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Chapter 31

It's been about a week since we eliminated Hades completely. The days have been better and the nights brighter without him casting a shadow over our world. But one thing still nags me constantly, when I'm awake and asleep. And that's Jake.

Day after day we have been planning and planning! not stopping until we decide our plan is close to flawless. Of course with every plan, there are flaws. But it wouldn't be a good one without them.

Finally today is the day that we, or shall I say I, will end it all. Today I will put a stop to Jakes reign of terror he has over me, the power he has over my soul. Once and for all.


Slipping on my clothes I can't help but feel the adrenaline in the air. I mean, we have been anxious for this day to finally come, all of us. Even Mae and Sammy, although Sammy doesn't completely get the situation.

I look at myself in the mirror and feel satisfied with my appearance, smiling back at my reflection. I exit my bedroom and walk down the hall to Jackson's room.

And I know it's weird but Jackson and I do not share a room. Most couples do, but Jackson and I aren't like most couples. We do not rely on intimacy to keep our relationship going. All we need is each others love and support.

I walk over to Jackson, who is packing a bag of supplies for the mission to the jail.

I lay my hands on his shoulders and kiss his cheek, feeling his mouth curl up into a smile.

"Hey babe, looking good" Jackson says nodding to my appearance.

I giggle and look at myself in his bedroom mirror.

"It's nothing special, just jeans and a blouse" I say giggling a little.

"Yeah but you still look good. You have to look old if your going to kill someone" Jackson mumbles the last part, turning his attention back to the bag and filling it with all sorts of equipment I cannot identify.

I sigh and walk over to him, sitting on the bed next to the bag.

"You don't know if I'm gonna kill him, Jay"

"Really? Because from day one you have wanted him dead and to suffer" Jackson says firmly turning his attention to me.

I just stare at him, what more can I do. I did say that and I do want him dead. But, I may not have the guts to do so once I see him. I don't know what I will do at this point. All I can do is use the plan and at the end see what happens.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of gotten like that. It's just this whole thing has me super stressed and I just want this day to be over and the deed done." he apologizes.

"You don't have to apologize, I know exactly what you mean hun. I just want to finish what was started and walk away like nothing happened"

As soon as I say it I know it was a lie. I will never be able to pretend that nothing ever happened, not after what has happened.

"I know baby, it will all be over soon" he says encouragingly, pulling into his chest. I wrap my arms around his torso and hold onto him not wanting to let go.

When I think nothing could possibly ruin this moment, in walks Ronnie.

"Hey! Guys, tick tock! we gotta get going soon" Ronnie booms pointing to an imaginary watch on his wrist.

"Yeah yeah yeah, we're getting ready" I say breaking away from Jackson and proceeding to the shop.

Sammy and Mae are sitting together giggling about something. I venture closer to them and they both snap their heads to me, looking like criminals caught in the act.

"What's so funny guys?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing" they say in unison, Mae shaking her head back and forth.

"Really, what's in your hands?" I ask, nodding my head to Mae's folded hands.

"Nothing, really" Mae says dismissively.

"It's something for sure" I say, reaching down to Mae's level, prying the object from her hands.

Mae gasps when I suddenly pull it free from her grasp.

I smile triumphantly, and look at what Mae was holding.

A picture of Mae and I, when we were no older than six. We're both smiling ear to ear and a arm is wrapped around both of our waists. We wore Mickey and Minnie costumes, for Halloween. Our noses were dotted with black and whiskers were drawn onto our face. I smile at the distant memory.

"This is when we went trick or treating that one year, after your birthday" I say nodding to ward the picture.

Mae brings her head up looking at me and nods, a small smile creeping into her lips.

"Yeah it was"

"We laughing at you clothe. N' you smile" Sammy laughs.

I can't help but laugh an I hand the picture back to Mae who remains quiet except for a loud smile.

"I see why. I lost my front teeth that year so my smile was all funny."

Sammy bursts into more laughter as he glances at the picture.

"Ready?" Ronnie shouts walking into the room.

"You know I'm right here" I say annoyed.

"I know, just felt like shouting" Ronnie says draping an arm over my shoulder. Mae sends a glare my way and I shrug Ronnie's arm off.

Mae still has a crush on Ronnie and it's only gotten worse since she told me. They seem to talk more, and he even kissed her cheek one day. But that's it. It's awkward, for all of us.

"Ready!" Jackson shouts entering the room.

"Again right here" I say touching my ear.

"Sorry" Jackson smirks.

I grab the bag from Jackson's hands and sling it over my shoulder.

"That makes us all ready" I say pecking a kiss on Jackson's cheek.

"Then lets get going" Ronnie says.

"Are you sure your gonna be on here, alone?" I ask Mae.

"Yes, we'll be fine. Don't worry, I got it under control." Mae assures.

I mentally debate it in my head and realize I really don't have a choice.

"Fine" I sigh.

Mae smiles and hugs me tightly, kissing my cheek.

"Please be careful" she whispers.

"I will"

She pulls away giving a small smile.

Sammy looks up at me and I pick him up, his big eyes staring back at me.

"You be careful missy" he warns wagging a finger in my direction.

"I will buddy" I say kissing his neck, causing him to squeal and squeeze his eyes shut.

I set Sammy down and he blows me a kiss. I mimic his gesture, blowing kisses back.

"Lets go" Ronnie says.

"Lets go"


Authors note.

Second to last chapter here! That means only one more after this!

I can't believe it's over, I kinda don't want it to be.

But I'm prob gonna put an epilogue up after the last chapter.

I'm so grateful for you all reading! it means a lot.

Okay, so one more chapter then am epilogue, and then it's officially over.

Plus, idk when I should update the final chapter. Should I update again on Sunday or wait til next friday??? I need an opinion. please *puppy eyes*

Anywho, thanks for reading:) love you all


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