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After confirming the time of the meteor shower, and where it supposed to be, Shide went on a trip.  She doesn't have work that day. She is really eager to see that event. Well, it's not just because of the book but because of her wish. So she had been extra careful today.

Time skip***

It's dark now, and couples have been cuddling, and sitting together on top of the small hill. From where Shide sat, she can see the horizon.

"Isn't it nice if Miao Miao is here with me? Even that obnoxious guy Liwei is welcome. Surrounded by these couples is not what I have in mind when I come alone", she mumbled.

She hated this. So she went on a walk since there is nothing happen yet. After walking, she stop under a tall tree. From a far, there is a young man and a young woman hand by hand walking. That man was wearing a white shirt and khaki pants while that woman wore floral short dress. They looked good together. They went passed her to the lake. After a few more minutes, Shide went on her way. Walking through the busy hill, she stopped on her track. Her eyes widen.

'WHAT?!!'. This is not right. That couple was still at the lake. So why is that guy is sitting with another woman? Maybe a twin? But wearing the same clothes? Isn't they too old to be matchy-matchy? So she just eyed them curiously.

Shaking her head, she knocks onto another tree. She falls down and see black. After a while she wakes up. She pressed her head and thought 'what happened?' She remembered falling. 'Stupid tree', she thought. Looking around, she was shocked again.

'Is this a dream?', she thought. No, no, no... this can't be real! Why were everything doubled? There are practically twins everywhere! She looked right, and left and for sure the couples on the right with the couples on the left look exactly the same. 'Is this a mirror? Or is this a prank?', she thought. She went around the area. Everywhere is the same. Same faces, same clothes. This is weird! What can she do? Can she contact Liwei? No, she need to sleep if she want to do that. And how can she sleep with these many weird strangers? So she gritted her teeth and sat down. Maybe this has something to do with the clues?

So she started recalling the poem:

By Gemini = today's date
Where the night is showered with light = meteor shower
Double of everything = like now? Twins everywhere?
One truth, one lie= like what she sees isn't real? Only one is real? Is it?
One cause chaos and one revealed peace= don't know? She needs Liwei!
Exposed the lies and two will appear= nope. No idea.

'One truth, one lie'..... okay, she got it. She watch her surrounding. What got to her was everyone were dating the same pair of twins. But she clearly saw one twins weren't. They were dating different people. Is that it? The truth and lie? So she needs to find that pair of twin? She started looking around.

Where was that guy? Are they still by the lake? She walked to the lake.

And there they are. That white shirted guy and floral dressed woman. Shide began to imagine the flowers were blooming seeing the romantic scene in front of her. She walked to them.

"Hello!", she greeted the couple.
"Oh, hello", the girl greeted back and the guy nodded.

"So, where is your twin brother? I saw him earlier. I have a business with him", she didn't beat around the bush. If Liwei was here he will probably smacked her head. With her straight forward-ness, most people will be suspicious. But luckily (even with Shide's nonexistent luck) it was not the case tonight.

"...", the guy stiffened.
"His brother is dead", that woman explained with eyes on the guy beside her. She pulled Shide to the side. She looked at the man silently and the man nodded.

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