13. HIS THOUGHTS (short chapter)

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He has been walking around the garden for a long time and has yet to see other person. But the area around is just too big. He might even will never see anyone even if another person exist. After a long time walking, he saw a pond with many lotus floating. He stepped forward but found himself didn't sink. So he takes another step till he reached the centre of the pond. He casually lies down and sleep. The pond is so cool. He rarely have time to relax like this in the other world. He remembers that he was drugged and involved in an accident but somehow he was send to this world.

From the slits of his eyes she saw something flying towards him. He was initially shocked but experiencing the strange world in a short time, he overcome his shock easily. So he pretend to sleep. Even when he couldn't see the girl, he heard her voice. And she even threatened to feed him to her cat? What a funny girl. This is his first time wanting to get acquainted on his own accord to a girl. When the girl fly away with her broom, he couldn't suppress his smile.

But the next day, that girl come again and seemingly that girl wanted to eat his tofu! What an audacious thinking! Nobody have tried that and still survive till this day! So he confronted her, and she told him her name is Wu Shi De. So the agreement followed. At first of course he didn't believe her. But he followed anyway. Why? He also didn't know why. Maybe because he was bored in that dreamland?

But when he nearly died at the waterfall, he started to retaliate against her. But not that much since he still need her help to get out from that world. She said, he cried. It has been so long since he cried. So of course he didn't believe her. Unexpectedly, with that tears, they activated a spell book. With each interaction he started to get to know her. He even let her bully him but nothing comes free in this world. After he get back to the real world, she will pay back everything.

After sometime, it was parting time. And he woke up from his comatose state. Waking up, of course he feel discomfort. Apart from his slightly wrinkled brow, nothing indicate that he just woke up after a few months. Without even acknowledge everything around him, he just let the people around him to fetch his driver. Even when that group of people was shocked, he didn't mind them. He already used to it. At first, he didn't feel it was real- the dreamland. But, remembering that girl, he never felt more assured than ever. That girl is real. So he investigated her.

Ha!! She works for him!  Thus he begin his plan.. his foolproof plan.

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