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At a distance, a young girl is walking down the pavement of a dark road. Rain pouring down at an alarming rate. The yellow umbrella blocked half of her face. But the red lips looks so alluring with a hint of mischief. From the way she was walking, one can tell this girl is extremely attractive. Yet nobody, not even the local gangsters dared to approach her.

At a nearby road, a dark sports car is coming at a fast velocity. The people watching are contemplating whether the driver is drunk or an over privileged rich asshole of a guy.

They can see the car nearly hit a local vendor. The vendor is pulling his 3 wheels cart after a busy day at work. He is happily pulling his cart even when he is too tired as today is his daughter's birthday.

As the car accelerates, the people watching, shut their eyes, some were shouting so the vendor can get off the road and some teenager are prepared to record the accident on their phone. They seemingly prepared for the vendor bad luck.

But. Nothing happen.

As they opened their eyes, what they can see is the girl with the yellow umbrella is flicking her fingers and the sports car sidetracked to the traffic light pole. Ehhhhh.....

Who is that girl? Our female lead is not an ordinary girl. She is a witch. A witch that didn't trust in love. Her name is Wu Shi De.

People looking are dumbstrucked till the girl with the yellow umbrella went on her way and disappear in a dark alley.
"Who is that girl?"
"I can't believe I just see a miracle"
"My phone didn't record anything!"
"You dumbass! Why you didn't record it? We will be famous if we upload that video"
"I was sure I clicked on the button to record though. Arrrggggahhhh, you stupid phone, why did you break now?!"

Two teenagers were arguing with each other. Little did they know, the phone are not broken, its-

People are too pre occupied that they didn't realised, the driver of the sports car are dying. After a while, the vendor who stood there like a statue, shouts : "call an ambulance! He is dying!"

He seemingly have his wits together again. After 10 minutes, the driver are sent to the emergency department.

At the hospital:
"Patient male, 27 years old, whiplash injury, possibly fracture of cervical vertebra", a young intern narrated.

"Performed xray and blood test. Try to contact the family in case we need immediate surgery", a young doctor replied.

"Yes doctor", the nurse quickly run to her desk.

1 hour later~

"My son, where is my son?", a middle aged lady suddenly enter the emergency department and start questioning loudly.

"Is the young guy who was in car accident is your son?" Asked the young doctor.

"Yes, doctor how is he? Please tell me everything"

"He injured his cervical vertebra and with the immediate treatment he will be fine. But his injury are not life-threatening it's just that..." he replied hesitantly.

"But what?! I can pay any amount, and what ever you want I can give. I just want my son to be alright!" The lady hysterically crying and sobbing her hearts out.

"It just, his injuries are not severe but his body seems too weak. It's like the body of a dying patient. Now he is not in life-threatening conditions but he will be in the future if his body continue to weakened" he grimaced at the woman antics.

"What?! You must save him doctor!" She cried.

" We will try our best madam. His body can be nourished to gain strength and we will be monitoring him 24 hours" the young doctor felt sympathy to this woman.

"See that you do doctor. He is all I have left".

The young doctor left after nodding his head to check the woman's son conditions. He felt weird as the guy is just in his 20's yet the body is like a 70 years old man. How can it possibly be? Luckily this hospital has a research department that can give them detailed answer. He clench his fist and hurriedly run to the research department.

That night at Wu Shi De's dreams:

"Why are there so many flowers? Is this my dreams? My dreams is pretty amazing"

A witchs' dreams is the door to her thought. If she is happy, the dreams will be colourful. But if she is sad, the world within the dreams will shattered. If the dreams shattered, so will her mind. She will forget everything.

Shi De trembled remembering what will happen if she lost her memory of being a witch. She will never let it happen. Thus why she hates men. No men, No worries, No shattering dreams and No forgetting she is a witch. Seems reasonable.. at least to her.

"Miao Miao, I saved the vendor's life today! Ain't I awesome?"
"You should stop meddling with the humans! Don't try to change one's fate" the white cat replied.

"Sheesh. You are as strict as a ruler! I just save a live, why can't you praised me?"
"Because I know what will happen if you play with human's life. See these paws? They used to be long fingers, see these fur? I used to not have them! See this tail? I am not supposed to have tail! A witch is not suppose to have all these things! If you play with the humans, you will end up being like me". Miao Miao said with grievances.

"Okay Miao Miao, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I promised not to do those things again. Beside, I am all you have. Who will open the canned food if we both become cats? Cats dont have fingers you know"

"......." somehow Shi De manage to silence Miao Miao.

Miao Miao was a witch, but due to some circumstances she becomes a cat. A cute cat. And she is all Shi De's have. In other words, she don't have family member aside from the cat.

Shi De walked along the flower path to a pond. The pond have clear water. It reflects how innocent she is. The lotus floats on the pond make it looks majestic.

But there's something else floats on the lake. Feet?

"That's a human! How did he get in my dreams? Anyway I'm gonna chase him away!"

She flies with her broomstick and stay afloat above the man.

"Uh-hum.... Sir, what are you doing floating on my pon..d.... um i mean my dreams?"


There is no answer. Seems like this guy is ignoring me. She poke his cheek but there is no response.

"Fine! Be that way. See if I care! But I expect you get out from my dreams later and don't come back! I will come tomorrow and if I ever see you again, I will... I wi..l..l.. , I will feed you to Miao Miao!"
Miao miao was startled. What is this all have to do with her? She's a cat for goodness sake. But seeing Shi De went away, she runs after her.

After SD and MM gone, the unknown guy opened his eyes and smirked.
He thought, even if he want to get away from this strange world, he didn't know how. Luckily he saw them before they saw him, thus he pretended to be unconscious. They will chase him away if he didn't pretend. He tried to get away earlier, but everytime he tried, he failed. More over everytime he failed, he can sensed his body getting weaker. He was so scared after he realised, he couldn't move his legs after his 14th attempt to get away from the pond. So he lied down and stop trying to get out. Maybe, just maybe tomorrow he can move again.

He sigh and shut his eyes as the pond makes his body comfortable like a water filled mattress.

So he slept....

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