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It has been 1 week since Liwei disappeared. Shide has known that sooner or later she will not see him again. But a few months of being somewhat friend/ enemy with that black bellied guy, she hasn't feel lonely. Growing up, she didn't have friend. Only miao miao is there but she's a cat, her family. It's different with ordinary human- a human who knew her secret.
Going into her dreamland, its still pretty but now she feels something is missing. Maybe a few deers? So she created a deer. But no matter how many animals she created, she still feels a bit lonely. She has been pinning for a friend.

"Secretary Zhu, why is our manager seems down lately? She has been sighing all week", a female worker asked.

"The HQ is sending a supervisor to our museum this week. They want to develop the other wing. So our manager has been busy", secretary Zhu replied. Sometimes the gossipers can be too much. Usually she will give her two cents on the matter but she can see that Shide has been truly blue these days.

Shide's office~

*knock knock*
"Come in", Shide chimed from her desk.
Secretary Zhu sit down on the leather sofa and just gazed at the beautiful manager.
Sensing someone is watching her, Shide looked at that person who is sitting crossed leg with her black boots.
"What?" Shide ask nonchalantly.
"What's up with you?"
"What do you mean? As usual, I'm doing work"
"That's not what I mean and you know that", the beautiful Secretary Zhu sighed.
"Nothing. I am fine. Trully", Shide feels weird that someone actually cares about her.
"Okay. If that's what you said but we are friends. So you can tell me anything. You know I am good at keeping secrets", she winks at Shide.
Trying to keep herself from rolling her eyes, Shide smiles,"Yeah, yeah.. and by lunch time we all know gossips about Mr. L and Ms. S.."

"I knew it! Its about men! Finally, the aloof beauty talks about men!", and by the time Shide wants to correct her assumption, the secretary already runs out. She was totally eager to gossips.
"Friends huh! Well, we do have some type of friendships going on", Shide mumbled. The secretary is a good person, but what she wants is a person who she could confided in and not letting the whole world knew her secrets. She sighed again and continued doing her works.

At the research department~

"The vital signs are up!! Patient showed positive sign to stimuli", Dr. Shu was astonished. After 3 months, the patient lying on the electric bed start showing positive mental activity.
"Where am I?", Liwei opened his eyes. But because the light is too bright, he quickly blocked it with his hand.

"Mr. Wang? You wake up?", Dr. Shu mouth hang opened. This is trully a weird case.

"Who might you be?"  Liwei squinting and look at the doctor. That opened mouth looks like a fish though. But he keep his thought in his mind. "Call my mother. I want to go home now".

"But Mr. Wang, you have been in coma for 3 months. You must stay for further check up", Dr. Shu finally get his thought together.

"No need. I'm fine. Now call my driver and let him picked me up", Liwei demanded. The looks he gave can froze the whole department.

Seeing the cold look from him, Dr. Shu quickly makes the arrangement. 20 minutes later Liwei is out from the research department.

With a head shake, Dr. Shu just watched the back of the limo drove out from the parking lot. Liwei come suddenly 3 months ago and quickly goes away after waking up. He had never encountered a more astonished patient as him. "Gather the data on Mr. Wang! I need it asap!", Dr. Shu was almost sure that Mr. Wang wouldn't be able to wake up ever. But, after just 3 months, he woke up like he just went to a very long sleep. With a determination, he swear he will get to bottom of this truly weird case.

At the wang mansion~

A silver limo arrived in a huge mansion. Going through the road, the limo set a contrast from the other limo. The owner of the limo is non other than the ceo of W Empire which is Wang Liwei.

Even with a patient's gown, the young master still looked domineering. The maids and butler lined up in 2 straight lines welcoming the young ceo. At the end of the lines, stood an elegant middle-aged woman. The woman can be seen tearing up looking at her only son.

"Li-er.. you wake up..", Mrs Wang has been preparing to visit her son at the research department but before she can step out from the house, they were informed about Liwei homecoming. These past 3 months, she has been exhausted fending off the wolf eyeing their empire. But seeing her son, the weight on her shoulder, seems to be lift off.

"Mom, I'm home", Liwei hugged his mother to comfort her.

"It's good that you are back. Go change your shirt and come down to eat", seeing her son not eating any solid food these past months, has been breaking her heart.

"Em..", Liwei went to the 3rd floor to his exclusive floor. In the huge mansion, the third floor is exclusively built for the heir of the clan. The Wang clan, has lineage dated back to the last emperor reign. So, many has been setting their eyes on the W empire wealth. So he has been vigilant to not let it crumbled to others. But a slight mishaps happened 3 months ago.

3 months ago, someone managed to drugged him but he escaped. Never had he ever thought that the drug was so potent that it caused his accident. But he manage to keep his life. Thanks to that certain someone. For a brief moment, a smile formed on his lips. The butler who've seen this stop in his track. He rubbed his eyes but the smile on his master's lips has long gone. So he thought he was seeing things. Afterall he had been missing him and has considered his master like his own family.

But in a certain someone's mind a scene has been playing of a short haired woman scolding and arguing with him. "Wu Shi De", Liwei whispered.

"Master, did you say something? I'm sorry my old ear couldn't hear it. Could you perhaps repeat it?", the old butler said while bowing his head.

"I didn't say anything. It's fine old Zhao, just prepare my suit, I'm going to the company", Liwei waved him off.

"Yes master",  he was sure he heard something... but if his master said he didn't say anything then he could only agree.

In his room alone, Liwei was smiling sinisterly. 'Wu Shi De... I will find you', he swears to himself.

At this time, Shi De was sneezing. She thought she was having a flu. So she quickly surfed the internet for a remedy. She drank a whole pot of throat burning ginger tea, she wore 5 layers of clothes till she suffocated, she slept early and do a whole bunch other things to cure her flu. This is because, a witch's flu will cause power chaos. It causes power disarray and strike whatever in the way. So she was trying that hard because of a sneeze.

At a certain high-rised building~

" Boss, why haven't you make a move to take the book back?", the minion asked.

"The fruit harvested at the right time will taste a lot sweeter. She didn't realised the power of the book yet and the book hasn't been activated fully. So, just be patient and wait for my order", Xiajat has no mood to speak more words and resume her meditate-posed.

With no more order from their boss, the minions went out and guard the door.

To be continue~

Sorry, I haven't been posting for as much as i would like. I had exam this month and afterward, someone commissioned for 23 painting so I have to complete it on time. But Merry X-mas everyone!! I was completely exhausted today. Yesterday my Country's association held a X-mas Bazaar and I rent a booth. So, I have been busy and have sore body. And now here I am lying down on my bed and writing this episode.

I still have more commission painting to work on this new year, but I will try to update more...

Do enjoyed and Happy New Year!

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