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After the commotion at her workplace today, Shide felt extremely exhausted. After walking home, she just want to sleep. So she slipped off her work suit, and just wear her underwear with a thin camisole. With a smile she fell into oblivion on top off her bed.

In her dream that night~

"Huaaaaaa!", Shide yawned. She blinks her eyes and wiped the tears.

"Have you sleep enough?", there is a manly voice echoed near her ears.

Instinctively, she touch her ear. That voice makes her ear itches and her heart skip a beat. She look at the direction of the voice.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhh!", she shouted.

Liwei was lying down beside her and was facing her direction.

"What are you doing here?" After calming down, she manage to choke up that question.

"Did you forget that I cannot leave this place?", he asked her back.

"Oooo....", she was speechless. She was really really tired today.

"By the way, nice choice of clothing", he smiled.

Shide look at her clothes or the lack of clothes on her body. She instinctively try to cover her body from his gaze but in the end she decided against it. Trying to be brave, "What? Even high school girls these days wore something more revealing than this".

Liwei stared at her. There is a glint in his eyes but it quickly fades away. And our Shide didn't see it so she remains oblivious. Though she feels self conscious she try to remain indifferent. So, they both remain silent and enjoying the sun.

"Ooohhh I nearly forgot. I got this today", she said while handing the crystal to the close eyed Liwei.

"Where did you get this?", he asked.

"Well, there was this bastard, which kept on hitting everyone in my workplace today. Well, let's just say he got what he deserves in the end", she chuckles.

Liwei, narrowed his eyes at her, but didn't said anything. After putting the crystal on the book, there is another clue being revealed.

By the Gemini,
Where the night showered with light,
Double of everyhing,
One truth, one lie,
One cause chaos and one revealed peace,
Exposed the lies and two will appear.

"Gosh! What the heck is this?! This is too confusing", Shide is not in good mood. On top of tiredness, the clue doesn't make sense at all.

"Gemini in latin is twins. I think it may have to do with twins. Hence, the double part. Do you know the story of Dioscuri? Maybe it have something to do with this", Liwei start making assumptions.

"Dio...sscc... what?! What language is that?", her head starting to spin.

"Basically it is the myths about castor and pollux, where one was immortal and one is not but they were half twins brother", Liwei explained.

"But why is one immortal and one was not?", Shide is so confused. Step-twins? Immortal? That is so confusing. Heck! Even witches and wizards are not immortal. Trully makes one jealous.

"Well, Pollux's dad was Zeus the thunder god and Castor's dad was human. But that is not important. Do you know when is the date for Gemini?", Liwei explained eventhough  it was not what he want to discuss.

"Ermmmm... if I'm not mistaken, it's between May 21st to June 21st?", though Shide is sometimes ignorant, but she do knows about zodiac. Sometimes she do reading based on them.

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