Chapter 13

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Jackson and I left the county jail about a half hour ago and he has yet to tell me where the hell we are going. It's warm outside and the sun is starting to set. I may or may not have a fear of the dark just saying.

Jackson still has a firm grip on my upper arm and I realized a half hour ago their was no point in fighting him. So to make it easier on the both of us I decided to just go with the flow and keep my mouth shut on our 'journey'.

We continue down a path of twists and turns til we reach what I'm guessing is our destination.

An iron door sits on the side of a building in an alleyway that is out of town. The door is a beautiful shade of metallic bronze with black mixed in. It has an intricate design of swirls bent to perfection. The door has an old yet mystical beauty to it.

Jackson releases my arm from his hand. I jerk my arm away from him and rub the spot that is now sore. I get that he didn't want me to resist, but he didn't have to bruise my arm in the process. Pftt men.

"We're going through that door now" Jackson says sternly.

See this is what I mean? Men just don't have a way with women sometimes. He could've said it a little nicer. I didn't resist on the way here did I? No. So shouldn't he praise me for that? Yes. My point exactly.

"What makes you think I'm going?" I say standing my ground and refusing for him to boss me around.

"Look", Jackson says while rubbing his temples and shaking his head,"I don't want to fight but we have to go now, I'll explain later."

Once again Jackson grabs my arm, but this time not as roughly, which I am grateful for. We proceed closer to the door and We slip through with ease.

When we enter the new atmosphere it takes a few seconds for my vision to adjust.

When my vision adjusts I take in my surroundings. The iron door is behind us and we are in what looks like a city. Ahead of me is a perfect cobblestone street with buildings along each side. It looks truly beautiful except... the sky. Instead of being a bright shade of blue it seems to be a blue gray. I have no clue where we are but it gives me a weird feel that I can't quite make out.

Jackson steps away from my side and walks in front of me.

"This is purgatory" he says while waving his arms around in the air at the city... or shall I say purgatory.


"Now I will explain what Purgatory IS. Purgatory is not another place, but a state of the FINAL stage of "purification" that began here on earth. This final stage of purification is God's final work on our soul through His sanctifying grace. It is God's sanctifying grace that transforms our soul fitting for Heaven and to bring us into that perfect union and perfect relationship with God." Jackson explains.

Jackson and I decided to take a walk so he could explain everything to me. First I had to get what purgatory was. And I hope to learn what the hell a poltergeist is is because that has been bugging me since he first said it.

"So basically purgatory is so we can move onto heaven or hell and for spirits who have unfinished business on earth?" I ask. I'm still puzzled by the whole purgatory thing, I mean I'm new to it.

"Yes and no. Purgatory is the stage for certain souls to move onto heaven or hell, the purification stage. So your right about that. And during purgatory you get the chance to finish your business on earth. But you have to be careful." Jackson explains.

"Oh that makes sense, I guess." I say.

"We have to go to a friends of mine. He will be able to explain the rest to you." Jackson says.

"Yay!! I can find out what a poltergeist is finally!" I say doing a little dance and pumping my fists in the air.

Jackson looks at me like I've gone crazy.

"Weirdo" he says under his breath then chuckles.

I playfully punch his arm and then get serious.

"I'm serious. I've been wanting to know what all these ghost terms are since the beginning." I say. And it doesn't help that he uses the words, then won't tell me the meaning. Seriously.

"And you will find out in about ten minutes." he says with a smirk.

"Your annoying" I say.

"Me? Annoying? That's preposterous." Jackson says placing a hand over his heart pretending to be hurt and a shocked expression on his face.

"Believe it" I say.

"Fine whatever we have to get going. My friend Ronnie is expecting us at his antique shop soon."Jackson says.

"Okie dokie" I say.

Jackson grabs my hand instead of my upper arm. He entwines his fingers with mine and I feel heat rise to my cheeks. My heart flutters at his touch and I'm wishing we could be more than friends. But I don't know if I really want that. I don't know what I want.

I've grown to like Jackson over the time we have spent together. He's very nice and understanding despite his rocker guy style.

We head down the cobblestone road down to the shop Ronnie has.

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