too, he probably thinks we forgot about him" Jackson says getting up.

I get up too and the three of us walk back to Ronnie's shop.

Ronnie unlocks the shop and the bell rings signaling we entered.

"Ok Ron, were gonna go to pic up Sam from my Nan's house, but we'll be back here within 6 hours and crash here" Jackson says.

"Wait six hours? Why so long?" I ask. Its only gonna take us like 1 hour to get Sam and bring him back.

"There's a big time gap from purgatory to the living world, so it will take us six hours purgatory time for us to get him. But when were in the living world it will feel like an hour"Jackson says.

"Oh, I get it I think" I say scrunching my nose up.

Jackson lets out a laugh and grabs a mint from the counter. I give him a weird look and he smiles.

"What their complimentary, I take advantage of that stuff" he says chuckling jokingly. Although I think he's serious.

I laugh and Ronnie joins me.

"Bye Ronnie" I say waving to him as we head out the door. Jackson waves too and we walk to the exit of purgatory.

Authors note

I updated on Saturday! I find that better than my usually late updates but I feel bad cuz I should've updated on Friday like I said!! Stupid me haha. Hope you like it guys, and any comments you have or criticism, make sure you tell me! they help me write better. And if you guys pass a typo then be a little understanding, I'm typing this at 2:00 in the morning haha. I love you all! Happy readings:)


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